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Managing Marketing Assignment briefing June and September 2013 Andrew Sherratt Senior Examiner Professional Diploma.

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2 Managing Marketing Assignment briefing June and September 2013 Andrew Sherratt Senior Examiner Professional Diploma

3 Presentation Objectives To explain the requirements of the assignment options To improve your ability to prepare your submission for the assignment in order to increase likelihood of passing To enable you to plan your work for the assignment

4 Assignment options 1.Improving Information for Marketing – Investigate current information available for supporting marketing activities to enable recommendations to be made for improvements to information for the future. 2.Developing the Role of the Operational Marketing Manager – Development of operational marketing through changes to the structure and team involved in marketing to bring benefits to the organisation.

5 Common requirements Executive summary – A summary of the actual content which has been included in the report – 500 words maximum, excluded from word count Report format – Professional, formal report suitable for presentation to the senior management team – Does need referencing for any concepts included Description of the marketing function/department – 1 sides A4 maximum plus department structure diagram

6 Assignment Option One Improving Information for Marketing – Broad interpretation of information covering formal and informal sources, considering all the information which is available to support marketing activities – Evaluation of the team involved in the generation of information and management activities for the team involved to improve information for marketing – Performance measurement and budgets for information to ensure it is cost effective in the future.

7 Improving Information for Marketing Task One – Audit of information sources used for marketing purposes – Productivity analysis of the information process Task Two – Team involved in information generation – Changes needed to provide the required information – Team management issues Task Three – Potential team conflict and overcoming causes – Change management for resolution of conflict in the team

8 Improving Information for Marketing Task Four – Performance measurement and management standards – Measuring plans against the standards – Internal marketing for information management Task Five – Critical evaluation of information for budgets – Internal and external data sources Task Six – Development of system to monitor, evaluate and report on financial performance of information activities – Performance standards to improve performance

9 Improving Information for Marketing Overall requirement is to demonstrate – Audit current information sources – Evaluate the team involved in information generation whilst recommending improvements – Conflict identification and resolution – Performance measurement of the team with internal marketing plans – Critical evaluation of information sources for budgeting – Monitoring financial performance of marketing information activities

10 Assignment Option Two Developing the Role of the Operational Marketing Manager – Enhancing the recognition of the marketing function in the organisation – Developing the structure and team involved with marketing to develop operational management – Building a business case for the changes required and on-going activities after implementation – Personal Development Plan for the operational marketing manager

11 Developing the Role of the Operational Marketing Manager Task One – Evaluate difference between management and leadership – Current role of the operational marketing manager Task Two – Critically evaluate current organisation structure for delivering marketing with recommendations for improvement Task Three – Establishing and building the marketing team – Sourcing appropriate team

12 Developing the Role of the Operational Marketing Manager Task Four – Prepare a budget to develop the role of operational marketing – Evaluate information sources for the budget Task Five – Establish systems to monitor financial performance of operational marketing with the revised role – Standards of performance to compare budget with actual Task Six – Personal development plan for the operational marketing manager – Business case for the recommendations

13 Developing the Role of the Operational Marketing Manager Overall requirement is to demonstrate – Management v leadership with current situation – Ability of the current structure to deliver marketing and recommended changes – Building a team to improve operational marketing performance – Budget for recommended changes – Performance monitoring systems for the recommendations – Business case for implementation

14 Good assignments Answer the requirements given in the brief for all tasks Apply theory well to the specific context of the organisation and the area being discussed Demonstrate depth of thinking in terms of the implications of proposals made (or what happened for option one) Give justified recommendations after evaluation of options Are professionally presented Promote the profession of marketing as a substantial contributor to organisation success

15 A final common requirement for the briefs

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