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Creating Agentive Writers with Technology in the Elementary Classroom Chase Young, Ph.D. Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi PPT available for download.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Agentive Writers with Technology in the Elementary Classroom Chase Young, Ph.D. Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi PPT available for download."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Agentive Writers with Technology in the Elementary Classroom Chase Young, Ph.D. Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi PPT available for download at

2  Conferring with an Avatar  Students use text to speech software to engage in self-revision. Overview

3 Inspiration for Research

4  The writing process has changed due to access to digital tools (Yancy, 2009).  Dalton (2010) suggests that teachers can use technology in every aspect of writer’s workshop.  Olthouse (2012) further suggests that students can use Web 2.0 tools during the each aspect of writing process, including planning, drafting, revising, and publishing.  Stover and Young (2014) examine the use of VoiceThread for peer revision and editing.  Young & Stover (2015) determine that using kidblog to revise/edit writing increases the quality of studnets’ writing  Young & Stover (2013) describe how to use text to speech software for revising and editing. Some Relevant Research

5  1. Choose an avatar on  Type in story or paragraph  2. Listen to it  3. Listen again while reading along  4. Revise Conferring with an Avatar

6  Dalton, B. (2012). Multimodal composition and the common core state standards. The Reading Teacher, 66(4), 333–339  Morgan, B. & Smith, R. D. (2008). A wiki for classroom writing. The Reading Teacher, 62(1), 80-82.  Olthouse, J. (2012). Teaching Talented Writers With Web 2.0 Tools. Teaching Exceptional Children, 45(2), 6-14.  Stover, K., & Young, C. (2014). Using 21 st century technologies to edit and revise in Ferdig, R., Rasinski, T., & Pytash, K. (Eds). Using technology to enhance writing: Innovative approaches to literacy instruction. Bloomington, IN: The Solution Tree.  Yancy, K.B. (2009). Writing in the 21st century. Ohio Journal of English Language Arts, 49(2), 70-79.  Young, C., & Stover, K. (2013). “Look what I did!” Student conferences with text-to-speech software. Reading Teacher, 67(4), 269-272.  Young, C. & Stover, K. (2015). Promoting revision through blogging in a second grade classroom. Texas Journal of Literacy Education, 3(1), 14-28. References

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