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Published byTiffany Copeland Modified over 9 years ago
IN CONFIDENCE 0 CI pilot Discussion document December 2012 date
IN CONFIDENCE 1 CI initiative targets 3 objectives in parallel... Time Service Costs A better customer experience We’ll get a better understanding of what our customers want through the Voice of the Customer dialogue. This focus will drive improvements in customer experience Customer Cost Our financial goals delivered Lean methodology is an enabler to help us meet the financial targets from our business plans People Improved employee engagement Lean ways of working engages our people and empowers them to be involved in how things are delivered CI Engagement
3 Leadership Make sure supporting leadership behaviors enable and sustain change: ‒ Create space for teams to lead CI in their area ‒ Provide support infrastructure (e.g., escalation route) ‒ Adjust KPI cascade/performance management ‒ Reward proactive improvement not only fire fighting ‒ Coach line managers ‒ Visits frontline teams Series of leadership workshops at different levels to identify behaviors required to enable and sustain change Workshop with all involved line managers and leadership team to o Define cascade of KPI boards o Agree escalation mechanism It will seek to profoundly change the mindset of our staff and will need strong leadership support Change targeted by CI initiativeInterventions planned Team members Continuous improvement to become a core part of everyone’s job each day: ‒ Proactively identify operational issues and opportunities and raise them with their manager ‒ Provide input into identifying root causes and solutions ‒ Drive problem resolution for local problems as agreed with their line manager Line managers to coach staff on an ongoing basis Managers to use The BT Way toolkit with staff to give a structured way to make improvements Line managers Embed way of working based on CI methodology (‘the BT Way’): ‒ Focus on value adding activities and time spend with the team ‒ Establish regular team huddles and KPI boards ‒ Use structured problem solving approach Formal training of line managers in coaching concepts and CI methodology Workshop with all involved line managers and leadership team to o Define cascade of KPI boards o Agree escalation mechanism Coaching on the job by CI Coaches to embed mindset change
IN CONFIDENCE 4 Overall timeline and objectives for pilot deployment Timing Objectives Mobilisation Assess change readiness Engage senior leadership Communicate to all staff On-board and train local coaches Provide initial training for managers Sustain new way of working ongoing Use influence model to sustain new way of working Role modelling Foster understandings and conviction Reinforcing with formal mechanisms Develop talent and skills Establish customer focused performance dialogue Embed structure problem solving practices 3weeks5 weeks Refine and align KPIs across all levels of the organisation Introduce and use performance dialogue and visual management techniques to manage the business: develop a performance board and establish daily performance huddles perforamnce management cascade through all layers of leadership Run value stream (VSM) workshop to identify key improvement areas Introduce common set of problem solving techniques Establish escalation mechanisams Empower line managers and their teams to implement day- to-day improvements Establish mechanisms to share best practice and improvement opportunities across teams Embed capabilities to sustain CI 4 weeks Introduce demand and supply planning methods Establish skill matrix, map against requirements and align with development plans Align job standards and performance management with refreshed KPIs
IN CONFIDENCE 5 CI Training - Summary CI Coach Training/ Support events –Formal training (classroom based) –Development sessions (informal, off site) –Ongoing coaching throughout duration of deployment Leadership Events (Director and Tier 3 managers) –Initial 1:1 coaching session on making the roll out a success –3 leadership master-classes (1/2 day events chaired by thought leaders in Continuous Improvement and Lean) –3no. ‘Go and See’ events (2hr coaching sessions interwoven with site visits to see best practice or conduct reviews –Role modelling workshop to support sustaining the change Manager Events (Tier 2/3 and First Line) –3 Training events (1 day each) – Interactive classroom based, typically by business area on location –4 Workshops (Case for change – ½ day, Voice of Customer and KPIs 1 day, VSM – 3-5 days over 3 weeks, and Job role refinement ½ day) with Director involvement 10 days 5 x 1 days 2 hrs 3 x 0.5 days 3 x 2 hrs 0.5 days 3 x 1 day 5-6 days Coaches dedicated 100% GMs involved in implementation as well as leadership events Ensure involvement and coaching during VSM work
IN CONFIDENCE 6 Pilot success will be measured across 6 levels, with specific business KPIs to be defined for each area Tiered KPI model*MethodFrequency Level 5: Return on Investment Business impact minus costs Evaluation in terms of net contribution Bespoke – defined for each intervention Benefits Model and ROI to be created and agreed at FD Level across Pilot areas to feed into group benefit and case study Level 4: Customer experience and business Impact Business outcomes 1.VOC measures (e.g., CSat) 2.Cycle time 3.Customer Interaction time 4.TBC 1.TBC1.What business impact has the programme had? 2.Overall programme KPI across OHI & Academy Programmes 3.Pilot and LoB specific KPIs 4.Customer Experience Level 3: Behaviour Demonstrable, sustained behavioural change 1.Care Survey 2.Job sat survey 1. Pre Pilot Wave 2. Post Pilot Wave 1. How has their mindset changed, what impact has this had on the customer experience? 2. Re survey to ensure sustainability over time 3. Sustainability review by the CI coaches on the ground Level 2: Learning Self-evaluated application of learning and impact on role / team CI Coach feedback loop1. Monthly1. What have our people learned across all CI programme elements 2. Re interview to ensure sustainability over time Level 1: Satisfaction Overall satisfaction of those taking part Care SurveyAfter each waveWhat's in it for our people – what impact has it had on them personally being involved in the CI programme Level 0: Participation Quantitative and qualitative assessment of participation by relevant lines of business Employee Engagement Survey Over the duration of the pilots What's in it for our people – how does it make them feel about working for BT *Source: ROI Institute Methodology What are the measures and targets you are looking for?
IN CONFIDENCE 7 Annualised impact to be delivered within 3 months of project completion Substantiation of existing challenges will count against CI target In addition to an uplift in customer experience (e.g., vsat, net easy), and employee engagement (e.g., EEI) the CI initiative targets a 10% uplift in performance A better customer experience We’ll get a better understanding of what our customers want through the Voice of the Customer dialogue. This focus will drive improvements in customer experience Customer Cost Our financial goals delivered Lean methodology is an enabler to help us meet the financial targets from our business plans People Improved employee engagement Lean ways of working engages our people and empowers them to be involved in how things are delivered CI has a 10% performance improvement target, to be achieved by a combination of 3 options Cost reduction: direct reduction of either total labour cost (TLC) or external spend (e.g., with outsourcing providers) Cost avoidance: absorption of additional volume without increase in TLC. Volume increase must be clearly trackable and not relate to volume reduction in other areas. Where it is related to volume reduction in ohter areas, there needs to be a reduction in either TLC or external spend linked Revenue uplift: direct increase of revenues (e.g., avoided churn, sales uplift) on the back of the CI initiative
IN CONFIDENCE 8 Focus of next phase The approach will be tested and refined in an initial pilot phase before the wider rollout commences in Q1 2013/14 Description Timeframe Objective ▪ Continuous improvement initiative being rolled out across all LOBs ▪ Culture change and performance improvements being embeded in the organisation ▪ Pilot teams mobilised ▪ Pilot projects successfully implemented and benefits delivered ▪ CI methodology and deployment approach refined based on learnings ▪ Group-wide rollout plan defined and overall business case developed ▪ Objectives of the initiative defined and agreed with the OC ▪ Continuous improvement methodology and deployment approach developed based on internal and external best practices ▪ Initial infrastructure in terms of CI team and academy setup ▪ Pilot areas and objectives agreed with stakeholders Nov ‘12 – Apr ‘13From Apr ‘13Until end of Nov ‘12 CI culture being embedded in the organisation Approach tested and refinedObjectives, approach, supporting infrastructure in place Group-wide rollout CI Pilots Mobilisation
IN CONFIDENCE 10 Overall 2 pilot waves will be used to test the CI approach and its deployment 2012 2013 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Phase 1 completed Activity Assessment Centres for CI coaches Training of pilot CI Coaches On-going training and accreditation for CI Coaches Full roll-out Pilot 1 implementation Implementation and BAU reviews Pilot 1 continuous improvement (BAU) Pilot 2 implementation Implementation and BAU reviews Pilot 2 continuous improvement (BAU) Scope and agree roll-out plan, detailed planning Programme design Agree pilots Governance and PMO Toolkit, branding and comms Assess and recruit CI Coaches Design Recruit and assess pilot CI Coaches Phase 2 - BAU Set-up new governance model and PMO deliveryDesign & resourcing Test and refine Design & set-up Training and coaching programme Resourcing (ext.)Test and refineDesign Go-No go decision
IN CONFIDENCE 11 Each deployment will be carried out in 12 week waves followed by continuous support for teams and leadership Mobilisation Timing Line manager activities Assess change readiness Engage and sign-on senior leadership Develop and deliver comms to all staff On-board and train coaches recruited from the local BI community Initial preparatory training for managers CI coaching support/mgr - 1 day foundation training (TBD), to convey technical and coaching concepts Participate in the development of comms Delviery of comms to teams Objectives Leadership activities Sign-on call (scope, benefits, roles and resources) Comms workshop to develop case for change and change story Delivery of comms Sustain new way of working ongoing Use influence model to sustain new way of working: ‒ Role modelling ‒ Foster understandings and conviction ‒ Reinforcing with formal mechanisms ‒ Develop talent and skills 1-2 days / month Continue to use new ways of wokring, driving continuous improvement Regular sessions with CI coaches Continue to use and role model new ways of wokring Spend time with line managers and their teams to reinforce change Regular sessions with CI coaches Establish cascade of team huddles Embed structure problem solving practices 3 weeks5 weeks Refine and align KPIs across all levels of the organisation: ‒ apply voice of the customer (VOC) lense to establish the right measures ‒ develop cascade of KPIs through management layers Use perforamnce dialogue and visual management techniques to manage the business: ‒ line managers to develop a KPI board and establish daily team huddles ‒ perforamnce management cascade through all layers of leadership Introduce common set of problem solving techniques, based around an ‘A3’ approach Establish escalation mechanisams for issues that cannot be addressed by line managers and their teams Empower line managers and their teams to implement day-to-day improvements to how they work Establish mechanisms to share best practice and improvement opportunities across teams 1-2 days / week Overlay people dimension 4 weeks Introduce demand and supply planning methods Establish skill matrix, map against requirements and align with development plans Align job standards and performance management with refreshed KPIs 1-2 days / week 1 week setup, including: ‒ 1 day of training (TBD) ‒ joint workshop with leadership to define KPI and KPI board cascade 3 weeks of practice using the team hudle, supported by CI coach 1 week setup, including: ‒ 1 day of training (TBD) ‒ joint workshop with senior leadrship to develop the escalation method ‒ initial introduction of problem solving with team, half day 3 weeks practice, supported by CI coach 1 week setup, including: ‒ 1 day of training (TBD) ‒ develop current state skills matrix and map against demand / supply analysis ‒ participation in a workshop with leadership to establish new job standards 3 weeks practice, supported by CI coach Initial workshop with director and all his line managers for the respective area Leadership to role model new ways of working, e.g. participating in team huddle Provide point of escalation Devolve responsiubility for continuous improvement to empower front line managers Create space and time for managers to make change happen, e.g. agree to stop certain non-value adding management activities Implement escalation mechanism Workshop to develop refinments on job standards Engagement with HR to enact change To be aligned with meritocracy theme To be a- ligned with leadership behaviour initiative
IN CONFIDENCE 12 A dedicated team of CI Coaches will support line managers to drive continuous improvement as part of their day job Approach Line manager to identify and address problems in regular team huddles with his team Line managers to escalate problems that cannot be addressed within his team in the team huddles with his manager CI Coach to support line manager to prepare and run meetings as well as to solve identified problems with his team and BI support where required Role in relation to CIRequired skillsPlanned training Line manager Run regular team huddles to Manage performance of the team Identify problems Drive resolution of identified problems with the team or Coach/BI support where required Escalate problems that cannot be resolved in the team in team huddles with his line manager Take broader change programmes into account when addressing local problems Coach team in their job as well as problem identification and resolution Coaching direct reports to improve their performance Knowledge of the CI methodology (e.g., Lean Way of Working, SixSigma, problem solving) Coaching on the job to Develop coaching skills Embed continuous improvement Technical training on Lean Way of Working SixSigma Root cause problem solving Workshop with CI Coach Line employees Identify problems and raise in perf. meeting Support identificaiton of solution during perf. meeetings / root cause problem solving Resolve local problems as agreed in perf. meeting Basic problem solving skillsCoaching by line managers supported by CI Coach CI Coach Coach line managers on the CI methodology, i.e., support line manager by preparing and debriefing interactions with the team (e.g., team huddles, root cause problem solving) Provide technical knowledge where required and train and coach line managers Share best practices across LOBs and the CI coaching community Coaching of line managers to Build capabilities in the CI methodology Change mindsets and embed CI in the organisation Technical knowledge of CI metho- dology (e.g., Lean Way of Working, SixSigma, problem solving) Coaching training Technical training on Lean management Root cause problem solving BI resources Provide MI where required Provide change support where required Knowledge of the CI methodology (e.g., Lean management, root cause problem solving techniques) Technical training on Lean management Root cause problem solving CI management techniques should be fully integrated into BAU and require no incremental effort / resource Resource requirements for analysing problems and defining solutions should be offset by achieved performance improvment Senior leadership Re-inforce cultural change (e.g., visit perf. meetings of teams, delegate CI to managers) Provide escalation point for complex problems Cascade information down the line / ensure cross- team best practice sharing Coaching of managers Understanding of CI methodology and their role to enable it Workshop with CI Coach
IN CONFIDENCE 13 The mindset shift towards CI will need to be supported by corresponding leadership behavior Process Problem solving Performance Partnering Purpose People 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I spend more than 10% of my time in the shop floor I regularly participate in frontline CI sessions I actively engage employees in problem solving I ensure problem solving is fact based and root cause oriented I ask about the frontline performance of transformation areas I ensure root causes for performance gaps are uncovered I ensure my project teams are staffed across different areas I develop HR rotation programmes at all levels I have written a compelling change story I regularly tell and reiterate my change story I hold structured feedback sessions with my direct reports I hold regular coaching sessions with my team members To be aligned with leadership behaviours initiative
IN CONFIDENCE 14 The 5 lenses of CI / Lean Mindsets and behaviours Organisation and Skills Performance ManagementProcess Efficiency People individually and collectively working together to put the customer at the heart of the business Waves of projects focused on maximum customer impact: deliver customers what they want, when they want and to the quality they want and no less than that Individual and organisational capabilities have the skills and knowledge to always deliver on their accountabilities Delivering on customer outcomes is continuously improved, in a structured and focused approach. Overall standardisation in processes without waste Voice of our CLIENTS ▪Critical for sustainability ▪Often neglected ▪Communication makes a key success factor
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