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Liza F. Badillo ENGG 604 Prof. Dr. E. Lugo.  Define diversity.  Discuss where we can see or find it.  To interpret implications of diversity in the.

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1 Liza F. Badillo ENGG 604 Prof. Dr. E. Lugo

2  Define diversity.  Discuss where we can see or find it.  To interpret implications of diversity in the English classroom, given in the Puerto Rican culture.  Discuss how teachers should teach English in a diverse classroom.

3  Diversity is a commitment to recognizing and appreciating the variety of characteristics that make individuals unique in an atmosphere that promotes and celebrates individual and collective achievement.  Diversity refers to human qualities that are different from our own and those of groups to which we belong; but that are manifested in other individuals and groups.

4  The dimensions of diversity include; but are not limited to age, ethnicity, gender, physical abilities or qualities, race, sexual orientation, educational background, geographic location, income, marital status, military experience, parental status, religious beliefs, work experience, and job classification. The University of Tennessee Libraries Diversity Committee Spring 2001; Revised January 2003.

5  Multicultural education should be pervasive across the curriculum for all students.  We should take communicative responsibility.  We should not discriminate- racism, ethnic insensitivity, and judging others abilities and intelligence based on what forms of language they speak is wrong.

6 Everywhere around the world:  society  school-classroom  University  work  family  friends

7  Refers to an idea or concept, an educational reform movement, and a process.  It incorporates the idea that all students regardless of there gender, social class, ethnicity, or race; should have equal opportunities to learn in school.  It’s also a reform movement that is trying to change schools; so that these equal opportunities exist for all students.

8  Enhance higher order thinking and problem solving skills to increase academic performance of all students.  Increase awareness and knowledge of the history, culture, and perspectives off all ethnic and racial groups in the world.  Enhance students self-esteem, self- awareness, and identity.

9  Promote the valuing of cultural differences so that they are viewed in an egalitarian mode rather than in an inferior/superior mode.  Develop an understanding of the multicultural nation and interdependent world.  Positive attitudes towards diversity and an affirmation are essential.

10  “Becoming a multicultural teacher first means; becoming a multicultural person”.  “The learner most learn more about a variety of cultures, confront own biases and racism, and most see reality from a variety of perspectives’’. Nieto (1992).

11  Multicultural education hopes to prepare students for a diverse society in which different languages and customs abound. It’s goals include communicating despite differences, cooperating for multicultural unity, and respecting the values of others.

12 Create a curriculum or unit with goals and activities like:  To become aware of cultural diversity and linguistic diversity.  To understand that language has political, economic, and ideological implications.  To explore the importance of understanding linguistic diversity.

13  To discover the origins and development of English.  To understand the importance of sharing communicative responsibility in intercultural communication.

14  Explore the diversity of american tongues and English language in the world.  Students should become aware if they speak with an accent.  Discuss the importance of learning English, true discussion or free writing activities.

15  Students should discover the development and spread of English.  Students should interact with guest speakers.  Students should understand communicative responsibilities in intercultural communication.  Students should discuss or write a reflection.

16  Is a pedagogy that recognizes the importance of including students cultural references in all aspects of learning. (Ladson Billings, 1994).

17  Positives perspectives on parents and families.  Communication of high expectations.  Learning within the context of culture.

18  Student- centered instruction.  Culturally mediated instruction.  Reshaping the curriculum.  Teachers as facilitators.

19  There are over 37 million Hispanics in the United States. Hispanic American children need to see themselves reflected in there nations design and mainstream children can learn about and become more aware of other people, their cultures, their values, and their languages through high-quality multicultural books. Hispanic American literature can easily be integrated into all levels of school curriculum, enriching a uniquely American mosaic.  Books can open doors to cross-cultural understanding in our increasingly diverse society.

20  Teachers have a daunting responsibility for selecting high-quality literature and books that authentically represents many distinct cultural backgrounds.  Pearson  H. Miffling

21  English language learners come to school with a wide variety of background knowledge, language, and literacy skills. the schooling experience English Language Learners is impacted by many factors such as time in school, quality of instruction, transiency, home environment, and past emotional experiences in school.

22  Luis is a new arrival and is entering the third grade in the U.S. school for the first time. He attended pre-kindergarten through second grade at private school in Juarez, Mexico and has a high literacy background in Spanish. Luis would benefit from a accelerated intervention that teaches him some basic sentences and function words in English so that he can understand what the teacher is asking students to do. With a focus on function words and sentences, Luis will be able to understand and read English by the middle of the year, and will be fluent by the end.

23  Maria has been in the U.S. since kindergarten, her parents are from P.R. she is still identified as limited English Proficient in second grade. She needs a intensive intervention of phonics and English vocabulary that goes beyond basic words. Once she reviews the sounds of English, teaching her comprehension skills will help her improve her oral and reading skills.

24  Alberto is in second grade and has difficulty understanding English. His parents are migrant workers that move from one state to another. He needs to feel comfortable in the new classroom setting. Partnering him with a friendly bilingual boy will help his self esteem. He will also need to develop basic reading skills in Spanish with the help of a billingual teacher or a first grade reading program in English than can be delivered intensely before he moves on to other schools.

25  October is the diversity awareness moth. Teach students to respect differences among people in their community and around the world by using the resources below for elementary, intermediate, or high schools students. You will find printables that promote tolerance and understanding, and lessons about immigrant families. Art, reading, and writing activities will help familiarize students with the history and traditions of different religions and ethnic groups.

26  All teachers must provide effective instruction for the diverse student population. The curriculum most provide the implementation of multicultural units in an integrated manner develop cultural awareness at a meaningful level, avoiding the superficial, and encourage creativity and innovation. Linguistic diversity must be acknowledged as a key element of cultural diversity. Teachers must be able to employ strategies to assist the linguistically and culturally diverse student population.

27  Students today are experiencing increased local and global linguistic diversity. It is imperative that they realize that the ownership of English is not limited to speakers of “Standard English’’ but extends to people with various linguistic and cultural backgrounds. The future prosperity of our local and global society depends on human communication across cultural borders.

28 Alexander D. Cultural Diversity in the classroom Equal language success. Retrieved September 20, 2010 from http:// www. ezinearticles. com Billings, L. (1994). The Education Alliance: Teaching Diverse Learners. Culturally Relevant Teaching. Retrieved October 1, 2010 from http://www. Shtml Kubota R. & Ward L. (2000). Exploring Linguistic Diversity Through World Englishes. Retrieved July 25, 2001. Multicultural Education Introduction. Retrieved October 1, 2010 from Parla J. (1994). Educating Teachers for Cultural and Linguistic Diversity: A Model for all Teachers. Retrieved June 4, 2009 from http://www.users/morganenriquez/desktop/untitled/20folder/beo22361 cuebarchive

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