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Challenges of Adolescence

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1 Challenges of Adolescence
Struggles of Teenagers

2 Why Challenges are different for adolescence
Adolescence is the first real challenge of life generally not found in childhood. Teens face the developmental tasks of finding an identity, planning for the future, becoming more independent, and developing close relationships. For most adolescence; these tasks are faced with minimal trauma, but some teens succumb to dangerous challenges that leave severe consequences. Why Challenges are different for adolescence

3 Teenage Sexual Behavior
In most Western Societies (including the United States) sex is viewed by the general population as a subject reserved for after marriage. In contemporary times, teenage sexual behavior has increased and is becoming more of a norm in society. Teenage Sexual Behavior

4 Rate of Teenage Sexuality
1995: CDC reported that 50% of all teens surveyed had engaged in premarital sex. These teens ranged in age from 1996: The birthrate for unmarried teens was 43/1000. Sociologists have noted that teenage pregnancy has decreased in recent years, but teenage sexual behavior has increased. Result of more birth control. Rate of Teenage Sexuality

5 Consequences of Early Sexual Behavior
Babies of teens have lower birth weights and higher infant mortality. Teen parents are less likely to finish high school and few go to college. As a result, lower wages. Babies of teens are more likely to have learning disorders and difficulties. Children of teens have higher risk of becoming teenage parents. Consequences of Early Sexual Behavior

6 Teenage Drug Use Drug is any substance that changes mood, behavior, or consciousness. Can be in forms of medicine, alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, cocaine, and heroin.

7 Almost 84% of all people ages surveyed that were convicted of violent felonies were addicted to or on some type of drug. The aspect of criminal behavior is one of the biggest concerns of teenage usage, tolerance, addiction, and dependency on drugs. Teenage Drug Violence

8 Rate of Teenagers Drug Use
2001 Data of High School Seniors: 49% tried/use marijuana 14% tried/use inhalants 13% tried/use hallucinogens 8% tried/use cocaine 2% tried/use heroin 16% tried/use amphetamines 80% tried/use alcohol 61% tried/use tobacco (mostly cigarettes) Rate of Teenagers Drug Use

9 Reasons for Teenage Drug Use
Having friends who regularly engage in drug use. Having social and academic adjustment problems. Living in a hostile and rejecting family setting. Children of parents that use/abuse drugs. Reasons for Teenage Drug Use

10 The majority of all suicides each year are of people ages 15-24.
Teenage Suicide In the past three decades, the rate of teenage suicide has more than doubled. The majority of all suicides each year are of people ages

11 A term coined by Emile Durkheim and related to a leading cause of suicide.
Social Integration is the degree of attachment people have to social groups or to society as a whole. Societies of extreme high or extreme low levels of integration will have a higher rate of suicide according to Durkheim. Social Integration

12 Suicide does not Discriminate
In reference to teen suicide; examples of suicide attempts and successes are a mix of sex, race, age, religion, and ethnicities

13 Factors of Teenage Suicide
Alcohol and drug abuse Triggering events; trauma… rejection, fear, crisis, unwanted pregnancy etc. Age: risk of suicide in teens increases with age. Sex: Females are more likely to attempt; males are more likely to succeed. Population Density: more people in one area, the higher the suicide rate in teens. Factors of Teenage Suicide

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