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Planning & Practice MNPS Numeracy Coaches Ernestine Saville Brock Mathematics Coordinator.

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2 Planning & Practice MNPS Numeracy Coaches Ernestine Saville Brock Mathematics Coordinator

3 Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools will provide every student with the foundation of knowledge, skills and character necessary to excel in higher education, work, and life.

4 Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools provides all stakeholders quality professional development for adult learning that results in the growth of the whole child and the improvement of student learning.

5  I commit to…  beginning and ending on time  turning my cell phone to vibrate, returning calls and text during breaks  respecting everyone’s opinion  processing our learning  actively participating and having fun learning together

6 8:30 Introduction Balanced Math Framework  Math Review  Mental Math  Concept Lesson: Problem Solving, Manipulatives, Small Group, Centers  Closure (H.O.T. Questions) Break Balance Math in Practice: "Grandmother" Planning resources  Standards  MNPS Pacing Guides 11-12 Lunch Planning  Performance Task  Assessments Planning: Balanced Math Framework  Math Review  Mental Math  Concept Lesson: Problem Solving, Manipulatives, Small Group, Centers  Closure (H.O.T. Questions) Break Group Presentations 3:00 Exit Tickets



9  Name  Where do you teach?  What grade do you teach ?  What is one thing most people do not know about you?





14 K-2  Common Core Standards  Mandatory Pacing  Resources  Activities  Supports Balanced Math 3-4  Tennessee Standards  Mandatory Pacing  Resources  Activities  Supports Balanced Math


16  10 minutes




20  Silence math


22 Make Vocabulary Card Write your own definitions and sketch ideas on the back of each card Keep cards on O-rings or in library card pockets

23 1 Hour


25  Standards (CCSS K-2, MNPS 3-4)  MNPS Pacing Guides  Books (Literature)  Websites  MNPS Wikispaces  Textbook sample access with codes

26  Standards based NOT textbook based!!!  Your text book is an AWESOME resource/ reference book.

27  CCSS K-2  MNPS 3-4  MNPS Wikispaces  Does this meet my current standards?

28  Start with the END in mind!

29  FORMATIVE—checking on learning as students progress  SUMMATIVE—checking on learning at the end of the learning experience  “When the cook tastes the soup, that’s formative; when the guests taste the soup, that’s summative.” (Stake, 2005)

30  Diagnostic Assessment (STAR/AM)  Pre-Test  Quizzes  Teacher Observation  Math Journals  Exit Tickets  Teacher Made Tests  Chapter and Unit Tests  Easy CBM Math (DIBELS)  Discovery Education Assessments (Thinklink)  Benchmark Assessments (Blue Cards)  Performance Task  Projects  TCAP

31  5 Minutes


33  student outcomes/projects  Summative assessment for the unit of study  Directions (10) ◦ Use the Standards Documents on the table ◦ Using the MNPS Pacing Guides for the 1 st Nine Weeks ◦ Produce a performance task specific to your grade level

34  Typically, this involves the teacher posting 4-6 varying math concepts for students to work.  The teacher acts as a facilitator who encourages a variety of ways to solve problems and helps model efficient thinking when necessary.  Students solve problems in their math journals or notebooks.  Correct together and students take turns sharing their individual strategies with the class.  Concepts are consistently revisited throughout the year so that they are not taught in isolation and/or forgotten.

35  Spiral Review  Suggested: ◦ To use the TN State Standards SPI’s/GLE’s TCAP Prep 1 st -4 th grades (All year)

36  One more/one less, before/after, a given number  Counting by twos, fives, tens  Doubles  Fact families  Measurement (time, money, calendar, feet, etc.)  Math Vocabulary/Math Word Wall  Addition &/ or Subtraction Facts  Estimation  Math Around the Room


38 Whole Class Cooperative Groups/Teams PartnerIndependent

39 1 st Students will use their prior knowledge to construct concrete representations of math. 2 nd Students must represent their understanding in a reflective &/or symbolic form. 3 rd One or both forms will be a visual reminder for the understanding of the higher- thinking abstract. Concrete Representational Abstract

40  Students experience inquiry-based methods of understanding key concepts  Use of concrete representation when introducing new concepts  Problem-based interactive learning should be the foundation in teaching for understanding  Teachers implement strategies that help students develop understanding  Utilize resources and methods beyond the adopted textbook  Opportunities to work with small group instruction, enrichment, etc.

41  Instructional Coaches  Super Source Manipulative Kit  Marilyn Burns Math Lessons  Marilyn Burns Math and Literature  Online resources  Math Games  Textbook  Teacher Resource books  Navigations Series (NCTM)  AIMS


43  H.O.T. Questions ◦ Math Journal ◦ Exit Tickets ◦ Oral Review

44  5 Minutes

45  Group 1  Group 2  Group 3  Group 4  Group 5

46  Does this meet my current standards?

47 1. What is the most significant thing you learned today? 2. What component will you implement first and with what math standard? 3. What support do you need next as you implement Balanced Math?

48  Five Easy Steps to a Balanced Math Program for Primary Grades by Larry Ainsworth and Jan Christinson

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