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XBRL ® GL 2005 Technical Overview 2005-09-26 Prepared by XBRL GL Working Group Presented on its behalf by Gilles Maguet – Secretary General.

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Presentation on theme: "XBRL ® GL 2005 Technical Overview 2005-09-26 Prepared by XBRL GL Working Group Presented on its behalf by Gilles Maguet – Secretary General."— Presentation transcript:

1 XBRL ® GL 2005 Technical Overview 2005-09-26 Prepared by XBRL GL Working Group Presented on its behalf by Gilles Maguet – Secretary General XBRL France – Permanent Secretariat XBRL in Europe

2 Agenda  XBRL Overview  Scope and Role of XBRL GL  Modular Architecture  Compilation approach  Example: Compiling five modules into one taxonomy  Annotated Instance Document Samples  XBRL GL in Use Today  Current Development Efforts  Potential Collaboration Points with ebXML

3 What is XML? Defined:  XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a universally accepted method of exchanging information that is platform independent, self-describing and expandable Enables:  Higher quality information  Faster and more accurate information  More useful/efficient information for analysis/regulation  Linkage of relevant information  More complete and frequent information  Greater levels of Trust  Greater transparency

4 What is XBRL?  eXtensible Business Reporting Language  a freely available electronic language for financial reporting.  based on XML, thus expandable  based on accepted financial reporting standards and practices to transport financial reports across all software, platforms and technologies  Business reporting includes, but is not limited to:  financial statements,  financial information non-financial information  general ledger transactions  regulatory filings such as annual and quarterly financial statements.

5 Purpose of XBRL  XBRL provides users with a standard format in which to prepare reports that can subsequently be presented in a variety of ways.  XBRL provides users with a standard format in which information can be exchanged between different software applications.  XBRL permits the automated, efficient and reliable extraction of information by software applications.  XBRL facilitates the automated comparison of financial and other business information, accounting policies, notes to financial statements between companies, and other items about which users may wish make comparisons that today are performed manually.

6 Who Benefits from XBRL  Four categories of users:  business information preparers,  Intermediaries in the preparation and distribution process,  users of this information and  the vendors who supply software and services to one or more of these three types of user..  A major goal of XBRL is to improve the business report product.  It facilitates current practice; it does not change or set new accounting or other business domain standards.  However, XBRL should facilitate changes in reporting over the long term.

7 XBRL Structural Overview XBRL- Applications Defines the technical standard for the composition of XBRL Taxonomies Defines a set of data tags in a certain business reporting area (i.e. US GAAP, IFRS, etc.), comprised of schema and base links “Output” from tagging data using one or more taxonomies Software that uses “tagged” data for presentation, analytics, etc. XBRL-Specification XBRL- Instance XBRL- Taxonomy

8 Agenda  XBRL Overview  Scope and Role of XBRL GL  Modular Architecture  Compilation approach  Example: Compiling five modules into one taxonomy  Annotated Instance Document Samples  XBRL GL in Use Today  Current Development Efforts  Potential Collaboration Points with ebXML

9 So what is XBRL GL?  An XBRL taxonomy used to represent:  anything that is found in a chart of accounts, journal entries or historical transactions, financial and non- financial.  any detailed information found on the computers of the enterprise and not necessarily those in accounting or ERP systems, but all programs that hold information important for business reporting, internal or external.  Enables organizations to tag  journal entries  accounting master files  historical status reports.



12 What XBRL-GL Standardizes  Standardize how journal entries, charts of accounts, and business reports under any accounting rules are to be formatted  Bring standardization to this: Payroll Journal AccountDescriptionDebitCredit 1005Cash7,232.96 2300Payroll Tax Payable1,053.56 2800Garnish Payable545.00 … Initials: KWL Date 9/1

13 Scope and role of XBRL External Financia l Reportin g Business Operations Internal Financi al Reporti ng Investme nt, Lending, Regulatio n Processes Participants Auditors Trading Partners Investors Financial Publishers and Data Aggregators Regulators Software Vendors Management Accountants Companies Economic Policymak ing Central Banks XBRL GL, the Journal Taxonomy XBRL Financial Statements

14 XBRL FR Elements  XBRL FR can express only a limited amount of detail  Item or (tuple) which contains content/amount  Related contextual information  Entity  Period  Precision  Scenario  Unit

15 XBRL GL vs XBRL FR ItemAmountPeriod Cash1,00012-31-03 Receivables1,20012-31-03 Inventory4,20012-31-03 Payables5,00012-31-03 Notes15,00012-31-03 XBRL FR is agreement on concepts within reports 1000 1200 4200 2003-12-31

16 XBRL GL vs XBRL FR ItemAmountPeriod Cash1,00012-31-03 Receivables1,20012-31-03 Inventory4,20012-31-03 Payables5,00012-31-03 Notes15,00012-31-03 XBRL GL is agreement on data fields used in reporting Cash 1000 2003-12-31 Receivables 1200 2003-12-31 Inventory 4200 2003-12-31

17 Agenda  XBRL Overview  Scope and Role of XBRL GL  Modular Architecture  Compilation approach  Example: Compiling five modules into one taxonomy  Annotated Instance Document Samples  XBRL GL in Use Today  Current Development Efforts  Potential Collaboration Points with ebXML

18 XBRL GL: A Modular Approach  XBRL GL is a modular framework  The modular set consists of five modules:  COR (Core)  BUS (Advanced Business Concepts)  MUC (Multi-Currency)  USK (concepts for the US, UK, etc)  TAF (tax audit file)  With one more under development currently  CMT (Cash Management)

19 Compilation approach  Why not just have one big taxonomy that includes everything?  User feedback  Regulators / national jurisdictions stated “would not use” if undesired fields were included  GL Taxonomy Framework Technical Architecture (GLTFTA)  Allows applications to use different combinations of modules and still validate instance data  documentation on

20 Fragment of COR with no other modules

21 Fragment of COR with BUS

22 Fragment of COR with BUS and MUC

23 XBRL GL Extension process  Public vs. private extensions  Intended usage  Basic steps taken to create extension:  Select an existing palette taxonomy as starting point  Create a new taxonomy representing the module you wish to create, add concept definitions and create linkbases.  Separate the new taxonomy into gl-xxx-yyyy-mm-dd.xsd containing the element declarations and gl-xxx-content-yyyy-mm-dd.xsd containing the content model declarations.  Add an statement in to include gl-xxx-yyyy-mm-dd.xsd  Edit each gl-xxx-content-yyyy-mm-dd.xsd to incorporate any concepts from the new module into the appropriate content models  Ensure that presentation links in the newly created presentation linkbase reflect the content model modifications  For More Details on Creating an Extension Module see Section 3 of GLTFTA-PWD-2005-07-12 GLTFTA-PWD-2005-07-12

24 Agenda  XBRL Overview  Scope and Role of XBRL GL  Modular Architecture  Compilation approach  Example: Compiling five modules into one taxonomy  Annotated Instance Document Samples  XBRL GL in Use Today  Current Development Efforts  Potential Collaboration Points with ebXML

25 Annotated XBRL-GL 2005 Samples   The XBRL GL Working Group has provided annotations for a number of sample XBRL GL 2005 instance documents.  Provide annotations for the "most significant" of the fields that are included in the sample instance documents.  XBRL GL has many other fields that could be helpful in expressing the information, but have been omitted because their presence is more circumstantial.  for educational purposes only  do not represent real company data  we welcome suggestions on improvement

26 Annotated XBRL-GL 2005 Samples

27 Sample snippet of Journal Entry example

28 Annotated XBRL GL 2005 Invoice Sample  Open word document called  Annotated XBRL GL Invoice Sample as word.doc Annotated XBRL GL Invoice Sample as word.doc

29 Agenda  XBRL Overview  Scope and Role of XBRL GL  Modular Architecture  Compilation approach  Example: Compiling five modules into one taxonomy  Annotated Instance Document Samples  XBRL GL in Use Today  Current Development Efforts  Potential Collaboration Points with ebXML

30 Examples of XBRL GL in action today  Caseware Working Papers  Hitachi @ Wacoal – Internal Reporting implementation  US Housing and Urban Development (HUD) use of DynAccSys’s XABRA & Fujitsu XWand  Business Objects – Reporting & Analysis on XBRL GL  PCA a SMB (Small to Medium Sized Businesses) Accounting package in the Japan market that was the first to include XBRL GL as an export format

31 Caseware Working Papers

32 Hitachi @ Wacoal

33 XBRL GL @ HUD in Consolidation Workflow Reports Files Excel INTERFACE RE-KEY INTERFACE LOANS PURCHASES AR Main GL Budget Reporting XBRL FR Continuous Auditing Business Analysis Performance Next Things

34 XABRA Constructor & Fujitsu XWand at HUD XABRA Binding.xml SQL query or CSV XBRL GL Instance.xml Interstage XWand XBRL GL Taxonomy.xsd

35 XABRA Constructor  Retrieves the data from the various source databases via the entered SQL query  Links the Data results to the bindings via the definitions  Creates a resultant XBRL GL Instance Document  Loads target database with consolidated results

36 Access to XBRL GL via Business Objects

37 Drill-down on HUD-XABRA XBRL GL

38 Agenda  XBRL Overview  Scope and Role of XBRL GL  Modular Architecture  Compilation approach  Example: Compiling five modules into one taxonomy  Annotated Instance Document Samples  XBRL GL in Use Today  Current Development Efforts  Potential Collaboration Points with ebXML

39 The Past Year’s Main Focus Upgrading XBRL GL from XBRL 2.0 to 2.1  XBRL GL instances contain deeply nested XML  Nested Tags = Schema ComplexTypes = XBRL Tuples  XBRL 2.0 and 2.0a, Specification used definition linkbase to define tuple content  Easy to extend using standard XBRL constructs  XBRL 2.1 Specification uses XML Schema content model to define tuple content  “Compilation” approach developed to extend via modular schemas

40 Current XBRL-GL Working Group Development Efforts  Multi-lingual label sets  Japanese labels completed  Chinese, French (Canada, Belgium, France), Italian, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese – under development available by EOY  Tax Audit File (TAF) module PWD  Scheduled for Internal Release early October 2005  Public Working Draft schedule for mid-Nov 2005  Cash Management module  Under development and scheduled for Internal Release by End of November 2005  CIQ compatibility research  Refinement of Name/Address structures  Further refinement of extension process

41 Release History  XBRL GL 1.0  XBRL 2.0 Specification compliant  XBRL International Inc. (XII) RECOMMENDATION  XBRL GL 1.1  XBRL 2.0a Specification compliant  XII Acknowledged  XBRL GL 2005  XBRL 2.1, Specification compliant  No further development will be done on the earlier versions  Public Working Draft currently in comment period  To be presented for Recommendation status early Nov 2005

42 Agenda  XBRL Overview  Scope and Role of XBRL GL  Modular Architecture  Compilation approach  Example: Compiling five modules into one taxonomy  Annotated Instance Document Samples  XBRL GL in Use Today  Current Development Efforts  Potential Collaboration Points with ebXML

43 Potential Collaboration Points with ebXML  TBG12 BRS related to "accounting entry“  expected to be ready for public comments by the end of this year  potentially develop XBRL GL annotated sample instance documents based on BRS  Research the technical interoperability issues with ebXML as transport for XBRL GL  Identify ebXML & XBRL GL resources to work together on this  Continue to dialog on interoperability potential

44 Thank you! For more information, visit Or email us @

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