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Iit madras Towards 200 million Telephone and Internet Connections in India Dr. Ashok Jhunjhunwala, TeNeT Group Department of Electrical Engineering IIT.

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Presentation on theme: "Iit madras Towards 200 million Telephone and Internet Connections in India Dr. Ashok Jhunjhunwala, TeNeT Group Department of Electrical Engineering IIT."— Presentation transcript:

1 iit madras Towards 200 million Telephone and Internet Connections in India Dr. Ashok Jhunjhunwala, TeNeT Group Department of Electrical Engineering IIT Madras, Chennai

2 iit madras Today India barely has 20 million telephones and less than 0.5 million Internet connections for its 1000 million people ¤ needs 150 to 200 million telephone and Internet connections ¤ lack of Internet connections can create a divide in society

3 iit madras Investments required per line:Rs 32,000 ¤15 % finance cost and 15% cost for operation, maintenance and obsolescence ¤Revenue required per line per year:Rs 9,600 not affordable to more than 2 to 3 % of population A serious obstacle to rapid Internet growth Bottleneck I : Telephone network is expensive

4 iit madras Why is Telecom Network expensive? Costs about $1000 per line in the West ¤is affordable to most in the West ¤focus of R&D is not on cost reduction, but to provide enhanced features and services at the same cost Efforts required in country like India to significantly reduce costs ¤if costs could be reduced to Rs 10,000 per line  average revenue required per month less than Rs 250  affordable to 20 % of population

5 iit madras But is it possible ? Not easy, but why not ? For example CDOT’s exchange today °costs two-third of imported exchange and °provides 10 million of 20 million lines in India And in the process ¤achieve lowest cost telecom and Internet solution ¤serve a market of several hundred million in India and other developing countries  Consequently become the world leader in technology

6 iit madras Telecom Network Trends Cost of Backbone Network falling rapidly ¤at the same time capacity increasing dramatically but increase in Access Costs negates this fall ¤Access costs in urban areas close to Rs 22,000 per line ¤Access costs in rural areas much higher

7 iit madras  PSTN RouterRouter ISP To other routers modem Internet Connections ON for long hours — higher Erlang traffic causes congestion as telephone network designed to handle only 0.1 E traffic per subscriber Rs 26 per hour local call charges in India modem links unreliable -- 33.6 kbps to as low as 9.6 kbps Bottleneck II: Internet chokes PSTN

8 iit madras TeNeT group at IIT Madras Vision to enable India have 100 to 200 million Telecom and Internet connections at the earliest possible ¤Leverage advances in technology to develop versatile Access Systems that cost significantly less and overcomes Internet Access bottleneck ¤keeping local requirements in mind poor quality of power high cost of reliable air-conditioning space crunch at city centers

9 iit madras Access network must separate Internet data concentrate bursty Internet data close to subscriber Interface to PSTN and Internet on open protocols AUAU To Exchange To Intenet IP E1 (V5.2) voice SU 

10 iit madras corDECT Wireless in Local Loop simultaneous ¤35 kbps Internet access (70 kbps upgrade in near future) ¤telephone connection supporting fax, PCO and speakerphone Rs 13,000 -----> Rs 17,000 (for sparse rural areas) Rs 8,000 with multiwallset DIU + RAS To Exchange To Intenet IP E1 (V5.2) voice WS 

11 iit madras DIAS (dsl on copper) 144/80 kbps Internet + simultaneous voice ¤ Rs 12,000 + copper cost 2 Mbps Internet + upto 8 phones ¤Rs 25,000 + copper cost Always ON permanent Internet connection IANIAN BDSU  To Exchange To Internet HDSU   IP 144 kbps E1 (V5.2) voice 2Mbps Copper

12 iit madras Versatile Remote Unit (VRU) Plain old Telephone service ¤56 kbps Internet possible with a RASM behind exchange ¤ Rs 2000 + copper cost VRUVRU To Exchange E1 (V5.2) voice 

13 iit madras Access Center Key to Low-cost and Versatility combine wireless, DSL on copper and POTS optimally locate Access Center near subscriber cluster °wireless gives umbrella coverage

14 iit madras Integrated Access Centre (AC) combines WiLL, DIAS and VRU ¤WiLL : Rs 13,000 ---> Rs 17,000 (for sparse rural areas) Rs 8000 with multiwallset ¤BDSU : Rs 12,000 + copper HDSU : Rs 25,000 + copper ¤POTS : Rs 2,000 + copper To Exchange To Internet IP E1 (V5.2) voice ACAC DSU   SU 

15 iit madras Access Center  wave radio/Fiber DIU VRU IAN Power Plant Battery  TA  BDSU HDSU   ) Ratio of Wired / Wireless / Internet Access Lines depending on Access scenario

16 iit madras Fibre backhaul : 34 / 155 Mbps : Fibre in the Loop D&I COMUX E3/SDH D&I    + AC Internet E1 voice

17 iit madras Radio backhaul : 8 / 34 / 155 Mbps    AC (  wave radio IP To Exchange To Internet E1 voice (

18 iit madras Network Management System A must with distributed deployment of Intelligent nodes Convergence of Telecom and Internet management Manage traffic, subscribers, subscriber equipment and network health from management centers

19 iit madras Product Visuals

20 iit madras Direct connection for - Telephone set - G3 fax machine - Modem - Payphone Wallset : Subscriber premises equipment

21 iit madras WS/WS-IP : Wallset with external antenna RS232 External Antenna for Enhanced Range of 10 Km (LoS) 35 kbps / 70 kbps Intenet traffic plus simultaneous voice

22 iit madras Multi Wallset (MWS)     ¤MWS for 4 Telephones in a multistoried building ¤Reduces per line cost to half ¤Ethernet port in future (for Internet access) MWS Antenna & RF Electronics

23 iit madras WS Connected to BS BS mounted on pole on streets :Range 150 - 400 m BS mounted on roof-tops :Range 10 Km (LOS) Each BS serves 50 subscribers at 0.1 E per subscriber 

24 iit madras DECT Interface Unit (DIU)

25 iKon RAS

26 iit madras Relay Base Station (RBS) in near future ¤25 km range with RBS in sparse rural areas ¤uses DECT frequencies ¤no frequency planning needed

27 DIAS - IAN Rack


29 iit madras Map with an alarm

30 iit madras Mosaic of Views

31 iit madras Access Centre deployment examples

32 iit madras


34 Connaught Place (Delhi)

35 iit madras


37 Available Solution from TeNeT group Can provide total Telecom and Internet solution ¤in urban areas at a cost of Rs 17,000 per line ¤in rural areas at a cost of Rs 21,000 per line

38 iit madras Access Centre evolution Add cable-modem to Access Center to support voice, Internet and entertainment Upgrade Access Centers with ¤384 / 1.1 Mbps corDECT WLL ¤new Wireless Access technologies (3G wireless) ¤vDSL and xDSL technologies Add QoS feature to Internet Access Systems (to support voice over IP)

39 iit madras But this is only a beginning Tasks ahead ¤involve many more companies to design for India ¤innovate to further reduce costs ¤integrate access terminal to communication device Policy issues enable India to become design house for the world by encouraging local designs enable franchise operation of telecom network incentives for providing network in small towns and rural areas

40 iit madras Covering Small Towns and Rural Areas Using Indian Railway Network 50-200 connections in each town 8000 towns/villages in country covered by Indian Railways

41 H-Connect

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