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Fire Protection Services. Organization in California STATE RESPONSIBILITY Office of Emergency Services State Mutual Aid CALFIRE State Responsibility Area.

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Presentation on theme: "Fire Protection Services. Organization in California STATE RESPONSIBILITY Office of Emergency Services State Mutual Aid CALFIRE State Responsibility Area."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fire Protection Services

2 Organization in California STATE RESPONSIBILITY Office of Emergency Services State Mutual Aid CALFIRE State Responsibility Area

3 COUNTY RESPONSIBILITY –State law does not require county to provide structural fire protection services and EMS –Services provided by county departments, special districts, cities, JPAs, State, and volunteer operations –32 out of 58 counties have County Fire Departments

4 CITY RESPONSIBILITY –State Law requires cities to provide fire services –May be staffed with career or volunteer firefighters –480 cities receive fire protection and EMS through fire departments, special districts, JPAs, and contract providers

5 Special Districts Independent districts Districts can be formed under Health and Safety Code, Community Services District, County Service Area, Health Care Districts, Municipal Water Districts, Public Utility Districts Volunteer fire districts 19 fire districts in San Joaquin County

6 Funding Fire Protection Sources of Revenue: –Property tax –Voter approved special tax –Fee for services –Contract for services –Community Facilities Act of 1982 (Mello Roos) –Public Facilities Fees

7 Limitations on Funding Proposition 13 (1978) –Limits property tax rate to 1% –Initially rolled back property values to 1975-76 levels Proposition 218-Right to Vote on Taxes Act (1996) –Clarified that all taxes and most charges on property owners are subject to voter approval ERAF-Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (1992) –Shifted larger shares of property tax revenues to schools


9 Current Challenges Adequate sustainable revenue Detachment impacts Demand on automatic and mutual aid Belief that service is universally available Reluctance to approve tax increases Impact by non-stationary new growth Unprotected areas

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