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One day Training Course for Supervisors. Duration: 9am to 5pm Target group: MPHil and PhD supervisors (PhD holders) Goal: building trust with Students.

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Presentation on theme: "One day Training Course for Supervisors. Duration: 9am to 5pm Target group: MPHil and PhD supervisors (PhD holders) Goal: building trust with Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 One day Training Course for Supervisors

2 Duration: 9am to 5pm Target group: MPHil and PhD supervisors (PhD holders) Goal: building trust with Students Sub goals: – ability to dialogue with students – Clarifying mutual expectations

3 First Session Goal: ability to dialogue with student Activity: form small groups to write a list of words describing how supervisors see themselves in relation to their students In the large group: discuss all words and discuss how these affect interaction/dialogue with student.

4 Second Session Goal: Clarifying mutual expectations Activity: role play on Supervisor and student setting mutual expectations What to watch out for: adoption of issues discussed in the previous session.

5 Third Session Goal : Building Trust Activity: brain storming How to build trust – Active listening – Being reliable – Openness – Honesty – Clarity – (Source: Jens Dolin, 2012)

6 Some classic ways to undermine your relationship: Hiding (yourself or real or imagined problems) Ignoring (feedback you don’t understand or don’t like) Forgetting (appointments, deadlines) Mixing (business with personal issues) Gossiping (about your PhD-student/supervisor or colleagues) Assuming (what something meant, what you’re entitled to do) (Source: Jens Dolin, 2012)

7 Evaluation – questionnaire.

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