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Evolutionary Worldview And its Impact on American Values “Let me control the textbooks and I will control the state.” — Adolf Hitler.

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1 Evolutionary Worldview And its Impact on American Values “Let me control the textbooks and I will control the state.” — Adolf Hitler


3 After evolution was allowed to be taught in schools, the violent crime rate went up 995%. Before evolution it was about 200,000 each year, after evolution and within 20 years, it jumped to some 1,400,000 annually. Along with violent crimes, divorce rates also escalated. Before evolution was allowed into schools, divorce rates were 2.5 couples per 1,000 population. After evolution was allowed into schools, the divorce rates went to 5.2 couples per 1,000 population in just 10 years.

4 Furthermore, after evolution was allowed, the rates of babies born out of wedlock went from 5% of babies to 17% in 10 years. Also, the rate of unmarried couples living together rose 775% from half-a-million to 1.5 million in ten years. Yet, the rates didn’t just vaguely rise with the teaching of evolution. No, now, with the evolutionary theory getting more popularity from atheists like Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking, some suicides and school shootings have been directly related to evolutionary teaching.

5 In 2008, one man spent his day mourning his son, Jesse Kilgore, after learning the boy had committed suicide. The dad, Keith Kilgore, soon figured out that his son’s suicide was linked to an evolutionary book called, “The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins. Kilgore told reporters: “One of his friends, and his uncle (they did not know each other) both told me that Jesse called them hours before he took his life and that he had lost all hope because he was convinced that God did not exist, and this book [“The God Delusion”] was the cause.”

6 Similarly, another suicide action made by two twin girls, with one dying and another living the attempt, in Colorado was linked to “The God Delusion” that was found in their belongings. These two girls were also very interested in the horrible 1999 Columbine shooting that was caused by two senior students who were “fascinated by the German Nazi belief, fueled by ideas of Darwinian struggle, in a ‘master race.’”

7 The Finnish high school shooting, in which nine people (including the killer) died, in Finland was caused by a young man known as Pekka-Eric Auvinen. Auvinen made many evolutionary statements backing up his thoughts of murder and suicide. Many of his statements reflected evolutionary teaching and others bluntly proclaimed it. Auvinen relayed a belief of evolutionary thinking when he said, “life is just a coincidence … result of long process of evolution and many several factors, causes and effects.” Auniven made many statements about natural selection, a prime necessity in evolutionary thinking, and that there is no God and thus no reason for him to obey laws or rely on anyone except himself. It was this thinking that eventually led him to murder and suicide.

8 In 1998, a high school student by the name of Kip Kinkle entered his school and injured 26 people, killed two students and his two parents and, once arrested, attempted to kill the detective of his investigation. The motives behind his actions were fueled by evolutionary thinking; Kinkle was recorded saying an evolutionary statement of “there is no God”.

9 Many people wonder how evolution could possibly have such an impact on American society. Catchpoole summarized the acts in his statement, saying, “having been told since childhood that man is just an animal, that death and violence are a natural part of evolution, and that ‘only the fittest survive,’ it is no wonder that this generation of young people are wallowing in utter hopelessness.” Hovind also, in his speech covering the effects of evolution on society, said, “if evolution is true: Who owns the world? Who makes the rules? How do we decide what is right and wrong? There is no absolute standard to tell right from wrong.”

10 Consequently, with evolutionary thinking being taught in school, the rates of divorce, murder, and other violent crimes raised an average of 580% in just ten years and that doesn’t even include many suicides and school shootings, including the Columbine shooting, being directly related to evolutionary teaching funded by us. After being brought to real publicity, nearly 90 years ago, and being taught for almost 50 years, the theory of evolution of molecules-to-man still impacts American culture with their teaching of no God, and, thus, as Hovind says, “no absolute standard to tell right from wrong.”


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