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Cleaning products and services Module 3 - Purchasing recommendations European Commission GPP Training Toolkit.

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1 Cleaning products and services Module 3 - Purchasing recommendations European Commission GPP Training Toolkit

2 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 2 Scope ► These recommendations cover the purchase of both cleaning products and cleaning services. ► Four categories of products are covered: –All purpose cleaners, sanitary cleaners and window cleaners –Detergents for domestic (or similar) dishwashers –Hand dishwashing detergents –Laundry detergents for domestic washing machines

3 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 3 Accompanying information ► The following documents may also be referred to: –Product Sheet on Cleaning products and services, containing a slightly expanded version of the information in these slidesProduct Sheet –Background Product Report on Cleaning products and services, providing more detailed background information on how these purchasing recommendations have been developedBackground Product Report ► For the full GPP Training Toolkit please visit: ►

4 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 4 Key environmental impacts

5 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 5 Purchasing criteria - cleaning products ► Core GPP criteria - include the European Ecolabel criteria that are easiest for a contracting authority to verify and which cover the main environmental impacts. ► Comprehensive GPP criteria - use the full set of environmental European Ecolabel criteria.

6 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 6 Purchasing criteria - cleaning services ► Core GPP criteria - the recommendations focus on ensuring that the products used meet strict environmental criteria. ► Comprehensive GPP criteria - in addition to stricter criteria for the products used, recommendations are made for defining the way in which the service has to be carried out.

7 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 7 Cleaning products - Core GPP criteria Cleaning products - Core GPP Criteria - Note: For implementation notes see the notes page

8 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 8 ► Purchase of environmentally friendly cleaning products. Subject matter ► Note: The criteria are not the same for all types of cleaning products. Contracting authorities should only include the criteria where there is an “X” in the relevant box. In some cases the exact criterion is further qualified by way of additional text in the box. Specifications Cleaning products - Core GPP criteria

9 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 9 Cleaning products - Core GPP criteria

10 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 10 Cleaning products - Core GPP criteria

11 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 11 Cleaning products - Core GPP criteria

12 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 12 Cleaning products - Core GPP criteria

13 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 13 Cleaning products - Core GPP criteria

14 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 14 Cleaning products - Comprehensive GPP criteria Cleaning products - Comprehensive GPP Criteria - Note: For implementation notes see the notes page

15 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 15 Cleaning products - Comprehensive GPP criteria

16 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 16 Cleaning services - Core GPP criteria Cleaning services - Core GPP Criteria -

17 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 17 ► Environmentally friendly cleaning services. Subject matter Specifications ► Products used by the cleaning company must meet the following criteria: (insert specifications from 'Core criteria for cleaning products'). Verification: The bidder must supply a list of the products that will be used, together with proof of compliance with the above specifications: (insert verification requirements from 'Core criteria for cleaning products'). Cleaning services - Core GPP criteria

18 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 18 ► After the first six months of the contract, and thereafter at the end of every year of the contract, a balance must be submitted by the contractor indicating the name and quantity of the cleaning products used. For any products not mentioned in the initial bid the contractor shall provide the required proof of compliance with the technical specifications. Contract performance clauses Cleaning services - Core GPP criteria

19 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 19 Cleaning services - Comprehensive GPP criteria Note: For implementation notes see the notes page Cleaning services - Comprehensive GPP Criteria -

20 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 20 ► Environmentally friendly cleaning services. Subject matter Specifications Products used: ► Products used by the cleaning company must meet the following criteria: (insert specifications from 'Comprehensive criteria for cleaning products’). Verification: The bidder must supply a list of the products that will be used, together with proof of compliance with the specifications: (insert verification requirements from 'Comprehensive criteria for cleaning products’). Cleaning services - Comprehensive GPP criteria

21 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 21 Specifications (cont.) Staff and organisation: ► All cleaning staff employed in carrying out the service must be regularly trained for their various tasks. This training should cover cleaning agents, methods, equipment and machines used; waste management; and aspects of health, safety and the environment. A record of these training measures (introductory/vocational training) should be kept at the disposal of the contracting authority. ► In agreement with the contracting authority, precise work instructions on environmental protection and on health and safety standards in carrying out the service shall be produced and displayed in the buildings in a way that they can be consulted by cleaning staff at any time. Cleaning services - Comprehensive GPP criteria

22 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 22 Specifications (cont.) ► A facility manager, foreman/forewoman or co-ordinator should be nominated to organise and supervise the cleaning. The appointed person should stay in contact with the contracting authority and be reachable during working hours. The facility manager, foreman/forewoman or co-ordinator has to be sufficiently trained in the fields of occupational health and safety standards, application techniques and environmental issues. Environmentally friendly cleaning techniques: ► The contractor should use reusable microfibre cloths and apply dry-cleaning techniques for linoleum flooring where appropriate. Cleaning services - Comprehensive GPP criteria

23 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 23 ► The bidder must demonstrate its capacity to carry out the service in an environmentally sound manner. This must include evidence of the regular training of staff on health, safety and environmental aspects of cleaning activities, together with specific environmental management measures which are routinely applied by the bidder in cleaning contracts. Verification: An environmental management system (such as EMAS, or ISO 14001) if covering and attesting environmental management capacities as laid down in the selection criteria, shall be recognised as evidence of compliance, as will other evidence of equivalent environmental management measures. Selection criteria Cleaning services - Comprehensive GPP criteria

24 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 24 ► After the first six months of the contract, and thereafter at the end of every year of the contract, a balance must be submitted by the contractor indicating the name and quantity of the cleaning products used. For any products not mentioned in the initial bid, proof of compliance with the specifications must be submitted. ► Within 6 months of the beginning of the contract, the contractor will provide a report to the contracting authority on the practicality of using microfibre cloths, and dry-cleaning techniques for linoleum flooring. The contractor should also be able to justify the cleaning frequency and range of products used. Contract performance clauses Cleaning services - Comprehensive GPP criteria

25 European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for cleaning products & services 25 Further information ► For the full GPP Training Toolkit please visit: ► Toolkit developed for the European Commission by ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, 2008 Owner, Editor: European Commission, DG Environment-G2, B-1049, Bruxelles Disclaimer: The European Commission accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information presented in this document Pictures courtesy of Peter Defranceschki (slide 1) and StockXchng: Sanja Gjenero (ss. 5, 7 and 14), Antonio Jiménez Alonso (ss. 6, 16 and 19)

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