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KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT “If only we knew what we know” C O’Dell.

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Presentation on theme: "KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT “If only we knew what we know” C O’Dell."— Presentation transcript:

1 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT “If only we knew what we know” C O’Dell

2 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis Knowledge Management What? Why? How?

3 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis Knowledge Management - What? provides the competitive edge information and communication technology advances drivers and enablers

4 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis Knowledge Management - What? understanding, capturing and leveraging range of information, experiences, skills and abilities available to you as leaders assist to deliver your organisational objectives

5 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis Knowledge Management - Why? Silo Syndrome People Stakeholders Structures Mission

6 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis Knowledge Management - Why? Business Case- using your intangible assets Stakeholders Structures People Mission

7 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis Knowledge Management - Why? Surviving in a contestable environment –external policy debate and advise improve organisational productivity removing silos/barriers to communication –achieve core business objective across the organisation

8 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis Knowledge Management - How? The APS has at its fingertips the tools and knowledge to provide a whole of government approach

9 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis Knowledge Management- How? Commitment at the top Start small Market success

10 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis Knowledge Management- How? Leader’s commitment latitude small risk/big gain opportunity, support and environment Core business

11 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis Knowledge Management- How? Pilot Project critical to core business with clear boundaries an issue not an area pick your people consultants

12 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis Knowledge Management- How? Market success use pilot project –debriefing –storytelling use those affected formal evaluation

13 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis Knowledge Infrastructure people- capabilities technical- process operational- measures and rewards encourage flexible knowledge teams

14 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis People- capabilities

15 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis People- capabilities identified in Leadership Capabilities Framework harnesses information and opportunities marshals professional expertise nurtures internal and external relationships builds organisational capability and responsiveness

16 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis Technical- processes

17 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis Technical- processes IT is the tool not the answer investment in technology should be small but catalytic KM is 1/3 technology- 2/3 change management (EDS) right technology at the right time (Coleman)

18 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis Operational- rewards and measures Rewards Measures

19 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis Operational- rewards and measures rewards –need to shift from individual to team develop meaningful productivity/performance measures –what isn’t measured isn’t managed

20 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis Rewards rewards can be small and occasional –symbolic and backed with sanctions Based on getting information into the system Based on getting people to share information

21 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis Rewards for knowledge sharing Development opportunities –participation in taskforces –High level mentoring/shadowing scheme –professional recognition- Secretary medals etc Remuneration/ Higher Duties/ Promotion Social events/happy hours International/domestic trips –attendance at conferences

22 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis Measures Four categories of core intellectual capital measures –Human capital –Innovation capital –Process capital –Customer capital Van Buren

23 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis Measures Human capital –Ability to attract and retain talented people Innovation Capital –%age of workforce involved in innovation Process Capital –Processes documented and mapped Customer Capital –client satisfaction

24 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis Not a quick fix not a quick fix cultural change vested interests make sure you have a big win

25 Nelson/Smith/Rooney/Ellis Conclusion ‘The only thing that gives an organisation a competitive edge- the only thing that is sustainable- is what it knows; how it uses what it knows; and how fast it can know something now’ Prusak

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