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2ML Consulting Limited REACHING THE UN-SERVED URBAN POOR: EXPERIENCES FROM UGANDA A Presentation at the Pakistan Urban Water Forum Dr. William T Muhairwe.

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Presentation on theme: "2ML Consulting Limited REACHING THE UN-SERVED URBAN POOR: EXPERIENCES FROM UGANDA A Presentation at the Pakistan Urban Water Forum Dr. William T Muhairwe."— Presentation transcript:

1 2ML Consulting Limited REACHING THE UN-SERVED URBAN POOR: EXPERIENCES FROM UGANDA A Presentation at the Pakistan Urban Water Forum Dr. William T Muhairwe and Gerald Ahabwe 11 th January 2014, Karachi, Pakistan 1

2 Thank You for Your Attention! 2

3 Presentation Outline “ Any one who has ever struggled with poverty knows how extremely expensive it is to be poor. ” ― James A. Baldwin; 1924- 1987 American Author 1. Background 2. Who are the Urban Poor? 3. Why Serve the Poor? 5. Lessons learnt 3 4. How we serve the Urban Poor

4 BACKGROUND 4  National Water and Sewerage Corporation has the mandate as a parastatal to manage piped water and sewerage services in Uganda’s large towns.  NWSC Customers are categorised by tariff  Domestic  Commercial  Institutional/Government  Public stand pipes ( Urban poor)  There are service delivery Gaps on the latter category (Urban Poor)

5 WHO ARE THE URBAN POOR? 5 No class room definition; defined by their socio-economic characteristics.  Survive on less than 1.3 USD/day and don’t own land  Live in informal settlements characterized by poor housing structures (temporary roof, wall, floor)  Don’t have personal water connections  Buy water from vendors and/or get from springs  Earn irregular income  Population density of 400/hectare compared to average 73 persons/hectare in rest of Kampala  Survive on less than 1.3 USD/day and don’t own land  Live in informal settlements characterized by poor housing structures (temporary roof, wall, floor)  Don’t have personal water connections  Buy water from vendors and/or get from springs  Earn irregular income  Population density of 400/hectare compared to average 73 persons/hectare in rest of Kampala The Urban Poor in Kampala number to some 600,000 people (WSP,2010). Typical Settlements for Urban Poor in Kampala

6 WHY SERVE THE URBAN POOR? 6  It is NWSC’s Corporate Social Responsibility  It is in line with Political Mandate, Vision 2040, National Development plan, President’s Manifesto  WATER IS A BASIC RIGHT FOR HEALTH, IN LINE WITH THE MDGS  Equity in Service Delivery  THE URBAN POOR ARE GOOD PAYERS  Supports the management of NRW through mitigation of commercial water losses Queuing for water

7 TYPICAL TRADITIONAL WAYS OF SERVICE DELIVERY IN URBAN POOR SETTLEMENTS Service delivery in Urban Poor Settlements is typically characterized by some of the following: 7  Public water kiosks  Water vendors  Unsafe boreholes & Springs  Communal toilets/pit latrines which are often shallow due to high water table Poor Access and Drainage at an Unprotected Water Source

8 PRO-POOR SERVICE CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT- WHAT WE FOUND OUT! 8  NWSC WATSAN Studies in1996 & 2002 found that the poor were paying way too much compared to other consumers.  The Urban Poor mainly got water from private operators who charged between 5-10 times the official tariff. Those who could not afford fetched from contaminated springs.  Monthly Billing System for NWSC suited salaried employees and not those in informal employment  NWSC then had a supply driven approach and did not have strong institutional presence in informal settlements  By 2003 out of 1400 PSP’s in Kampala, 800 were disconnected due to Non Payment

9 PRO-POOR SERVICE CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT – WHAT WE DID?  Partnerships with users and local authorities through extensive community mobilization  GOT LAND FOR PRE PAID INSTALLATION AND TOILET CONTRUCTION FORM THE COMMUNITY.  Networked with the existing CBOs/NGOs  SUBSIDISED ONLY ACCESS BUT NOT CONSUMPTION  Social marketing to create demand 9 Drawing water from a protected spring

10 PRO-POOR SERVICE CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT – Innovative ways of serving the poor PRO-POOR SERVICE CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT – Innovative ways of serving the poor 1.Introduction of yard taps 2.Introduction of pre paid meter technology 3. Put a pro-poor Urban Unit in place 10 A pre-paid public stand pipe for Urban Poor

11 Principles of a Pre-paid Meter System 11

12 RESULTS  The Urban Pro-poor Unit is in place and functional  NWSC presence and Corporate image in informal settlements enhanced  Over 1,700 prepaid meters installed and 200 communal toilets built and handed over to the users.  30 Points of Sale in Kampala for credit recharge. This also enhances livelihoods of credit vendors  Over 30,000 tokens issued serving an estimated 250,000 urban poor persons.  Consumer consumption has increased 5 fold in informal settlements because of the removal of middlemen 12 H.E. The President of Uganda Launching Pre-paid Meters in an Informal Settlement in Kampala

13 LESSONS LEARNT and CONCLUSION…1 13  Politically: voter catchers for the pliticians  Socially: Image builder for the company for serving the poor  Economically: a)Cash cow for the company AND serving the poor attracts Donor support, World Bank, KFW, ADB, AFDB, NGO and other foundations  Lastly: The Poor are the most grateful of all our customers. They appreciate very much the service given to them!!!!

14 2ML Consulting Limited: What We Do Institutions We Work With: Adam Smith International/GVWC, SL World Bank USAID/ SUWASA, S. Sudan Global Water Leaders’ Group- UK NWSC, Uganda Tetra Tech DFID Institutions We Work With: Adam Smith International/GVWC, SL World Bank USAID/ SUWASA, S. Sudan Global Water Leaders’ Group- UK NWSC, Uganda Tetra Tech DFID Contact Us: Plot 32 Lumumba Avenue P.O. Box 31456, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 702 200 264 Wesley Street Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 76 128 628 Contact Us: Plot 32 Lumumba Avenue P.O. Box 31456, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 702 200 264 Wesley Street Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel: +232 76 128 628 We have a team of experienced consultants that work together to deliver tailor-made capacity building solutions that help turnaround organizational performance. Some of the modules we offer include:  Leadership Training, Coaching & Mentoring  Management Consultancy– (Change Management, Restructuring, Remodelling and Rightsizing etc), Stakeholder Management, Corporate Governance  Performance Improvement Programmes  Institutional Development & Business Re- Engineering  Short to Medium-Term Transitional Management  Commercialization and Customer Care Some of the modules we offer include:  Leadership Training, Coaching & Mentoring  Management Consultancy– (Change Management, Restructuring, Remodelling and Rightsizing etc), Stakeholder Management, Corporate Governance  Performance Improvement Programmes  Institutional Development & Business Re- Engineering  Short to Medium-Term Transitional Management  Commercialization and Customer Care Countries that we currently operate in include : Uganda, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Zambia, South Sudan, India, Pakistan, Nigeria, and Zambia 14

15 2ML Consulting Limited Thank You For Your Attention 15

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