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The German Language By: Craig Parker.

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1 The German Language By: Craig Parker

2 Most of the original vocabulary comes form a branch of the Indo-European language family.
Also parts such are the alphabet are derived from Latin influences. German was the language spoken during the High German constant shift in the 6th century. Origin

3 Official Language Austria Belgium Germany Liechtenstein Luxembourg
Switzerland Official Language

4 Variants There are many forms of the language.
Every country has that uses German has their own variation of it. There are even different dialects between northern, centeral and southern Germany. Variants

5 Back when Germany was just a group of states, and not actually called Germany, the standard German language was the one piece the helped maintain unification. When Hitler was in power during WWII he claimed German to be the superior Language, so when Germany conquered it also spread the language around. Territory

6 Timeline 1522- Martin Luther translated the bible based on German.
1814- German Confederation, united by German language. 1850- Majority of German immigrants moved to America. 1884- Germany claimed several colonies in Africa. 1938- WWII, Hitler spread influences where he conquered. Timeline

7 This Shows how the deviation in the German language came to be.
Yellow = Low German Blue = Central German Green= High German Each one of these developed to be slightly different Isogloss

8 One Large Event was when Martin Luther translated The German Bible into German.
This allowed more people to become exposed to the language and to help diffuse German across Europe WWII as Hitler conquered Europe he also diffused the language everywhere he went. This had more of a short term impact, since Germany lost the war and of their influence died with it as well. Diffusion Events

9 Current Events

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