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THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION. Review Central Power Advantages: Geography, Quicker Action, Better Training Allied Power Advantages: More Soldiers, Greater Industrialization,

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2 Review Central Power Advantages: Geography, Quicker Action, Better Training Allied Power Advantages: More Soldiers, Greater Industrialization, Controlled Seas The impact technology had on WWI WWI characterized by stalemates & death Germany’s use of unrestricted submarine warfare drew U.S. into war

3 Essential Question

4 The “February Revolution” Occurred in March 1917 Worker-led food riots broke out Tsar Nicholas II steps down The Duma, elected legislature, declared Russia a republic Provisional government failed to gain public support when they refused to withdraw from WWI

5 The “October Revolution” Occurred November 1917 Vladimir Lenin was follower of Karl Marx Lived in Switzerland, & Germans sent him back to Russia to cause unrest Lenin’s supporters known as Bolsheviks Bolsheviks promised peace to soldiers, bread to workers, & land to peasants

6 The “October Revolution” Bolsheviks seized power in November 1917 Bolsheviks changed the name of their political party to the Communists Changed name of the country to Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) or “Soviet Union”

7 Russian Civil War (1919-1921) Communists immediately withdrew from WWI Transferred millions of acres of land to peasants All industries taken over by government 2 groups went to war: Reds – People that supported Lenin Whites – Wanted to return to rule of the Tsar

8 Russian Civil War (1919-1921) Several foreign countries sent troops to support the White Army Red Army had support of peasants & workers Lenin took drastic steps to ensure the monarchy couldn’t be reinstated – Murdered Tsar Nicholas & family Red Army won, securing power of Communist government

9 Vladimir Lenin Leader of U.S.S.R. from 1917-1924 Added his own ideas of communism to Marx’s ideas Small group of dedicated party members must lead the country to Communist equality Temporary dictatorship needed cause workers couldn’t be trusted to know own true interests

10 Vladimir Lenin Lenin’s “New Economic Policy” (N.E.P.) Russian economy poor after 50 years of turmoil Bolsheviks needed to deliver on promises (Food to people) By 1921 U.S.S.R. was facing severe famine Lenin puts communist policies on hold to avoid disaster

11 Vladimir Lenin New Economic Policy (cont.) Wanted to keep peasants happy, Bolsheviks in power, & stabilize economy Introduced N.E.P. Allowed some private ownership of businesses (Manufacturing & Agricultural) Government continued to control major industries N.E.P. was slowly increasing production

12 Vladimir Lenin Lenin dies in 1924 Replaced by Joseph Stalin

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