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Holt High School 17334_48889_53869-262095--,00.html.

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1 Holt High School,4534,7-164- 17334_48889_53869-262095--,00.html

2  The repeated intimidation of others by the real or threatened infliction of physical, verbal, written, electronically transmitted, or emotional abuse, through attacks on the property of another. It may include, but not be limited to, actions such as teasing; physically assaultive behavior; verbal taunts; making threats; name-calling and put-downs, including ethnically-based or gender based verbal put-downs; extortion of money or possessions; or spreading of cruel and untrue rumors. This will also include threats associated with sexual orientation, as well as any direct or implied threats pertaining to race, color, creed or national origin.

3  Face to face  Through a note  Over the phone  Through a friend

4  Face to face  Through a note  Over the phone  Through a friend  Facebook  Myspace  Text message  Instant message  Online video games

5  Has anyone ever called you a name?  Has anyone ever told you that you can’t be friends?  Has anyone ever hit, kicked or pushed you?  Has anyone ever threatened you?  Was someone mean to you because of how you look?  Have you ever seen someone else being bullied?  Have you ever called someone else a name, hit, kicked, pushed, threatened or been mean to someone?


7  Can never be permanently removed  There will always be evidence of what is posted online or sent via text  Anyone can see it  You never know who’s looking over your shoulder  You always have an audience  Can be interpreted multiple ways  Just as hurtful as face-to- face bullying  Keep your social network sites updated with appropriate privacy settings  Be aware of what you say/write, it can be easily used against you All forms of Bullying are WRONG!

8  Just about everything that is published can be traced back to a specific person since everything done online has a “digital footprint.” Authorities can find where every piece of information on the Internet came from and who wrote/posted it.

9  Think about how you would feel if your parents, future college admissions office, or employer saw what you published?  YOU are responsible for what you write…  Always be aware that you could damage your reputation with your friends or be punished by your parents, and you may also get into trouble with the law.

10  Victims will begin to feel helpless and hopeless  Lower Self Esteem  Harder time with school work  Difficulty making friends  Feel left out and alone  Sad or depressed  Feel Hurt

11  It can be a whole group of kids, or one single person  Bullies come in all shapes and sizes  Something or someone is making them feel insecure, so they're bullying to make themselves feel better  Doesn’t feel like they’re getting enough attention from parents or teachers  Being bullied themselves  Parents have spoiled them or haven't taught about not hurting others

12  Stand up for the victim  Notify an authority figure about who and what was seen  Do NOT continue to spread cyber messages, allow it to continue, or contribute to the content  Discourage the spread of bullying  By Doing NOTHING, you’re doing SOMETHING

13  Ignore the person completely  Don’t give them the satisfaction of making you upset  Turn and walk away- Remove yourself  If you’re being bullied over and over…  GET AN ADULT  Each and everyone of us have the right to feel safe and secure.  We all deserve to feel good about ourselves

14 safety/

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