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Lesson 13: The Conversion & Early Preaching of Saul and More Miracles of Peter (9:1-43) Please pick up a handout from the table in the back of the auditorium.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 13: The Conversion & Early Preaching of Saul and More Miracles of Peter (9:1-43) Please pick up a handout from the table in the back of the auditorium."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 13: The Conversion & Early Preaching of Saul and More Miracles of Peter (9:1-43) Please pick up a handout from the table in the back of the auditorium for class this morning.

2 Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study A.Continually persecuting the disciples, Saul headed to Damascus to arrest more (9:1-9). 1.Damascus was about 140 miles northeast of Jerusalem, about one week travel. 2.Around noon (22:6), a light brighter than the sun (26:13) shone around him (9:3). 3.Jesus, risen and exalted, appeared to Saul in that light (9:17, 27; cf. 1 Cor. 9:1; 15:8). 4.Saul was helped by his travel companions into the city of Damascus (9:7-9). I.

3 A.“The Way” was a common designation for N.T. Christians (9:2; 19:9, 23; 22:4; 24:14, 22). 1.The singularity (with the definitive article) emphasized their exclusive & united nature. 2.N.T. Christians were “the Way” (there wasn’t another, 9:2), following Jesus who is “the Way” (John 14:6), and walking on “the way which leads to life” (Matt. 7:14). 3.That “the Way” could be sought & found emphasized that Christians were identifiable. B.Christ and the church are inseparably and intimately tied together! 1.By opposing/persecuting Christians, Saul was opposing/persecuting Christ (9:4-5, 13). 2.To act against Christ’s church is to act against Christ Himself (cf. Luke 10:16). 3.Therefore, it is evident that one cannot separate Christ from His body/church. II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding

4 C.Prayer does not save an alien sinner from his sins! 1.In a state of deep penitence, Saul fasted and prayed for three days (9:9, 11). 2.The Lord knew of Saul’s disposition, but He still sent a gospel preacher (9:11-16). 3.When the gospel preacher arrived, Saul still had his sins (22:16). Prayer did not save! D.Baptism is a “must” for salvation! 1.Jesus told Saul that in the city he would be told what he “must do” (9:6). 2.Therefore, whatever Saul was told to do in Damascus was a “must” from God! 3.In the city, Saul was told to “arise and be baptized and wash away your sins” (22:16). II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding

5 E.Saul of Tarsus was NOT converted to Christ and saved on the road to Damascus! 1.Not saved when Jesus appeared to him, for he asked, “Who are You, Lord?” 2.Not saved when Jesus told who He was, for he asked, “What do you want me to do?” 3.Not saved when Jesus told him what to do, “You will be told what you must do.” 4.Not saved while fasting & praying in the city, for his question not answered yet and gospel not preached yet. 5.Not saved before Ananias preached to him, “Be baptized and wash away your sins.” 6.Not saved before he was baptized, otherwise saved from sins before washed away! II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding

6 Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study B.Saul heard the Word of God, received his sight and was baptized into Christ (9:10-19). 1.The Lord sent Ananias to preach to Saul (9:10-16). a)Ananias knew of the evil Saul had done & planned to do to the “saints” (9:13-14). b)The Lord identified Saul as His “chosen vessel” to the Gentiles (9:15-16). c)Ananias laid his hands on Saul that he might receive his sight (9:12, 17-18). 2.Immediately Saul was baptized to wash away his sins (9:18; 22:16). I.

7 Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study C.Saul immediately began to preach the gospel and was persecuted as a result (9:20-30). 1.Saul continuously preached the deity of Jesus, a message he once persecuted (9:20). 2.The Jews in Damascus plotted to kill him, so disciples helped him escape (9:23-25). 3.It had been 3 years since he left Jerusalem (Gal. 1:18), but he was still feared (9:26). 4.Barnabas intervened, taking him to Peter & James (Jesus’ half- bro) (9:27; Gal. 1:19). 5.Saul remained in Jerusalem with Peter for 15 days (9:28; Gal. 1:18). 6.Hellenists in Jerusalem tried to kill Saul, so the disciples helped him escape (9:29-30). 7.Saul went to his home in Syria and Cilicia (Tarsus was capital of Cilicia) (Gal. 1:21-22). I.

8 F.Strong, direct and hard-hitting preaching is often needed and expected by the Lord. 1.Saul heralded continually (9:20); then logically argued, providing evidence (9:22); preached boldly, telling it like it is (9:27, 29); and even disputing/debating (9:29). 2.The response of those who did not like his message is also indicative of its force. II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding

9 Overview of the Passage & Helpful Facts for Further Bible Study D.Persecution against the church subsided for a while and it kept on multiplying (9:31). E.To prepare readers for chapter 10, two miracles of Peter were highlighted (9:32-43). 1.In Lydda, Peter healed Aeneas, a paralytic who “arose immediately” (9:32-35). 2.In Joppa, Peter raised Tabitha from the dead (9:36-42). 3.In Joppa, Peter stayed with Simon a tanner, which seems significant (9:43). I.

10 G.The conversions in Acts 9 each used a different word to describe when they were saved. 1.The people of Joppa “believed on the Lord” (9:42); the people of Lydda “turned to the Lord” (9:35); Saul of Tarsus “arose and was baptized” (9:18). 2.Using synecdoche, each conversion mentions a part of what they did to represent the whole of what they did. Complete obedience was required in each case. II. Significant Truths from this Passage for Our Understanding

11 A.May those who are “of the Way” so live that we can be recognized as “of the Way”! B.Let us realize that if Saul of Tarsus could be converted then anyone can be converted! C.As Saul preached immediately, may we preach the gospel message we obeyed ourselves! D.May we be like Barnabas and bring brethren together rather than driving wedges! E.When we “walk in the fear of the Lord,” we can “enjoy peace” and be “built up” (9:31)! F.May we, like Tabitha, busy ourselves with an abundance of good works and kind deeds! III. Practical Points of Application for Our Lives

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