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Published byAmy Webster Modified over 9 years ago
Back to School Healthy! Essential Oil Solutions To Help Protect Your Tots and Teens From Whatever Is Going Around! Presented by Marty Harger
Essential Oils Offer a Complimentary & Safe Approach
Natural Alternative to over-the-counter medications that have side effects, expiration dates and RECALLS! Great addition to healthy choices you make for your family Good for the planet! Easy to use at home & to learn Only need a few things to get started Compliment vs conflict with medically prescribed drugs “One drop of essential oil, performing some task of healing, falls into the pool of general knowledge and ripples out, touching others. This is how aromatherapy is today. The ripples are getting stronger, and spreading further, because aromatherapy works.” ~ Valerie Ann Worwood, “Aromatherapy for the Healthy Child”
What is an Essential Oil?
Natural aromatic compounds in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. Nature’s Living Essence! For those of you who are not familiar with essential oils, let me tell you about these powerful drops of plant extract. Essential oils the natural aromatic compounds found in plants. They are usually steam distilled , but some like citrus oils are cold pressed from rinds. This picture shows you a Peppermint leaf on the left. On the right you see a magnification of the leaves with the small oil sacks on the leaf surface. To create Peppermint essential oil, they harvest thousands and thousands of pounds of leaves and compress them in a vat and steam is run through the plant material. The water and vapors move through a piping system and at the end of the distillery process you get 2 things – floral water for perfuming, and essential oil to tap off for health use. Essential oils are the LIVE essence of the plant. Unlike herbs which are dried, essential oils carry all of the active chemical constituents that the actual plant has itself. This is why they are so therapeutically powerful. Think about what a plant has to do in nature to survive? It has to be able to fight off the elements, disease, contamination by insects, trampling and more! These same characteristics are available to us in essential oils as live, plant extractions. dōTERRA Essential oils are HIGHLY CONCENTRATED---1 drop of dōTERRA Peppermint oil is the same as 28 cups of Peppermint tea! 70 times more potent than dried herbs: ONE drop of peppermint essential oil is equivalent to 28 cups of peppermint tea! Peppermint
Powerful, Medicinal Properties of Essential Oils
Analgesic Antibiotic Antibacterial Antidepressant Antifungal Anti-Inflammatory Antioxidant Antiparasitic Antiseptic Antispasmodic Antiviral Astringent Decongestant Digestive Disinfectant Diuretic Expectorant Immune Strengthener Sedative/Relaxant Stimulant Essential oils have been used for 1,000’s of years for medicinal purposes. Each oil has a multitude of chemical constituents that provide medicinal value, typically 5 – 8 different things it can do to help in healing. This is a “laundry list” of just some of the therapeutic qualities essential oils hold. Most all oils are antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic-----so you can be comfortable passing along the bottle and trying it as you are naturally protected by its content. In our presentation you’ll see some of these listed on each oil I’m going to share with you. Each oil has MANY of these properties. For instance…Peppermint is: - an Analgesic for pain relief - Anti depressant for the psyche - Anti-inflammatory for muscles and joints - Anti-spasmodic for muscle contractions - Decongestant for lungs - Digestive for the stomach - Expectorant for the respiratory system - Stimulant for the mind
Why Use Essential Oils for Your Kids’ Health Care?
Be your own “family physician” and effectively care for most illnesses/injuries…naturally! Reduces / eliminates use of harmful synthetic chemicals and toxins in OTC remedies More powerful than herbs Saves time getting to/waiting for doctors Many emergency health needs can be resolved immediately!
Most Medicine Cabinets
Synthetic drugs with lots of side effects Nearly 50 popular kids’ remedies recalled in 2010! Can take hours to take effect Use limited to a few times daily Expire or go rancid (REMOVE THIS SLIDE IF YOU DON’T WANT IT THERE) When I became familiar with some of health concerns essential oils could address instead more effectively and naturally than using over-the-counter remedies, herbal remedies and prescriptions…. My friend pulled her “stash” out of her medicine closet….and look what she found! This is just for 2 people…. stomach problems colds & flu asthma and allergy remedies warts & skin cracks antiseptics dental help pain relievers sunburn pain and insect bite relief WOW!! Here’s what you also need to keep in mind. All of these products have an expiration date. The essential oils I am going to share with you tonight will literally last for GENERATIONS if you keep the lids tightly sealed. The citrus oils last about 30 years. But compared to having to toss out all these synthetic solutions….natural essential oils make a GREAT long-term investment! Can’t we consider choosing something healthier for our health and the health of our clients?
All-Natural Medicine Cabinet
Gentle enough to use on babies! Ease pain / illness in minutes! No synthetic side effects Use as often as needed to continue health benefit Quality essential oils last for generations…a great investment for family health care!
Brief History of Essential Oils
Used for 1,000+ yrs : Egypt, China, Greece, India, Mesopotamia Mankind’s first medicine Egyptian temples dedicated to production & blending of oils Today, growing interest in replacing synthetic drugs with natural solutions Documented use for 1,000’s of years Egypt, China, Greece, India, Mesopotamia Rediscovered in early 1900’s in France Research emerged in late 1970’s Widely used today in Europe, Australia and Asia Significant growth in U.S. interest as Americans now looking for natural vs pharmaceutical approach for many common ailments
3 Simple & Safe Ways to Use
Internal Use In a capsule, under the tongue, in water or honey Aromatic Diffusion Purify rooms or change emotion Diffuser Drop in hands Drop on tissue Spray on a surface or nearby Just open/smell from bottle Topical Application Apply directly to skin or in a carrier oil There are 3 ways we can use essential oils. The first is by Aromatically Diffusing oils. Let me start by saying that we typically use anywhere from 2 – 5 drops of an oil per application. So no matter what method you use, that is the quantity you typically use. Like the unique dōTERRA Lotus Diffuser I have running over here (point), we can diffuse oils into the air to benefit everyone who is breathing in the area. This particular diffuser is fantastic because it has a small device inside it that vibrates at 10,000 vibrations a minute, creating this misting effect. We all know oil and water don’t mix, so as the water molecules are being fractionated into mist, the essential oil is riding on the mist into tiny particles that we can take in through our nose to effect our entire system. You don’t have to have a diffuser like this to take in oils aromatically though. You can put a drop on your hand and cup it around your nose and inhale. You can put a few drops on a kleenex or cotton ball and put it in your car vent. You can add it to a spray bottle and squirt it into the air. You can simply open the bottle and in hale the beautiful scents. Whichever method you choose---when you inhale an essential oil, your body takes the scent in through your olfactory system. This creates change in the limbic system which is thought to be the primary part of our body where emotion is generated. So, we use oils to effect MOOD or EMOTION and because we’re taking oils in through our lungs when we breathe, they effect our RESPIRATORY system. The second way we use essential oils is by applying them TOPICALLY. This is how most people are familiar with oils or scents. We can put a few drops of an essential oil into a base carrier oil or lotion and apply it to our skin or feet. Many of these oils we can apply “neat” or undiluted directly to the area of concern. We use oils topically for both the local effect ---like aching feet, a headache, or sore muscles. But once we apply the oil to our tissue, the body begins to move the therapeutic value throughout our system and we therefore effect the entire body system in time. The third way to use oils is INTERNALLY. Tonight we are serving you LEMON WATER….which is one of the ways you can take in the powerful therapeutic effects of essential oils. Just a drop in a glass of water and you’re getting all the value of hydration and antioxidant protection in one….plus it tastes good! You can put a few drops of essential oil in a vegetable capsule (like this one) that you get at the health food store. You can put drops right under your tongue Add them to water, any beverage. The reason we take oils internally is to target the internal organs such as our DIGESTIVE system, our MOUTH, our THROAT, or organs such as the LIVER and our UROGENTITAL TRACT. Oils taken internally will have a rapid effect as they hit our blood stream quickly. Very safe and gentle Keep out of eyes, ears, and nose Dilute with oil, not water Check for skin sensitivity with first-time use
Know the Quality of Your Source!
Seek counsel from experienced oil users Why do some oils say “external use only” and “keep away from children”?? Bargain oils are not better Avoid inexpensive “aromatherapy” oils Source for highest quality available Remember, LESS IS MORE for effect Don’t expect your doctor to know!
Essential Oil Production
Synthetic Perfume /Industrial Therapeutic Health Benefit Food GRAS Standard © 2008 DōTerra Intl, LLC Confidential and proprietary information. Unauthorized duplication strictly prohibited.
Highest Quality Essential Oils in the World
Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade™ PURE—Every batch GCMS tested, 100% natural, no artificial ingredients, fragrances, or fillers SAFE—Certified to be free of pesticides and other chemical residues POTENT—Standardized active compounds So what is a CERTIFIED PURE THERAPEUTIC GRADE oil or CPTG? dōTERRA guarantees that each bottle of their oils is completely PURE, SAFE and POTENT They perform two sets of laboratory tests on both the sample batch and the final batch of each oil they distribute. These tests are performed by an independent laboratory. The tests are called GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY and MASS SPECTROMETRY. The Gas Chromatography test tells them exactly what constituents are in the oil. The Mass Spectrometry tells them if anything was added to the oil such as any plants with pesticides, the wrong plant, or even fillers a distiller would have added. Any oil that fails to meet the dōTERRA templated standards, is rejected!! This is SOOOOOO important and what makes dōTERRA unique. In fact, they stamp all their oils with this CPTG code to help you be assured that these oils are SAFE and have only the compounds they are intended to have. dōTERRA offers a natural healthcare alternative….therapeutic grade essential oils. Their essential oils are a wonderful compliment to your current healthy lifestyle choices like eating right, exercising, restful sleep and more. What I also love about essential oils is that in this 15 ml bottle (hold one up)….there are 250 drops of oil. Since we only use 2-5 drops per application, that means you have as much as 125 “doses” in one small bottle. I think you’ll discover what a cost-effective and powerful, natural health tool dōTERRA’s essential oils can offer as we share them with you. Also note that dōTERRA’s oils are undiluted, and therefore VERY concentrated and strong drops does the same thing therapeutically as 10 of another brand! Highest Quality Essential Oils in the World
Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade™ essential oils—
a natural healthcare alternative. doTERRA is truly a GIFT OF THE EARTH for all of us----offering a NATURAL healthcare solution Essential oils have been used for healing for 1,000’s of years – many cultures (Egypt, China, Europe, Native American) - allow you to take control of your family’s health - give you the tools to take care of many, many health solutions - Provide NATURAL defense and protection -Strengthen your immunity - allow you to address the root CAUSE of the illness while reducing SYMPTOMS
Recommended Oils Application
Great, natural way to bond with your child throughout their life! All oils require repeat application every 3-4 hours Always store oils safely – on high shelves! Infants – Highly Diluted Best choices: diffuser, on feet diluted OK to apply to torso if highly diluted Toddlers & Young Children Under 6 = ¼ normal dosage Under 12 = ½ normal dosage Best choices depend on area of concern: Diffuse, apply to feet, dilute and apply externally Ok for internal use in water or capsule if they can swallow it Ears – drops onto cotton ball – wipe around outside of ear. Cotton ball in ear. Teenagers + College age same as adult dosage and application
Toddlers Calming Emotions
For everything from separation anxiety to play date commotion, try Serenity, Frankincense or Lavender on the back or feet Fever Peppermint & Lavender diluted and applied to torso & back of neck/forehead Stomach Aches/Nausea DigestZen on the stomach for digestive problems or overeating Teeth coming in/falling out Highly diluted Clove oil will numb the pain
Toddlers Ear Aches & Sore Throats
Lemon & honey in warm water for sore throats Melaleuca swabbed in the mouth - tastes bad, but works! For ear aches/infections: Combine Basil or Thyme, Melaleuca & Lavender into a blend. Apply around ear & with cotton ball in ear. Other choices: Roman Chamomile, Purify Boost Immunity Diffuse On Guard. Wash hands with OnGuard Foaming Hand wash. Carry OnGuard Hand Wipes Add PB Assist beadlet to meals…builds immunity!
Young Children Get your child involved! Let them start building their own intuition and choose the oil they think is best for them at the time. Coughs & colds Frankincense, Thyme or Oregano and Citrus Bliss or any citrus oil blended, Breathe in diffuser, diluted on chest/back Cuts & scrapes Lavender or Melaleuca applied “neat” is safe and very effective Back-to-school immunity (H1N1) OnGuard oil on the feet Bug bites TerraShield on skin to prevent Lavender dabbed on each spot after the fact
Young Children Bed Time Help!
Serenity sprayed on pillow or on back of neck to stop teeth grinding Lavender or Roman Chamomile diffused, room spray, on pillowcase or applied to bottoms of feet Breathe in diffuser or on chest for any children with allergies or asthma Muscle and Joint Pain Relief Deep Blue (best choice for bruises), Past Tense, AromaTouch, Peppermint, Wintergreen or Frankincense diluted in Fractionated Coconut Oil and applied to area of concern. Dry Skin Lavender and a bit of Lemon in the bathtub with a few drops of milk or Fractionated Coconut Oil, or natural lathering soap
Teenagers Emotional upheaval
Diffuse Sandalwood, Frankincense, Balance blend, or Vetiver + Lavender + Grapefruit. For anxiety try Serenity and Balance or Lavender and Balance applied to feet &back of neck Skin care Melaleuca, Geranium or Clary Sage applied or sprayed onto acne spots. dōTERRA Essential Skin Care kit is fantastic! Female Specific Cramps: Clary Sage, Deep Blue, PastTense, Peppermint, Wintergreen PMS: Lavender, bergamot, geranium Study & focus Concentration improved when diffusing oils in room: Peppermint, Frankincense, Lemon, Wild Orange
Teenagers Exercise/muscle fatigue/growing pains
-- Deep Blue applied neat or diluted to area Stinky feet! Combine Eucalyptus and Melaleuca in a spray for feet and sneakers Put diffuser in smelly room with Purify! Wake Up/Get to Sleep Wake Up: Peppermint, Citrus or Flower oils or blends Get to Sleep: Lavender, Geranium, Serenity blend Allergies Lavender+ Lemon + Peppermint in a capsule, in water or on the feet
Off to College New germs
Diffuse OnGuard in room. Apply to feet. Have Lozenges handy. Know how to use Oregano and OnGuard in capsules Relationships Balance + Serenity + Elevation: 2 drops each on feet a.m. & p.m. Studying Diffuse or Apply Peppermint and/or Wild Orange diluted slightly Anxiety/ Sleeplessness Spray pillow with Lavender or Serenity Natural Health Aids Melaleuca for Athlete’s Foot Deodorant: 1-2 drops Purify, Melaleuca, Lavender or Whisper in 1 T. Fractionated Coconut oil and apply under arms Instant breath freshener: 1-2 drops Peppermint on tongue
Food for Thought Keep the “Freshman 15” at Bay
Healthy food choices often fly out the window. Drinking Slim & Sassy can help curb sugar cravings & late-night snacking Constipation & Digestive Upset Sharing bathrooms with strangers can really put a “clamp” on things! DigestZen to the rescue! Rub a few drops onto the stomach or add to water or empty capsule. Slim & Sassy and Peppermint also help calm stomach upset and eliminate toxins. Slim & Sassy: Cinnamon, Ginger, Peppermint, Grapefruit &Lemon DigestZen: Ginger, peppermint, tarragon, fennel, caraway, coriander, anise
Headaches & Migraines Massage a few drops of Peppermint, Frankincense, Wintergreen or PastTense roll-on on forehead, temples and at base of brain stem For migraines, steam inhale a few drops of Lavender, Frankincense or Peppermint or combine all 3 in equal parts and apply topically to key areas PastTense: Wintergreen, Lavender, Peppermint, Frankincense, Cilantro, Roman Chamomile, Marjoram, Basil, Rosemary
First Aid for Students Arm Your Kids with the Family Physician Kit! Lets them take care of their own aches, pains & illnesses with: Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint, Frankincense, Melaleuca, Oregano, OnGuard, Deep Blue, DigestZen, Breathe
Diffuse Oils Aromatically For the Whole Family
Wake Up: Citrus Bliss or Peppermint Make it a GRRRREAT Day: Elevation Ready for lunchtime? Balance Late Afternoon & Evening: Serenity Balance: Spruce, rosewood, frankincense, blue tansy
Traveling with the Family
Create a “Scent Memory” with oils you diffuse at home Put a few drops of your favorites on cotton balls & place in car air vents & in hotel room. Wipe surfaces with oils….EVERYONE will rest more easily! Avoid Car/Air Sickness Peppermint, Ginger and DigestZen on the stomach or internally depending on age Disinfect your environment Airplanes – use On Guard Hand Wipes for surfaces on planes and bathrooms Hotel rooms – spray or wipe handles, TV remote , phones, chair arms, etc. Sprinkle Peppermint on bed sheets if concerned about bed bugs. Lavender on everyone’s pillow to relax and unwind! Check List for Traveling Family Physician Kit oils TerraShield insect repellant OnGuard lozenges and OnGuard Hand Wipes Plenty of good water with Lemon – refreshing and detoxifying
Your Kids Need You… Keep Yourself Healthy Every Day!
Preventative healthcare means creating a daily habit of physical and emotional well being! Stay strong…naturally! Lifelong Vitality Pack: Omega 3 & 6 + Essential Oils, Anti-Oxidants, Vitamins & Minerals
Want to Know More? Get a few great reference books
Attend other classes we’ll be offering every month Listen to webinars from experts on line
What Do You Need to Get Started?
A kit of dōTERRA essential oils Fractionated Coconut Oil or Jojoba 3. Diffuser 4. Good reference book And a willingness to learn and use a more natural approach to your family’s wellbeing!
How to Purchase? Wholesale Membership Customer
Purchase products at full retail price No commitment or obligation Wholesale Membership Enrollment Kit Purchase required ($35 or $150 - $2,200 as a kit) 25% discount from retail • $100PV/mo for commissions
25% DISCOUNT OFF RETAIL PRICES 10%- 30% FREE LOYALTY REWARDS CREDITS Retail Profit Fast Start Bonus Power of Three Bonus Unilevel Bonus Leadership Performance Pools 2 FREE WEBSITES 1 for ordering, 1 for buyers Since most people decide to buy at Wholesale, let me explain what you get after you buy your initial Family Physician Kit as an Enrollment Kit: You get 25% off of all retail prices You can earn another 10-30% in free product credits with our REWARDS program You can sponsor other wholesale members and earn sales commissions You’ll get 2 free websites – one where people buy their products from you, and one where you place your own wholesale orders Of course, you will also hear about a LOT of great new promotions on products that are offered regularly.
Best Way to Buy Products Each Month! Earn FREE Products with EACH order! Completely Optional Flexible dates Most people choose to take advantage of it $100 PV monthly qualifies you for commissions FREE Additional Monthly Gift - Product of the Month Club I’d like to take a few minutes to explain the GREAT benefits of dōTERRA’s Rewards program. Purpose of Rewards program is to make sure you never run out of the supplements and oils that you need. By participating in Autoship REwards, you earn an increasing amount of free products each month as a reward…10% months 1-3 up to 30% after 13 months. The REWARDS program is similar to a cable TV or magazine subscription but has FAR more benefits! With an Autoship of $100+ PV, you get another benefit: you qualify for bonuses such as the Fast Start Bonus,the Power of Three Bonus and the Unilevel bonus. If you are not on $100 Autoship REWARDS , you lose out on these bonuses and commissions. You can change the order and the date your order is sent to you each month if you want so you can build your collection of oils and replace oils you use frequently, each month. Your credit card is charged ON the date it ships. Products are delivered right to your door via FedEx Ground. If you choose to start taking the Lifelong Wellness Supplements I mentioned, you’ll get a 40% discount. dōTERRA’s REWARDS program is a great way to SAVE and add the products you want over time.
$50 Monthly POWER OF THREE TEAM $$$ 600 PV between this team
150 Points Each Average 600 PV between this team 33
POWER OF THREE $250 Monthly 600 PV between each team 34
POWER OF THREE $1500 Monthly 600 PV between each team 35
Choose a Kit That’s Right For YOU
GOOD CHOICES “Sampler” Kits if just started - $150 or $250 (At this point make sure that you help people sign up and answer any questions that people have as they are filling out the form.)
Choose a Kit That’s Right For YOU
BETTER CHOICE – Gives you 24 oils + blends you’ll need - $500 (At this point make sure that you help people sign up and answer any questions that people have as they are filling out the form.)
Choose a Kit That’s Right For YOU
BEST CHOICE Every oil + blend dōTERRA offers! $1,500 (At this point make sure that you help people sign up and answer any questions that people have as they are filling out the form.)
Enroll TONIGHT as a dōTERRA Wholesale/IPC member with any kit valued at 200PV or more and you’ll receive a FREE “Summer Sizzler Promotion Kit”: Four FREE 5ml oils will be included with your order! Rosemary, Lime, Black Pepper & Cilantro and a special summer recipe website with ideas on using these oils for backyard fun!
Great New Website with Recipes!
Thank you for joining us.
Enjoy dōTERRA’s wonderful oils… a true “gift of the earth”! Thank you for your attention today. Take a look at the oils that interested you on the charts we handed out at the beginning. Let’s hand out the information about purchases for you to choose what kit you’d like to go home with tonight.
Questions? 42
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