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S PATIAL PATTERNS OF ETHNIC GROUPS IN KOREATOWN UP206a Midterm Project Urban Planning Seung Chul Song.

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Presentation on theme: "S PATIAL PATTERNS OF ETHNIC GROUPS IN KOREATOWN UP206a Midterm Project Urban Planning Seung Chul Song."— Presentation transcript:

1 S PATIAL PATTERNS OF ETHNIC GROUPS IN KOREATOWN UP206a Midterm Project Urban Planning Seung Chul Song

2 Koreatown in the City of Los Angeles has been a meaningful place for Korean immigrants and visitors from Korea. It is the largest Korean Community outside of Korea. The demography of Koreatown is changing. According to SCAG Region: Compass Blueprint Case Study, Koreatown is home to concentrations of ethnicities other than Korean Americans, including Hispanic, Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Bangladeshian and other Asian Americans.


4 M APPING P LAN Phase I: Identify boundary of Koreatown Identify ethnicity in Koreatown Analyze the spatial patterns for different users groups Identify opportunity spots to create hierarchical centers and suggest new programs to celebrate different ethnic groups

5 L OCATION OF K OREATOWN IN L OS A NGELES Demographics of Koreatown 115,070 population in 2000, according to the U.S. CensusU.S. Census 124,281 population in 2008, based on L.A. Department of City Planning estimates. L.A. Department of City Planning 2.70 square miles 42,611 people per square mile, among the highest densities for the city of Los Angeles and among the highest densities for the countyamong the highest densitiesthe city of Los Angeles among the highest densities

6 B OUNDARY OF K OREATOWN There are discrepancies between the city’s official boundary and users’ cognitive boundaries of Koreatown. The city’s boundary corresponds to political and economical issues but users’ boundaries correspond to spatial pattern of the user groups.

7 The percentages of Asian and Latino people are high for the county.Asian Latino Highly diverseHighly diverse for the city of Los Angeles and highly diverse for the countythe city of Los Angeles highly diverse Ethnicity

8 Asian

9 Hispanic

10 White

11 There is a co-relationship between Zoning and spatial pattern of Ethnic groups. For example, many business owners are Korean but residents are Hispanic and Latino. Zoning map and Ethnicity

12 Spatial Pattern Korean Restaurants Mexican Restaurants Bangladesh Facilities

13 Buffer Zones

14 F INDINGS The boundary defined by census does not meet with actual spatial use in Koreatown. Each ethnic group foams its own spatial boundary and tends to gather around space associated with their culture. F INAL P ROJECT Find an opportunity spots(open space). Develop programs associated with different transportation modes(Easy access to public transportation).

15 GIS SKILLS USED TO CREATE LAYOUTS Inset map Point or line graduate symbol Aggregating attribute fields Attribute sub-sets selections Boundary sub-sets selections Buffering Geoprocessing Geocoding

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