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Dr. Simon PH Lui Senior Computer Officer Computing Facilities in EEE.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Simon PH Lui Senior Computer Officer Computing Facilities in EEE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Simon PH Lui Senior Computer Officer Computing Facilities in EEE

2 2 Computers that you can use

3 3 65 PCs in PC lab (CYC 103) Unix host machines (remote access only) All machines are hooked onto Internet You can also dial into our modem pool (28347000) if you aren’t using broadband. Physical location

4 4 There are sixty five PCs in the PC Lab (CYC 103) CYC 103 PC Lab Personal computer

5 student ID card You have to use your student ID card to enter the laboratories You may be asked to enter your password 5 Smartcard reader outside laboratories

6 Remote Monitoring System Power of the PCs is controlled by the Remote Monitoring System student ID card You use your student ID card to operate RMS You need to enter the laboratory using your student ID card before turning on/off a PC. Remote Monitoring System 6

7 30,000 minutes per year A budget of 30,000 minutes per year is allocated to each student The laboratories may be reserved for classes or other activities. Please refer to the notice outside the laboratories. 7

8 8 Microsoft Windows XP All machines run Microsoft Windows XP C: Everything written to C: drive is deleted at reboot D: Personal files can be written to D: drive (don’t leave your homework at D:) Local hard disk contains lots of software including Microsoft Office, Visual Studio etc. W: Some files are available on network drive W: Don’t install illegal software on the PCs PC Software

9 9 Two B/W and one color network printers in PC Lab Use your student ID card to operate the printers 5000 printing units per year Each student gets 5000 printing units per year Quota can be carried forward till graduation 10 (16) units 10 (16) units for one simplex (duplex) B/W page 50 (100) units 50 (100) units for one simplex (duplex) color page $0.18 per 10 units Additional printing quota can be purchased at $0.18 per 10 units from CYC 804 Printing

10 Networked Color Laser Printer in PC Lab 10

11 11 Access HKU Wireless LAN in PC Lab You can bring along your own laptop to PC Lab Connect to Internet thru’ wireless LAN or Ethernet Laptop

12 12 All activities inside the laboratories are monitored and recorded by CCTV Closed Circuit TV Management

13 13 account One account for all services, e.g. Unix login, email, dialup, intranet Account still usable after graduation (only email) CYC602 Please register and collect account slips from the Reference Bureau CYC602 hkusua, hkucc are managed by the Computer Center. Direct your request to Rm 223, Run Run Shaw Bldg for matters related to them Unix Host Computer

14 14 Software like compilers, Matlab... Email. Your email address is like: You may optionally choose an email alias, e.g. You may forward EEE emails to other email server: Login Webmail: click “My Account” > “Forwards” Personal Home Page. URL for your home page Unix Services

15 15 EEE home page : Links to useful services through our portal :  Course materials  Webmail  Student Intranet  Discussion Forum  Timetable … Web services

16 16 HKUEEE homepage

17 Login page of Portal

18 Portal

19 19 Webmail

20 20 Forward Emails

21 21 Computer Center offers basic computer training course on like –Web Page Browsing –Email –Unix Systems Further details : Or get registration form from Run Run Shaw 223 Training courses

22 22 Registration at Reference Bureau CYC 602 : Student Registration Sept 3 (Mon)14:00 – 17:00EComE, EE Sept 4 (Tue)09:00 – 12:00InfoE, CE Latecomers can register at CYC 804 starting from Sept 4 afternoon Procedure:  Take photo  Collect account slip

23 23 Best obtained from our WWW site ( Click on Intranet then Computer Facilities Frequently Asked Questions and other online documents are under the links Our contact : Email (preferred means) Tel :28592695 Office :CYC 804 Further information

24 The End

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