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Melody Watkins, Chasity Cramer, Hannah Lewis, Courtney Goswick.

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Presentation on theme: "Melody Watkins, Chasity Cramer, Hannah Lewis, Courtney Goswick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Melody Watkins, Chasity Cramer, Hannah Lewis, Courtney Goswick


3 Booze Ethanol Souse Alcohol

4 The kind of alcohol That you drink is called ethanol. Alcohol is made by fermentation where micro organisms turn sugar into Alcohol. The sugar in wine comes from grapes, In rum the sugar is from sugar cane, vodka,the sugar comes from potatoes. Some other alcoholic drink can be made form wheat, apricots, or plums.

5  Memory loss  Impairs Vision  Impairs Judgment Short term Effects!!

6  Damage To The Liver (Cancer!!)  Fetal alcohol syndrome  Depression  Physically addicting

7  It is mentally addicting because, it can make you think that you have to do something that you wouldn’t do when you are not drunk. It is also physical because you will start to depend on it.



10  Teens shouldn’t use alcohol because it is ILLEGAL! If you are a teenager and you drink, You are breaking the law!  You are breaking the law because you are under aged, which means that you are not 21 years old.

11  ries/truth-about-drugs-documentary-alcohol ries/truth-about-drugs-documentary-alcohol

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