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Building Our Own Leaders Presented by Mount Vernon Unitarian Church Alexandria, VA

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Presentation on theme: "Building Our Own Leaders Presented by Mount Vernon Unitarian Church Alexandria, VA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Our Own Leaders Presented by Mount Vernon Unitarian Church Alexandria, VA

2 The Mount Vernon Unitarian Church Leadership Seminar “Serving Those Who Serve Others”

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4 4 "I finally figured out that when someone tells you, ‘It's no problem,’ he means, for him” "It's not a lot of work unless you have to do it.” "The only reason that anything ever gets done is because there are pockets of competence in every organization. The key is to find them...and then exploit the hell out of 'em” "We are condemned men who are chained and will row in place until we rot." "Hey, somebody should really do that..." Sound familiar?

5 Why a Home-Grown Course? Not everyone can attend District or other external training Leaders need congregation specific information This presents an opportunity to build a community of leaders For those intimidated by the idea of being a leader, this is a gentle entry point, presented by people they know and trust This can be one component in a “farm team” system

6 Course Objectives To serve those who serve MVUC To provide information and resources To provide skills and tools To honor the 3 T’s (Time, Talent, & Treasure) To build a community of leaders and mentors To build and improve this leaders program 6

7 Key Elements Work within the time people can allocate Friday night and Saturday morning Combine a mix of Basic skills MVUC specific information Position specific assistance Draw on a wide variety of sources UUA Alban Institute Varied Approaches Lecture Plenary Discussion Strong emphasis on stewardship, community, and having some fun Tailored to each group Institutional Best Practices Experience within the congregation Work Groups and Practical Exercises Sing along

8 Leader as Servant The Servant-Leader is one who understands that if you can grow the capacity of others to be healthy emotionally and relationally, then you will automatically grow the health of the organization. Dr. Jeffrey D. Yergler The Servant Leader and the Exercise of Forgiveness in the Context of the Organization 8

9 Friday, 6:00-6:15 Course Overview, Objectives 6:15 – 7:00Introductions and Team Dinner 7:00 - 7:30Leaders Panel 7:30 - 745How We Work Together 7:45 – 8:15Church Financials: Budget, Stewardship, Endowment 8:15 – 8:45Rules and Regs Game 8:45 – 9:00Wrap Up, Questions, Discussion, Sing Out 9

10 MVUC Governance Legend = Guidance = Professional Staff = Support Staff = As Required = Coordination Minister Music Director LSG Director Nursery Caregiver LSG Asst. Board of Trustees Policies Letters of Agreement Treasurer Congregation Special Committees Nominating Committee Min. Search Comm. Mission & Vision Rentals Coord. Volunteer Receptionists Office Mgr. Property Mgr. Custodian Employee Handbook Annual, Special Meetings Program Council Charters Administrator Lifespan Spiritual Growth Council Social Justice Council Administration and Property Our Home Community Sunday Services Communications Council Pianist Bylaws Youth Advisor Intern Minister Membership Council

11 The “Rules and Regs” Game 1. Participants form into two or three groups of 4-5 (count off). 2. Moderator distributes all questions in writing. Teams have 10 minutes to prepare answers. 3. Teams take turns answering questions. (Team members should take turns, too.) 4. Roles: Moderator asks questions Scorekeeper keeps track of points perteam and which persons have answered a question Judges award points for answers Perfect = 3 (Correct answer plus citation of source.) Pretty good = 2 (Correct answer.) Barely acceptable = 1 (Answer partially correct.) Sorry, no = 0 (Incorrect answer) 5. If members of one team don't answer correctly or completely, other team gets a chance. 6. If participants don't answer correctly, judges provide the correct answer (if they know). 7. (If time permits) Participants may ask questions of their own and judge the judges' answers.

12 The “Rules and Regs” Game Example Question 5. A group of Board members is planning the Annual Congregational Meeting. One suggests serving wine with the pot-luck supper. Another says she doesn’t think it’s a good idea. The first member says, “We’ve served wine occasionally at church functions, and I think it adds to the enjoyment. Heck, I’ll even provide it myself.” Question: What are the rules about this?

13 The “Rules and Regs” Game Answer (provided with other answers at the end of the game) Policy - Alcohol at Church Events: “The function must be primarily a social occasion. Alcohol may not be served in conjunction with worship or business functions.”

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15 Saturday, 8:30 – 8:45Welcome, Refreshments, Introduction 8:45 - 9:15How Do I…? 9:15 – 9:45Principles of Leadership 9:45 – 10:15Effective Teams & Meetings 10:15 -10:30BREAK 10:30 – 11:00Small Groups – Case Study 11:00 - 11:45Groups Present Case Solutions/Discussion by All 11:45 – 12:30Wrap up, Summary, What Next? Opportunities to Serve Graduation, Course Critiques 15

16 How Do I…? Example from “How Do I?” How do I request that furniture be set up for an event in a special way? For routine meetings, most people do their own setup. For special events, fill out a "Custodian Work Order Request" form and put it in Anne Bredeck’s mailbox. Blank forms are available in the rack on the side of the mailboxes in the hall outside the church office.

17 Role Modeling Live our faith Be the image of the church, lead by example Practice our Covenant and Principles Be committed to quality programming All of us are lay ministers, in a 24/7 ministry 17

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19 Results to Date Over 70 graduates Moved from two courses annually to one as backlog was depleted Course outline and modules sent to many congregations around the country following UUA LISTSERV discussions Some graduates are asking for opportunities to serve BOT reports improved performance from new members Slowly rotating the team of facilitators

20 What’s Next? Added a Conflict Management Course this year Working to improve coordination with BOT, Program Council, and Nominating Committee to scout for potential leaders Looking to move to a combined Leadership Development- Nominating Team Hope to develop a more comprehensive, life span leader development system

21 Points of Contact Bill Clontz – Ron Brandt – Slides for This Presentation – Facilitator’s Guide –– Slides for a Sample Course –

22 The Mount Vernon Unitarian Church Leadership Seminar “Serving Those Who Serve Others”

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