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2 AFTER STUDYING THIS CHAPTER YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO:  Understand Labor Relations and its objectives.  Describe phases of Labor Relations.  Understand union organizing process.  Describe collective bargaining and its process.  Comprehend grievance management and its steps.  Differentiate between health and safety.  Discuss the responsibilities of employer and employee in terms of ensuring health and safety.  Explain stress and identify causes and symptoms of stress.  Demonstrate what an HR Audit entails.  Evaluate tools of HR Audit.

3 LABOR RELATIONS The Relations between Management and labor, especially with respect to the Union Organizing, Maintenance of agreements, Collective Bargaining etc.

4 OBJECTIVES OF LABOR RELATIONS OBJECTIVES  To protect the interest of workers and management through mutual understanding and relationship  To avoid industrial disputes so as to develop a healthy work environment  To improve quality of work life of workers  To increase performance through reducing labor turnover and frequent absenteeism  To provide constructive criticism of the management.  To protect the workers against harmful effect on heir health, safety through enactment of different legislation.

5 PHASES OF LABOR RELATIONS 1 1 2 2 3 3 Union Organizing Collective Bargaining Grievance Management

6 UNION 1 1 Organization of workers, acting collectively, seeking to protect and promote their mutual interest through collective bargaining. 2 2 Organization formed for purpose of representing members’ interests in dealing with employers. Or

7 WHY EMPLOYEE JOIN UNION Higher Wages and Benefits Greater Job Security Influence Over Work Rules Compulsory Membership Upsets with Management


9 ORGANIZING CAMPAIGN In this practice, unions give written publicity to employees to convince them to sign authorization cards. Brochures, leaflets, and circulars are all handbills. In this practice, the unions hire and pay people to apply for jobs at certain companies; when the people are hired, they begin organizing efforts. 1. HAND BILLING 2. SALTING

10 AUTHORIZATION CARD Authorization Card A union authorization card is signed by an employee to designate a union as his or her collective bargaining agent.

11 REPRESENTATION ELECTION An election to determine if a union will represent the employees is supervised by the NLRB for private-sector organizations and by other legal bodies for public sector organization. Bargaining Unit Unfair Labor Practices All employees eligible to select a single union to represent and bargain collectively for them. Various tactics may be used by management representatives in attempting to defeat a unionization effort. Such tactics often begin when handbills appear, or when authorization cards are being distributed.

12 Election Process To become a certified bargaining unit, the union must be accepted by a majority of those eligible voting workers. REPRESENTATION ELECTION Cont... If either side believes that unfair labor practices have been used by the other side, the election results can be appealed to the NLRB.

13 CERTIFICATION & DECERTIFICATION REPRESENTATIVE CERTIFICATION (RC) REPRESENTATIVE DECERTIFICATION (RD) A process whereby a union is accepted as the representative of a group of employees. A process whereby a union is removed as the representative of a group of employees.


15 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING The process whereby representatives of management and workers negotiate over wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment.

16 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING STEPS OR PROCESS Preparation & Initial Demands Continuing Negotiations Settlement & Contract Agreement Contract Administration Yes No

17 FAILURE TO REACH AGREEMENT Picketing Striking Boycotting Boycott Our Employer This Union On Strike Boycott Our Employer This Union On Strike Unfair On Strike On Strike Don’t Buy Here Don’t Buy Here

18 BARGAINING IMPASSE Process by which a third party attempts to keep union and management negotiators talking so that they can reach a voluntary settlement. Process by which a third party assists negotiators in their discussions and also suggests settlement proposals. Process that uses a neutral third party to make a decision. Work stoppage in which union members refuse to work in order to put pressure on an employer. Shutdown of company operations undertaken by management to prevent union members from working. 1. Conciliation 2. Mediation 3. Arbitration 4. Strike 5. Lockout

19 GRIEVANCE MANAGEMENT An indication of employee dissatisfaction that has not been submitted in writing Complaint A complaint that has been put in writing and made formal. Grievance Formal channels of communications used to resolve grievances. Grievance Procedure

20 STEPS IN A GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Union Steward and Supervisor. Chief Steward and Supervisor’s Manager and/or HR Manager. Committee of Union Officers and Company Managers. National Union Representative and Company Executive or Corporate Industrial Relations Officer Impartial Third-Party Step 1 Discussion of Written Grievance between: Step 2 Meeting between: Step 3 Meeting between: Step 4 Meeting between: Step 5 Arbitration by:


22 HEALTH & SAFETY HEALTH A general state of physical, mental and emotional well being. SAFETY Condition in which the physical well being of people is protected. SECURITY Protection of employers and organizational facilities.


24 RESPONSIBILITIES & RIGHTS OF EMPLOYERS Seek advice and Consultation.  Compliance with acts and regulations.  Provision of a hazard free workplace.  Recording and Reporting.  Safety training.  Due diligence.  Compliance with acts and regulations.  Provision of a hazard free workplace.  Recording and Reporting.  Safety training.  Due diligence. RIGHTS RESPONSIBILITIES

25 DUTIES OF WORKERS DUTIES  Comply with acts and regulations.  Report hazards.  Follow employer H & S rules.  Right to refuse unsafe work.  Responsible for their own safety.  Responsible for the safety of others who may be affected by their work.  Co-operate with their employer in matters relating to health & safety.  Comply with acts and regulations.  Report hazards.  Follow employer H & S rules.  Right to refuse unsafe work.  Responsible for their own safety.  Responsible for the safety of others who may be affected by their work.  Co-operate with their employer in matters relating to health & safety.


27 CAUSES OF STRESS Job Related Organizational Factors Personal Factors

28 SYMPTOMS OF STRESS Increased blood pressure, headache, increased pulse rate are the most difficult to observe. Physiological Symptoms Increased tension and anxiety, boredom, can lead to productivity decreases. Psychological Symptoms Increased smoking or substance consumption, sleep disorders also effect organization. Behavioral Symptoms

29 MANAGING HEALTH & SAFETY ISSUES AT WORK Wellness Programs Programs designed to maintain or improve employee health before problems arise. Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Program that provides counseling and other help to employees having emotional, physical, or other personal problems.

30 Termination Assistance Career Counseling Support Groups 24- Hour Crisis Hot Line Health Risk Screening Retirement Counseling Legal Counseling Counseling for Family Problems Drug Abuse Programs Financial Counseling Health Education Smoking Cessation Counseling for Emotional Stress EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (EAP)


32 EMPLOYEE COMMUNICATION One of the most effective way used for employee communication is Employee Handbook that serves as a permanent reference guide. Employee Handbook is a booklet describing important aspects of employment an employee needs to know.

33 EMPLOYEE COMMUNICATION Cont... Why Use an Employee Handbook ?  Help employees learn about the company.  Provides central information source concerning policies, work rules and benefits.  Helps ensure that HRM policies will be fair, equitable and consistently applied.  Creates sense of responsibility and commitment.  Can be used to provide information to recruits.  Help employees learn about the company.  Provides central information source concerning policies, work rules and benefits.  Helps ensure that HRM policies will be fair, equitable and consistently applied.  Creates sense of responsibility and commitment.  Can be used to provide information to recruits.

34 HR AUDIT A formal research effort that evaluates the current state and effectiveness of HR Management in an organization.

35 BENEFITS OF HR AUDIT  It helps to find out the proper contribution of the HR department towards the organization.  Development of the professional image of the HR department of the organization.  Reduce the HR cost.  Motivation of the HR personnel.  Find out the problems and solve them smoothly.  Provides timely legal requirement.  Sound Performance Appraisal Systems.  Systematic job analysis.  Smooth adoption of the changing mindset.  It helps to find out the proper contribution of the HR department towards the organization.  Development of the professional image of the HR department of the organization.  Reduce the HR cost.  Motivation of the HR personnel.  Find out the problems and solve them smoothly.  Provides timely legal requirement.  Sound Performance Appraisal Systems.  Systematic job analysis.  Smooth adoption of the changing mindset.

36 TOOLS OF HR AUDIT Interviews Audit teams asks questions from managers and employees to identify the areas for improvement. Surveys HR department use questionnaire to broaden the scope of research. Historical Analysis It is done through safety and health audits, grievance audit, compensation audits, affirmative actions audit, program and policy audit to check the compliance with laws. External Information Sources of information are federal Govt. state unemployment, industry associations, professional associations. HR Experiments It compares experimental group with control group under realistic conditions International Audits It is done across foreign borders and is compounded by differences in laws, languages, cultures.

37 Labor Relations Objectives Of Labor Relations Why Employee Join Union Higher Wages & Benefits Compulsory Membership Collective Bargaining Steps Or Process Preparation & Initial Demands Continuing Negotiations Settlement & Contract Agreement Contract administration UNDERSTANDING LABOUR RELATIONS & HEALTH AND SAFETY Upsets with Management Greater Job Security Influence Over Work Rules Union Organizing Process Organizing Campaign Authorization Card Campaign Representation Election Certification Contract Negotiation Bargaining Unit Unfair Labor Practices Failure To Reach Agreement StrikingBoycottingPicketing Bargaining Impasse ConciliationMediationArbitrationStrikeLockout Grievance Management ComplaintGrievance Procedure Steps in a Grievance Procedure Step 1: Discussion of Written Grievance between: Step 2 Meeting between: Step 3 Meeting between: Step 4 Meeting between: Step 5 Arbitration by: Health & Safety Responsibilities & Rights Of Employers Duties of Workers Stress Employee Communication Causes of Stress Symptoms of Stress Job Related Organizational Factor Personal Factors PhysiologicalPsychologicalBehavioral HR Audit Employee Handbook Why Use an Employee Handbook Benefits Of HR Audit Tools of HR Audit CHAPTER : 9 Management Quality Circle

38 THOUGHT OF THE DAY Prepare and Prevent, don't Repair and Repent. “Edward Coke” Prepare and Prevent, don't Repair and Repent. “Edward Coke”


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