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Why Invest in Travel and Tourism. agenda for today why we are here? Industry Update Research Findings Why Invest? 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Invest in Travel and Tourism. agenda for today why we are here? Industry Update Research Findings Why Invest? 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Invest in Travel and Tourism

2 agenda for today why we are here? Industry Update Research Findings Why Invest? 1

3 Protect and advance the success of destination marketing worldwide 2

4 FOUNDATIONAL TENANTS Elevate the leadership role of DMAI, being responsive to member needs, as well as anticipating and exceeding them. Extend communication outreach to embrace, inform and benefit the industry at large Address the evolving role and demands of the DMO (destination marketing as well as destination management) throughout the association’s initiatives Expand and enhance education, research and resources scaled to DMO size and levels – from newly formed or smaller organizations to larger and more mature markets 3

5 5 600 DMO Member Organizations Within 16 Countries 5 $2B+ Annual Budgets Sources: 1.DMO Marketing Activities Study, DMAI 2.2013 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study, DMAI

6 6 A multibillion dollar industry With a Positive Outlook $3M Avg. local DMO budget Sources: 1.DMO Marketing Activities Study, DMAI 2.Survey of U.S. State Tourism Budgets, US Travel 3.Budgets of National Tourism Organizations, UNWTO

7 7 1 in 5 Group hotel room nights in the U.S. influenced by DMOs Growth of 4.9% from last year 7 39M room nights (booked) Source: 1.. 2013 DMAI DMO Group Sales Channel Impact Study, DMAI

8 79% receive hotel tax dollar investment DMOs at a glance Average Staff = 13 46% of DMOs are membership based; average of 100 members Sources: 1. 2013 North American DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study, DMAI 74% are independent, not-for profits  Of that 63% are 501(c)(6)s  14.6% are government agencies  4.6% are Chamber of Commerce  4.0% are authorities 38% 22% 19% 18% 9% 23% 16% Market & Sell To Visitors Inform & Advise Visitors Develop Destination Deliver Visitor Services 8

9 9 Digital & Mobile Marketing Toolkit 74% of affluent travelers inspired by video Leisure, business and affluent traveler s have been promoted to book travel as a result of online video 1 83% of leisure travelers use the internet The internet is used by over three quarters of leisure travelers to plan travel 1 52% of users were influenced by social media Over fifty percent of users have changed their original travel plans based on social media 2 2. Social Media’s Influence on the Travel Industry. 25 July, 2012. 1. Traveler’s Road to Decision. Google, July 2012.

10 10 New Research Release Description 2013 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study What we learned  2013 average DMO budget increased 3% breaking $3M  1 in 7 destinations increase investment through TID / MDA / Voluntary marketing fee  38% of DMO’s have partnership programs 218 participating DMOs’ revenue and expenses, funding sources, visitor taxes break downs, allocations, financial policies, visitor center information and online marketing efforts Source: 1.2013 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study, DMAI

11 11 New Research Release Description 2013 DMO Group Sales Channel Impact Study What we learned  Collectively drove 39 million group room nights for future events, growing by 4.9% from last year  Over 280 U.S. destinations rely on DMO sales and marketing efforts to attract events to their respective communities. Quantifies the impact of DMO group sales channel from 2009 to 2012 based on booked room nights for future events, occurred event room, and the number of events that occurred and were booked Sources: 1.DMO Marketing Activities Study, DMAI 2.2013 DMO Organizational & Financial Profile Study, DMAI

12 12 2013 DMO Visitor Information Center Study Description What we learned  Despite recessionary conditions, 1 in 3 DMOs opened a center in the last 5 years New Research Release 500+ Visitor Information Centers in U.S. alone 284 participating U.S. and Canadian DMOs’ visitor information center activities, budgets, and strategies to guide future planning and spur performance measurement and benchmarking Source: 2013 Visitor Information Centers Study, DMAI

13 A Strategic Roadmap Global Destination Marketing for the Next Generation To Include: A comprehensive definition of the current state of affairs A view of the future, identifying emerging social, economic and competitive trends and SWOT for the DMO model Recommendations on how DMOs should respond Toolkit to assist DMOs in their response Futures Study: Destination Next Destination Next 13

14 A Mature Industry with a Progressive Attitude 100 Years of accomplishments 14

15 15 Upcoming Meetings Technology, Operations & Finance Forum 10.08 - 10.11, 2013 Toronto, Canada Membership Shirtsleeves Visitor Services Shirtsleeves 09.29 - 10.01, 2013 Ft. Wayne, IN 10.20 - 10.23, 2013 Niagara Falls, NY 02.11, 2014 Washington, DC Destination & Travel Foundation Dinner Annual Convention 100 Year Celebration 07.21-23, 2014 Las Vegas, NV 02.12, 2014 Washington, DC Destinations Showcase CMO Innovation Summit Feb 2014 CEO Forum 04.27 – 04.30, 2014 Hilton Head, SC

16 16 don’t hesitate to contact us Thank you address: 2025 M Street NW Washington, DC phone: 202.296.7888

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