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Title Page, Process Paper, and Annotated Bibliography Rules 12-18 Checkpoint #3.

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Presentation on theme: "Title Page, Process Paper, and Annotated Bibliography Rules 12-18 Checkpoint #3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title Page, Process Paper, and Annotated Bibliography Rules 12-18 Checkpoint #3

2  Your process paper is to be typed, 12 font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins.  For this check, each group (or individual if you are working alone) must write a process paper.  For the final project all categories except historical paper must include a process paper.  In 500 words or less you describe how you conducted your research and created your entry.  There are four sections to the process paper.

3 The four sections must explain the following: 1. How you chose your topic. 2. How you conducted your research. 3. How you selected your presentation category and created your project. 4. How your project relates to the NHD theme. You can view sample process papers at the NHD website in the Contest section.

4  A title page is required as the first page of written material in every category.  Title page must include:  Only the title of your entry,  Your name(s)  Contest division and  Category  Remember no pictures or other information should be on your title page.  Use 12 font, Times New Roman, black ink only, 1 inch margins  Refer to Rule 13 on how it should be spaced out.

5  Remember to use MLA format, 12 font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins, black ink only  Divide sources into Primary Source Documents and Secondary Source Documents  Annotations should be 2-3 sentences.  Explain how you used the source  How did the source help you understand the topic  Annotations for web sites should describe who sponsors the site  Refer to the checklist to double check your formatting.

6  You must include the following material in the order below:  Title Page  Process Paper  Annotated Bibliography  All written material is to be typed/printed on plain white paper, black ink only.  Check the rule book in regards to where your material should be stapled (this will show me if you took the time to look in the rule book).

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