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Dietary Supplements.  Intended to supplement the diet  Contains one or more ingredients  Intended to be taken by mouth (but is not a food)  Labeled.

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Presentation on theme: "Dietary Supplements.  Intended to supplement the diet  Contains one or more ingredients  Intended to be taken by mouth (but is not a food)  Labeled."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dietary Supplements


3  Intended to supplement the diet  Contains one or more ingredients  Intended to be taken by mouth (but is not a food)  Labeled on the front panel as a dietary supplement

4  Known essential nutrients  Dose based on the RDA  Safe when used correctly  Targeted markets

5  Strong bones and teeth  Helps heart, nerves, and muscles work properly  Total calcium intake should not exceed 2500 mg per day  Vitamin D is important

6  Vitamin B12  Folic acid  Vitamin D

7  No known requirements or safe doses  Active ingredient may not be known  Complex mixture of compounds  Ingredients may cause side effects and interactions

8  Statement of identity  Net quantity of contents  "This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."  Other ingredients in descending order of predominance and by common name or proprietary blend  Name and place of business of manufacturer, packer or distributor  This is the address to write for more product information.

9 Directions: Amount to take States dosage and health warning of active ingredient Warns of harm caused by supplement and possible drug interactions Supplement Facts Panel: Information about recommended serving size and the name and amount of each ingredient

10  Manufactures are allowed to make four kinds of claims about the product:  Nutritional claims  Claims of well-being  Health claims  Structure or function claims “ Helps Maintain Healthy Joint Function ”

11  Supplements are not considered pharmaceuticals, therefore have not undergone rigorous testing for safety or efficacy.  Talk with your doctor first before starting a supplement regimen  Like drugs, dietary supplements have risks and side effects

12  Look for standardized supplements  Reliable manufacturer  Pharmacopeia’s seal   Select only single herb supplements  Beware of claims that are too good to be true  Avoid supplements manufactured outside US  toxic ingredients and prescription medicines

13  Unlike drugs, dietary supplements have NO governmental standards to ensure safety, effectiveness or quality  Supplements are not ‘FDA approved’  Active ingredients not known  Standardization of products does not occur  Administered form not standard  Dose not standard

14  Traditional medicine origins  Treatments involved herb therapy but also cultural and personal interactions with the healer  Cannot replicate with a pill

15  Oxidative damage is a natural event in the body  Enzymes and chelators protect cells from damage  Plant foods contain natural antioxidants

16  Widely found in plant foods  Provide bright colors in food  Potential antioxidants in the body  Best to get from food

17  Used to shorten duration of cold and flu and reduce symptoms  Under debate whether it helps fight common cold  People with tuberculosis, leukemia, diabetes, connective tissue disorder, and liver disorders should not take it

18  Used to reduce menopause symptoms (hot flashes)  Side effects include headache, nausea and rash  Do not take with anticoagulants, Tamoxifen, estrogens, hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills

19  Used to treat circulatory problems and enhance memory.  Side effects include GI upset, headaches, skin reactions, dizziness.  May increase risk of brain hemorrhage and bleeding complications – do not take with blood thinning medications or if you are pregnant or nursing.

20  Ma huang  Kava kava  Comfrey  Chapparal  Germander  Lobelia  Wormwood  Yohimbe  Brain-nerve containing products

21  Taking medications  Medical treatment available for your medical condition  Pregnant or breast feeding  Prior to surgery  Younger than 18 or older than 65

22  Megadosing: The “More is Better” Myth  Not supported by scientific evidence  The “Natural is Safe” Myth  Some of the most toxic substances occur naturally e.g. mushrooms  The “Traditional Medicine” Myth  Not convincing of proof of safety

23  Supplement to the diet  Vitamins, minerals, botanicals or herbs  Pill, capsule, liquid, or tablet  Not regulated by FDA  Can not be guaranteed safe  Best to get vitamins and minerals from eating a balanced, healthy diet

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