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Helping coffee-farming families improve the quality of their lives and livelihoods.

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Presentation on theme: "Helping coffee-farming families improve the quality of their lives and livelihoods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Helping coffee-farming families improve the quality of their lives and livelihoods

2 Where Coffee Kids works Coffee Kids currently works in five countries: Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras and Peru.

3 Coffee and Poverty Over 25 million people around the world are dependent on coffee as their sole source of income. For many of these families, coffee is not enough.

4 Coffee and Poverty Coffee farmers are in need of ways to diversify their income, put food on the table during the thin months (when there is no income from the coffee harvest), and learn how to better manage their resources as well as be able to send their children to school.

5 Life in coffee-farming communities Coffee Kids’ partners help families reduce their dependence on the annual coffee harvest. In this photo, a young girl from Mexico shows the harvest from her family’s organic garden.

6 Coffee Kids has helped children in Nicaragua, Peru and Costa Rica continue their studies. Life in coffee-farming communities Here students make their way down rough dirt roads to their school.

7 Many schools are one room and all of the classes share the same teacher and space. Life in coffee-farming communities Coffee Kids has helped communities in Costa Rica and Nicaragua build better schools and purchase supplies.

8 Students often spend part of their day studying and then help their family with chores at home. Life in coffee-farming communities

9 Some of Coffee Kids’ partners working in Nicaragua and Mexico are helping children and adults learn how to save money and manage their personal finances. By learning to manage their resources, families are better able to prepare for the future. Life in coffee-farming communities

10 The children’s savings group gathers to make deposits into their savings accounts once a week. When they finish grade school, many of the students will use their savings to pay for high school and sometimes even college. Life in coffee-farming communities

11 In some towns, the whole family works to save money for the future. Life in coffee-farming communities

12 The savings program is just one of the efforts we sponsor. To learn more about how Coffee Kids helps coffee-farming families improve the quality of their lives, please visit our Web site.

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