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Copyright Law Ollie Coles Ollie Coles, Copyright Law.

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1 Copyright Law Ollie Coles Ollie Coles, Copyright Law

2 What Is Copyright? The rights cover; copying, adapting, distributing, renting to public. Types of work protected; Song lyrics, computer programs, important documents. Also art such as paintings are protected. It should show an individuals unique style in the piece of work to qualify for copyright protection. You do not need to claim for copyright, as soon as it is created it is protected by copyright Ollie Coles, Copyright Law

3 How to Copyright Your Work To ensure that a piece of work is entitled to be protected by copyright you need to have solid evidence that the ideas are your own. If the work is found out to be copied off of the internet (plagiarism) then the work will not be allowed to be copyrighted. If the piece of work is a joint piece then agreements have to be made on what rights each person has. Ollie Coles, Copyright Law

4 Length Of Copyright For any work that comes under the literary, dramatic or artistic work categories, copyright lasts for 70 years. For photos, copyright lasts 70 years after death of the artist. However it depends on which copyright they are subject to, Parliamentary is 50 years and Crown is 125 years. Sound recordings are copyrighted for the next 50 years after the end of the year they are made. Ollie Coles, Copyright Law

5 My Logo, Advert & Banner The images I used in my advert and banner were photos taken by myself so there is no way I have breached any copyright laws. This means that I can safely use them and also if someone wanted to use them they would have to ask for permission. In my images I used in the logo I did get them off of Google which may infringe copyright laws. However if the owner of them really wants to protect them they usually put a company signature on some part of the image so nobody can use them. Ollie Coles, Copyright Law

6 Bibliography facts.html?gclid=CLz-zvjO8bMCFUbKtAodnjoAHA facts.html?gclid=CLz-zvjO8bMCFUbKtAodnjoAHA Ollie Coles, Copyright Law

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