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1 Satellite’s Role in Connecting the Caribbean: Mobility Overview 2008.

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1 1 Satellite’s Role in Connecting the Caribbean: Mobility Overview 2008

2 2 Convergence of voice, data, and internet into streamlined IP based solutions. Integrate multiple access platforms serving governments, corporations, enterprises and end users seamless worldwide. Today's telecom market place demands converged infrastructures which are reliable, secure and available at all times. IP-based services has increased the launch of IP based applications from basic TCP/IP to more advanced communication solutions such as VoIP, IPTV, & multimedia, amongst others. Communications are now expanding into the mobility market Aero, Maritime, Rail, Transport Military (Communications-on-the-move) Communications in the Caribbean Market and Beyond

3 3 Oil &Gas Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery ISPs & WISPs Distance Learning Corporate Intranet / Private IP Uni-cast / Multicast Sample Segments & Applications Maritime Endless IP applications Basic IP Voice, Data, Email Internet Browsing Intranet, Extranet, VPN, File Transfers WiFi Access and extensions Advanced IP and Others IP extensions (Cellular, WiMAX, others) Network traffic monitoring Disaster recovery Control data/ video surveillance Multimedia multicasting Web and Interactive media Real data information sharing Military / Government The use of satellites can deliver services to diverse segments and applications: Disaster recovery solutions (voice and data) Maritime solution in C Band & Ku Band ( voice, data, internet connectivity) Distance learning and Internet connectivity to thousands of school/university sites Multicasting live Radio Broadcast to remote locations

4 4 Mobility Applications and Characteristics Rapid deployment solutions for First Responders around the globe Disaster Recovery and Temporary solutions Broadband access in the air for commercial, private, and military aircrafts MaritimeAeroTransportDisaster Recovery Fade array antennas and others support the extension of WiFi access IP Access at sea for business related applications Addresses crew welfare and retention concerns

5 5 Maritime Market

6 6 Maritime Overview Increasing concern for crew morale and welfare while on board Increasing demand for an ‘always-on’ broadband service Support applications such as: Communications applications (VoIP, e-mails, file sharing, web browsing, VPN connectivity, etc) Fleet management applications (Real time information exchange of routes, troubleshooting, and weather information) Vessels management applications (Real time troubleshooting, medical support cargo information exchange) Demand for flat fee per month with a guaranteed throughput CIR Market divided into three main segments: Global – utilizing C-Band Regional – utilizing C-Band & Ku-Band Coastal – utilizing Ku-Band

7 7 Coastal Maritime  All Ku-band beams across all regions  Single beams  using antennas up to 60cms  DSL, Cable like service  Need for voice, other basic IP  Key markets: private yachts, fishing, in-land vessels. Global Maritime  Available only C-band Satellites  Strong need for single IP address  Automatic Beam Switching  Integrated solution in single NMS system  Antennas from 2.4mts  Key markets: Shipping + Oil and Gas Regional Maritime  Available in C but mostly ku-band beams across the world  Single and multi-beams  Regional needs, ship-to-shore and/or single region requirements and vessel capabilities  Key markets: Regional shipping, private yachting, cruise lines, off- shore operations.  Antennas from 1-1.2mts Summary Maritime Market (VSAT) Global Connectivity Map Multi-beam regional MapSingle-beam Map

8 8 Global Maritime

9 9 Market Overview – Commercial Segment Just as in terrestrial networks the maritime market now demands convergence of voice, data and internet into a streamlined IP based solution. The maritime market had been limited to Inmarsat and/or other HF solutions but are now in need of an always-on, flat fee, broadband access at sea. The Maritime Market holds over 1 million vessels consisting of various segment groups: High-end commercial, Military/Government, Commercial, Fishing, Leisure, and Inland grt: Gross Registered Tonnes Source: Intelsat – Internal Study Figures denote worldwide vessels Segments/Size/Number of Vessels Mass Sail Mega Yachts SegmentSmallMediumLargeVery Large Mass SailMid YachtsLarge YachtsMega Yachts 1,016,00017,2003,103160 > 100 grt> 250 grt> 500 grt1,000-100,000 9734482,8531,029 50-100 > grt> 250 grt> 500 grt1-10,000 grt 1,937373,55244 > 100 grt> 250 grt> 500 grt1-10,000 grt 15,9027,39337,846- > 100 grt> 250 grt> 500 grt1-10,000 grt 27,3156,6772,3482,383 > 100 grt> 250 grt> 500 grt1-10,000 grt 2,5564,6744,4143,298 Total Vessels1,064,68336,42954,1166,914 Super Yachts Fishing Inland Leisure High-End Commercial Military/Government Commercial Global Requirement

10 10 Commercial Segment Majority of the market vessels are over 500gt (gross tons) C-Band & Ku-Band Networks utilizing 1.0-2.4m antennas Traversing shipping lanes in deep waters far from the coasts Connectivity desired for advanced system software that allows for enhanced management capabilities including: Remote diagnostics, ship/engine direction, remote repair preparation, fleet monitoring, communications High demand for ‘always-on’ broadband access of entertainment and communications (including email, VoIP, streaming video) as a tool for crew recruitment and retention Global Requirement Mainly commercial shipping and cargo, encompasses a variety of vessels whose primary purpose is business related (excludes O&G, cruise, and ferries) Source: Comsys Maritime VSAT Report 55,026 Vessels 90.3 % 6,115 Vessels 9.7 % Addressable Worldwide Market of 61,141 Vessels (Ranging from 25m in length to over 500gt) Market Potential Market Penetration

11 11 Global Maritime Shipping Routes (Illustrative) Global vessels roam in pre-established navigational routes

12 12 Regional Maritime

13 13 Regional Maritime (Ku Band) Ku Band solutions per region (ship-to-shore) Demand for high reliable service to support: VoIP, e-mails, file sharing, web browsing, VPN connectivity, crew morale, and welfare Need for IP based services with growth options greater than 512 kbps Demand for DSL/T1/E1 solutions with flexible and reliable plans on a regionalized basis Key industries: Fishing, Oil and Gas, Private Yachting, among others Source: Comsys Maritime VSAT Report Regional Requirement

14 14 Fishing Segment Vessels engaged in fish catching or fishing operations; ranging from small recreational vessels to large commercial vessels that also perform processing onboard Majority of the market vessels are over 100gt (gross tons) Ku-Band Network utilizing 1.0m+ antennas Vessels rarely stray far from the coasts Operators are generally price sensitive Connectivity desired for voice services, fleet management, ship-to-shore communications Shore based services offering weather reports, email, medical information, data services, market news, etc. are currently available for fisherman Introduction of IP to the fishing industry has enabled access to previously unavailable e- commerce applications Addressable Worldwide Market of 38,723 Vessels 36,554 Vessels 94.4 % 2,169 Vessels 5.6 % (Ranging from 8ft in length to over 500gt) Source: Comsys Maritime VSAT Report Regional Requirement

15 15 Market Overview – Fishing Segment grt: Gross Registered Tonnes Source: Intelsat – Internal Study Figures denote worldwide vessels Segments/Size/Number of Vessels Mass Sail Mega Yachts SegmentSmallMediumLargeVery Large Mass SailMid YachtsLarge YachtsMega Yachts 1,016,00017,2003,103160 > 100 grt> 250 grt> 500 grt1,000-100,000 9734482,8531,029 50-100 > grt> 250 grt> 500 grt1-10,000 grt 1,937373,55244 > 100 grt> 250 grt> 500 grt1-10,000 grt 15,9027,39337,846- > 100 grt> 250 grt> 500 grt1-10,000 grt 27,3156,6772,3482,383 > 100 grt> 250 grt> 500 grt1-10,000 grt 2,5564,6744,4143,298 Total Vessels1,064,68336,42954,1166,914 Super Yachts Fishing Inland Leisure High-End Commercial Military/Government Commercial Regional Requirement Diverse studies report there are over 40K Fishing vessels worldwide

16 16 Regional Maritime Sample - Fishing Fishing Vessels traversing the North Sea Using satellite connectivity to provide high-speed connections to vessels Its 1,024 kbps forward, 534 kbps return data rate offers robust internet access, file transfer and VoIP services, among others Each vessel is equipped with 1m self stabilizing antennas, 4W HPAs and connected via fiber extensions from teleports to Telehouse London Connectivity to a single beam enables the fishing vessel to trade and essentially serve as a e-commerce platform resulting in shorter time to market and higher yield. Regional Requirement

17 17 Coastal Maritime

18 18 Market Overview – Leisure Segment grt: Gross Registered Tonnes Source: Intelsat – Internal Study Figures denote worldwide vessels Segments/Size/Number of Vessels Mass Sail Mega Yachts SegmentSmallMediumLargeVery Large Mass SailMid YachtsLarge YachtsMega Yachts 1,016,00017,2003,103160 > 100 grt> 250 grt> 500 grt1,000-100,000 9734482,8531,029 50-100 > grt> 250 grt> 500 grt1-10,000 grt 1,937373,55244 > 100 grt> 250 grt> 500 grt1-10,000 grt 15,9027,39337,846- > 100 grt> 250 grt> 500 grt1-10,000 grt 27,3156,6772,3482,383 > 100 grt> 250 grt> 500 grt1-10,000 grt 2,5564,6744,4143,298 Total Vessels1,064,68336,42954,1166,914 Super Yachts Fishing Inland Leisure High-End Commercial Military/Government Commercial Coastal Requirement Diverse studies report there are over 1M Leisure vessels worldwide

19 19 Estimated 20,303 Super yachts, falling between 18- 40 meters Primarily motor, often trophy vessels which 80% never leave the harbor Will tend to remain in the Mediterranean and the Caribbean waters 35% are offered for charter, which would lead to demand for VSAT service Price sensitive, reluctant to pay for more than 2-3 months of service Limited loyalty to service providers Value added service may minimize high market churn 160 Mega Yachts are > 60 meters Primarily motor, and growing fast Owners willing to spend ‘top- dollar’ Assumed that all yachts have at least one VSAT Antenna Very loyal to service providers, not price sensitive Segment penetration: High Potential customers: Fewer than 300 yachts of 40m or more Leisure Market 1,016,000 Mass Sail vessels fall between 10-18 meters Have the most need; difficult to support large equipment Not restricted in range by fuel supply or costs Owners tend to make use of vessel for greater amount of time Yachts traversing the waters with little or no communications Mass Sail Segment Source: The COMSYS Maritime VSAT Report Mega-Yacht Segment Super-Yacht Segment Target Vessels size: 15+ meters Coastal Requirement

20 20 Thank You Keith Clark Intelsat

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