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Gender Equality, Women’s Empowerment & Gender Equity CARE GED 101.

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Presentation on theme: "Gender Equality, Women’s Empowerment & Gender Equity CARE GED 101."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender Equality, Women’s Empowerment & Gender Equity CARE GED 101

2 Overview Gender: what and why? CARE’s Women’s Empowerment (WE) framework & key concepts Men and Boys

3 Gender is a social construct Courtesy of: National Geographic Channel

4 Gender is a social construct Courtesy Sonke Gender Justice Network

5 WHY focus on gender? “We seek a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and security.” CARE’s core values of Respect, Integrity, Commitment and Excellence promotes diversity and gender equity, choice and dignity for all. We believe we can more effective in our programs.

6 CARE’s efforts to advance Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment 4 year investment in a Strategic Impact Inquiry Development of a women’s empowerment framework Institutional commitment: GED trainings CI Gender Policy

7 Her own aspirations and capabilities AGENCY The environment that surrounds and conditions her choices STRUCTURE The power relations through which she negotiates her path RELATIONS WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT is the sum total of changes needed for a woman to realize her full human rights – the interplay of changes in:

8 CARE’s Women’s Empowerment Framework Agency StructureRelations

9 Girls’ Leadership Voice/ assertion Decision- making/Action Self- confidence OrganizationVision

10 Long-term goal Absence of discrimination based on sex Equality between men and women exists when both sexes are able to share equally in the distribution of power and influence Gender Equality

11 Gender equity is the process of being fair to women and men. To ensure fairness, strategies and measures must often be available to compensate for women’s historical and social disadvantages that prevent women and men from otherwise operating on a level playing field. Equity leads to equality. GENDER EQUITY

12 equal treatment before the law equal access to social provisions Equal access to education Quota for female representatives GENDER EQUALITY GENDER EQUITY Gender equity leads to gender equality Women’s empowerment & girls’ leadership is a critical aspect of promoting gender equality Engaging men and boys

13 WHAT DO MEN AND BOYS HAVE TO DO WITH IT? Important part of the equation A domain in the WE framework is RELATIONS Programming in Action: Burundi


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