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Presentation on theme: "Our call will begin in just a moment Please dial in to GoToMeeting..."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our call will begin in just a moment Please dial in to GoToMeeting...

2 PC MAC CHAT WITH US! MESSAGE ME USING THE QUESTION PANEL: 1.) Who you are/name of business 2.) Where you’re calling from 3.) What you’re excited about with HubSpot and Inbound Marketing?! WANT TO HAVE A GREAT TIME TODAY?

3 3 HubSpot Partner Success Workshops Thursdays, Bi-Monthly @ 2pm EST Your Host: Nick “Sal”vatoriello Senior Inbound Marketing Consultant

4 4 Your HubSpot Partner Success Training Team: Adrianne Mayshar Nick Salvatoriello Timothy Dearlove Al Biedrzychi Deedee Perry Partner Success Training Program Main Resource Page:

5 Recognition Onboarding Success 1 2 3 4 Our Workshop Agenda Attitude/Final Thought 5 Gold Teir VAR Speaker

6 Partner Success Workshop Archive Page

7 1 Recognition…

8 Recognizing [Movers + Shakers!]

9 Leaders in: Activation + Usage + Results VAR All-Star Board:

10 Which VARs just got HubSpot Certified since last meeting?

11 3 Diane from Collective Publishing Co. (IMC = Tim Dearlove) 2 FuneralNetFuneralNet, CensusUpCensusUp IMC = Nick Sal David Caron Design IMC = Al Biedrzycki QminiQmini + Surf Merchant DigitalSurf Merchant Digital Six Two InteractiveSix Two Interactive, Spectacled Marketer, JAL CommunicationsSpectacled MarketerJAL Communications IMC = Adrianne Mayshar 4 1

12 Month 1 (Integration and Lead Gen) Month 2 (Campaign Development) Month 3 (Advanced Campaign) Months 4-8 (Selling and Onboarding) Months 9+ (Account Management and Retention) HubSpot VAR Training Overview  PARTNER TRAINING: Campaign Building: Lead Generation  PARTNER TRAINING: How to Run an Account Review with your Client  1:1 Goal Setting & Planning  1:1 Campaign Progress Assessment  Landing Pages Session  CTAs and Thank You Pages Session  Email Training Session  Contacts and Prospects Training  PARTNER TRAINING: Campaign Building: Promote  1:1 Marketing Performance Evaluation  PARTNER TRAINING: Driving ROI  PARTNER TRAINING: Pricing and Packaging for Agencies  PARTNER TRAINING: Winning with a Consultative Sales Process  PARTNER TRAINING: How to Onboard HubSpot Clients  1:1 Onboarding Strategy  PARTNER TRAINING: How to Renew & Retain your HubSpot Clients  Ongoing Product Training  VAR Orientation Session  Workflows Training Session  Keywords Training  Blogging Training  Social Media Training  Sources and Competitors Training Register for Product Training Sessions: Register for Partner Training (Mandatory) Sessions: Schedule 1:1’s with your consultant or Deedee ( **The training classes must be completed PRIOR to each 1:1 session in order to make your consulting hours the most effective

13 Question: Have you completed the VAR Campaign Courses?VAR Campaign Courses If not now, when? If not you, who?

14 Sales Tiers Success MOVIE

15 2 Leadership Speaker… MOVIE

16 Precision Marketing Group A HubSpot Partner’s Perspective Partner Success Workshop Marketing That Makes You Money ™

17 founded 2002 hubspot since 2008 80-90 hubspot projects 42 active accounts 85% HubSpot 90% “Retainer” @pmgtweets Susan LaPlante-Dube @SusanldPMG Maureen Condon @MaureenPMG

18 What’s Driven our Success values not an inbound marketing agency …….so what are we? approach….decidedly un marketing partnerships….there is more than enough business do the work



21 Decidely un marketing Invest in the sales process the non -contract

22 Partner …plenty of fish in the sea


24 Not without it’s C hallenges cobblers children balance….sales and execution functionality and staying current Sometimes (seldom now) the wrong client sneaks in

25 Resources: Content Marketing Grader Drive Sales with Content That Converts 4 Best Practices for your Content Marketing ….and more Visit us at Services Marketplace Follow and Like @pmgtweets Susan LaPlante-Dube @SusanldPMG Maureen Condon @MaureenPMG

26 Let’s Brainstorm What’s 1 key take away? What’s 1 next step?


28 On-Boarding Success Training: GUEST STARS

29 Hubspot Partner Success Workshop Creating a Sales Funnel and Inbound Marketing Strategy for the Travel Vertical 1/24/13

30 Marketing and Distribution Enterprise Development Destination Development Partnership Building  Strategic Planning  Product Development  Investment Promotion  Resource Conservation  Public-Private-Residents  Tourism Clusters  Industry Associations  International Partners  Business Planning  Investment Promotion  Skills Training  Sustainability Criteria  Branding & Storytelling  Interactive / Online  Social Media / PR  Trade Distribution Organizational Background



33 Solimar works with our destination partners to convert travelers and travel trade by generating and engaging leads at every stage of the buying cycle. A large audience responds to initial awareness activities, then moves through a “funnel” to become a narrow set of high-value leads. Trade partners are the ones who will travel to or help to sell the destination. Introduce traveler to your destination and inspire them to learn more Develop relationship with traveler through interactive media and personalized communications Pass qualified lead to trade partner whose product aligns with traveler’s expectations Convert traveler into a satisfied customer and future destination brand ambassador Find trade partners best positioned to sell your destination Educate trade partner about destination’s products and motivate them to be enthusiastic sellers Providing high quality sales tools to the trade and refer leads to your most engaged partners Convert trade into enthusiastic destination sales partners Traveler Funnel Travel Trade Funnel

34 “I want to go on a rustic European holiday.” “What makes Douro unique?” “How could I spend my time in Douro?” “Douro is the right place for my holiday.” “Where am I going to stay in Douro?” “How am I going to get to Douro?” “I am having an amazing time on this wine tour in Douro Valley. Everyone else should come next time!” Optimize website with keywords Improve search rankings Create a blog Launch social media campaign Offer travel planning guides Distribute a regular newsletter or e-blast “Chat with a destination expert” Refer lead to qualified sales partner to facilitate final booking Share experience on social media Review businesses and locations Our targeted, segmented traveler marketing initiatives follow the traditional, logical travel buying cycle: dreaming, deciding, planning, booking, and experiencing. Our process raises traveler awareness about your destination, inspires and engages travelers at all stages of the buying cycle, and passes sales leads to trusted trade partners to book their trip. Traveler Mindset Traveler Marketing Activities

35 “I need new destinations to sell but what makes Douro unique?” “I’d like to know more about Douro so that I can offer it to my clients” “I know that Douro is an incredible destination but I’m having trouble selling it to travelers.” Convert traveler to satisfied customer and a brand ambassador who actively promotes your destination Identify ideal trade partners Make initial calls/visits to gauge interest/ability Educational webinars FAM trips Destination Specialist Program Provide high quality sales tools Generate qualified leads with actionable intelligence Our trade outreach is about creating sales partners that are as motivated to promote your destination as you are. We help destinations create a network of partners that participate in traveler marketing to expand the reach of your campaign and improve their ability to make sales. Promote your brand and products on partner platforms (website, social media, print, etc.) Trade Partners Mindset Trade Marketing Activities

36 Final Advice – Just Jump In

37 Hubspot Partner Success Workshop Creating a Sales Funnel and Inbound Marketing Strategy for the Travel Vertical 1/24/13

38 Let’s Brainstorm What’s 1 key take away? What’s 1 next step?


40 40 Final Thought….

41 Partner Success Workshop Archive Page



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