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Introduction to Underbalanced Drilling Technology(M2)

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1 Introduction to Underbalanced Drilling Technology(M2)
Start by asking audience if their companies have drilled UBD. Positive responders will be low. Most will not know what UBD is. No point talking about DEA-101 project, then. Therefore start with short intro on UBD. This is a general introduction to Underbalanced Drilling Technology. Almost everything discussed here will be covered again in a later module.

2 Wellsite UBD Equipment
Nitrogen UB operators Geology Separator Rotating Head Camp Largel UB location, Canada in summer. Location needs room for the gas source, nitrogen source if used, separators, mud tanks and solids control and office space for data So UB locations generally need a little more space than normal mud jobs. Mud Treatment

3 UB DRILLING - JOBS ©1998 Spears & Assoc.
This is a 1958 view of the ub job description. Now Canada and US are about the same in UB, with Canada perhaps slightly ahead. Columbia and Venezuela now have a larger percentage as does the N. Sea. China and SE Asia are also increasing. ©1998 Spears & Assoc.

4 UBD - Types Normally Pressured Reservoirs
Applications for normal to above normal pressured reservoirs utilizing fluid systems in a controlled flow (mudcap) drilling technique. Depleted Reservoirs Where a multi-phase circulating fluid is necessary to achieve required Bottom Hole Circulating Pressure (BHCP) - underbalanced or with minimal overbalance. Notes: This is an oversimplification. More work is being done near or at balance in normal and overpressured formations

5 Barriers to UB Drilling
There are a number of barriers to UB Drilling. The main one is phsycological resistance to a new idea after all these years of well control discussions. Well control is based on being overbalanced

6 REGULATORY BARRIERS to UnderBalance Drilling
The regulators need assurance and details The regulators need assurance. Their interest is not to make a mistake, not gamble on new techniques.

7 BARRIERS TO UB D&C Regulatory Lack of Standards Lack of knowledge
Little statistical history Concern about well control Environmental questions This is about it. The regulator needs protection against criticism. He has a Civil Service

8 OPERATORS BARRIERS The Operator needs experience and confidence.
In our new economy, the operators engineering group are not a gamblers

9 Unfamiliar with the system Lack of experienced people
OPERATORS PROBLEMS Unfamiliar with the system risk of the new Lack of experienced people Economics - Too expensive Concern- liability Concern- well bore stability Pretty straight forward.

10 REASONS FOR UB GROWTH There are driving economic reasons
Straight forward

11 Awareness of skin damage Limits of lost circulation matl.
REASONS FOR UB GROWTH Depleted reservoirs Awareness of skin damage Limits of lost circulation matl. Cost of differential sticking These are reasons for growth, not necessarily local reasons which tend to have more to do with lost circulation

12 Service co. competition Trade journal publications Horizontal drilling
REASONS FOR UB GROWTH Service co. competition Trade journal publications Horizontal drilling Consultants available This page shows the big driving forces. Competition among the service companies and their sales efforts.

We were not ready to put all of this together until the 1990’s UB drilling was tried as far back as we have records. The move to rotary rigs from cable tools slowed it down, but people have always been trying.

Compressor Evolution Hammer drills Nitrogen Increased availability Reduced cost On site generation The compressors before 1965 were pretty poor. The same is true for hammer drills before 1985 Nitrogen on site generation started in 1991

Recyclable foam systems Better gas separators Closed loop circulation Hydraulics models Improved rotating heads Wire line wet connect All of this started to be available in 1990 to 1995., and the technology is still improving.

Improved MWD Rig assist snubbing units Coiled tubing equipment Non-damaging drilling fluids Top drive This continues the items that have become practical and available since 1995 and 1996

17 Expandable sand screens Retractable bit
WORKING ON Well Control Concepts Deployment valves Casing Drilling Expandable casing Expandable sand screens Retractable bit In 2000, all of these are in the development or field testing stage.

Improved gravel packing fluids Improved completion fluids General technique improvement Completion techniques for UB drilling operations are starting to come of age in 2000, and we should continue to see real efforts to complete at balance or underbalance without killing the well.

19 Reasons for UB drilling
Lost circulation Lost circulation has been and is still the primary driver for ub drilling.

20 Reasons for UB drilling
Lost circulation Faster Drilling Increase drilling rate is the primary driver for air drilling and is becoming more recognized in other UB applications.

21 Reasons for UB drilling
Lost circulation Faster Drilling No Differential Sticking Differential sticking is a primary UB driver in horizontal wells.

22 Reasons for UB drilling
... Reduce Reservoir Damage Reduced reservoir damage is a primary issue in Canada and is becoming recognized in Venezuela. However it is still more talk than actual because of the problem of completions.

23 Reasons for UB drilling
... Reduce Reservoir Damage Improve Prod. Evaluation This is a technical selling point, but not used as much as it could. One of “next years” projects.

24 Effect of Skin on Production Rates
BOPD 1,000 800 600 400 Skin damage is a measure of production reduction from the “original condition” In all reservoirs, we are just starting to try to reduce skin damage when drilling instead of using enhancement techniques. Skin damage is the inverse of return permeability. 200 -3 -2 -1 5 10 15 SKIN

25 Physical Limitation to UBD
Borehole Instability Unconsolidated Sands Weak Formations Geopressured Shales Salt Beds Inadequate Casing Bore hole instability: Unconsolidated sands - but we are now finding foams work well Weak formations - this is more a matter of broken dipping formations, but again new foam techniques are helping Geopressure shale beds- just cannot be drilled UBSalt - is a plastic and needs to be drilled over balance Casing needs to take this and the productive zone into account UBD is another tool in the toolbox, not a Panacea.

26 Production Limits to UBD
Permeability is so low the zone needs to be fraced. Zones must be isolated Now we are sort of guessing. There are obvious limits that probably look like this, but there is little good published data.

Five forms of liquid for UB drilling. Actually all of these grade into each other at some point due to compression of gas. The flow patterns and lifiting capacity will change with gas percent and fluid properties such a viscosity and foamers. AERATED LIQUID FOAM MIST GAS LIQUID

28 Fluid Phase Continuity
AIR/GAS WATER Aerated muds and foam have fluid as the continuous phase. When gas is the continuous phase, lifting capability become the main problem. FOAM MIST (0-97% AIR) (97-100% AIR)

29 Generalized “Fluid” Systems
Actually everything from areated fluid to air/mist tends to overlap in the area between 0.8 and 0.2 spg. There are very few hard limits

30 CONTROL EQUIPMENT Basic control equipment

31 Equipment - Rotating Head
Notes There are at least ten companies that build rotating heads or rotating blow out preventers, and at least three distinct types. Shaffer Rotating Blow-Out Preventor 2,500 psi rotating - 5,000 psi static

32 Closed Loop Circulation System
FLARESTACK SEPARATOR SAMPLE CATCHERS TOP OIL DRIVE TANKS NITROGEN SYSTEM PUMPERS CHOKE MANIFOLD R-BOP WATER The closed loop circulating system was developed in Canada first by Northland Production Testing to control H2S has and other gasses produced from an under balanced well.. There are now probably 10 or 12 companies that have closed systems. TANKS RETURN RIG CUTTING MUD RIG PUMPS TANKS N2 / FLUID MIX

33 Choke Manifold Flexible flow manifolds with hydraulic chokes have been in the oil field since the 1970’s

34 Equipment - Lots More To shale shaker ESD Manifold Sample catchers
Willis choke Flare Separator 200 psi vessel Rig Manifold There is more new equipment technology, and it it will be covered during the next few days.l Choke Oil storage/transport Water returned to tanks HCR Flare pit Choke

35 AIR DRILLING A brief summary

36 Air Drilling Air/Gas drilling (“dust”) is a technique used in areas where the formations are “Dry” i.e., there is no influx of water or liquid hydrocarbons. This medium requires significant compressed gas volumes to clean the well with average velocities of over 3,000 ft per minute.

37 Air Drilling Dusting Do not know the source of the picture

38 Air Drilling Benefits Increased Rate of Penetration
Reduced Formation Damage Improves Bit Performance Lost Circulation Control Continuous Drill Stem Test

39 Air/Dust Drilling Layout
Note kelley bypasses to the blooie line

40 Air Drilling Waited upon Large Portable Compression
Simple and convenient to drill with air inexpensively and anywhere.

41 Misting Addition of 6 to 30 bbl/hr of fluid to the air stream. Clean and lubricates the bit Carries the cuttings to the surface as a mist or more normally in a modified two phase flow.

42 FOAM DRILLING Basic Comments
Basic comments on the process TT96-86

43 Foam Drilling The most versatile of the gas-generated systems.
Effective operating range from 0.2 to 0.6 s.g. Mixture of gas phase and foaming solution. Foam flow varies with depth in the hole. Adjustable effective BHP. Enhanced lifting and well bore cleaning. A “displacing medium”, not a propelling medium. Foam is the fluid of the future because it can be controlled and modified to fit the needs of the job. The major weakness of foam jobs is with large oil flows which tend to flatten the foam.

44 Foam (Heading) Foam will head if improperly handled. Good procedures would not let this happen

45 Improved Hole Cleaning
This is how a foam system should look

46 Foam Drilling Benefits
Faster Penetration rate Low Air requirements Low fluid requirements Low Hydrostatic head No damage to formation Continuous Drill Stem test Best for large holes Gas and fluid rates are less than half of gaseated systems and 1/4 to 1/10th of gas volumes needed for gas drilling. Foam is most economically favorable for large shallow holes, but works well in deep small holes.

47 Mist or Foam Drilling Layout
Best procedures for the foam additions are to use metering pumps. The control of the injection pump is very important and it is difficult to get stable pressure with foam using the rig pumps.


Next to the cable tool and possibly gas drilling, aerated mud is the oldest way of reducing mud weight for lost circulation. Records show gaseated mud used the the Sour Lake Field in South East Texas in 1938.

50 Mist Water Transition Gas Gaseated
In a gaseated or aerated system, the gas is injected into the system. The gas is compressed at the bottom of the hole and expands as it goes up. It may change the phase and convert into a mist if there is enough air and it is allowed to expand. The only thing that holds the gas to the mud is mud viscosity, the upward velocity of the mud and gas, and the size of the bubbles . The gaseated system is a mixture that will separate into gas and fluid..

51 Aerated Fluid Gasification of Primary Drilling Fluid.
Initially designed as a technique to lighten mud to reduce lost circulation. Methods Standpipe injection Jet Sub Parasite String Dual Casing String As an UB fluid, it is easiest to control in small holes. Gaseated fluids work best as a means of preventing lost circulation.

52 Parasite String Small injection string run simultaneously
with intermediate casing. Injected gas does not affect bit hydraulics. • Injected gas does not effect MWD The parasite string is an old method of solving the problem of pressure surges in gaseated systems while making connections and starting again after trips.

53 Jet Sub Similar to Parasite String Gas induced thru drill pipe
Selective jet sizing dictates amount of air to be injected Jets are Similar to Bit Jets The jet sub is the commenest method in use today because it requires Minimal special equipment.

54 Parallel Casing String (Teichrob)
N /air 2 N /water 2 N /air/water/oil 2 150 m TVD, 150 m MD 89-mm (3-1/2 in.) Drill Pipe 244.5-mm (9-5/8 in.) Intermidiate Casing o 177.8-mm (7 in.) Tie Back Liner 724 m MD at 64 inclination Parallel casing strings or a slim string is an idea that came out of Canada o 159-mm (6-1/4 in.) Hole Diameter 12 m Slotted Joint 892 m MD at 90 Inclination 694 m TVD o Foam Cement o TD = 1,440 m MD at 90 Inclination, 696 m TVD o

55 Aerated Fluid Layout

56 Aerated Drilling Problems
Rotating BOP’s Compressor/N2 Cost Solid/Liquid/Gas Separation Corrosion Hydraulic Calculations Vibration Cuttings Lifting Fluid Influx Fire/ Explosions Underbalanced Completion High Torque/ Drag Borehole Stability MWD Transmission

57 UB Drilling & Completions Manual
Candidate Selection Air/Gas/N2/Mist Drilling Foam Drilling Aerated Fluid Drilling Flow “Live” Drilling Surface Equipment Downhole Equipment Field Operations Downhole Problems Environment, Safety, Reg.


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