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1 Social Stories

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What is Social Stories? What behaviors does it help? Who is it best used for? How can I implement them? What materials do I need? How do I write a social story? Examples of social stories? Helpful Links

3 What is it? A short written story which teaches students social skills
Usually for students with autism You can use stories written specifically for your student or generic ones Helps students understand what is the expected and appropriate social behavior Has been investigated in home settings and outdoor areas as well as inclusive classrooms

4 Helps with… Sitting appropriately Talking with peers Appropriate play
Hand raising Taking turns Using words rather than noises Appropriate body space Healthy hygiene Coping in public/Greeting people Almost any social behavior

5 Who is it used for? Generally students with autism or autistic behaviors Usually used between ages 3-10 years but has been successful with older students Should be a student who has behaviors which interfere with his/her learning or socialization

6 How to Implement Them Should be implemented by someone who has worked with the student regularly Read the social story aloud immediately prior to the target activity, such as circle time Should be read the first few times by the adult, even if the child can read it Should be continued every day for days Used periodically after when needed

7 What Materials? A social story, either a generic or one written for the student Optional: chart for monitoring progress

8 How to Write a Social Story
Written in a way which is easily understood by student Two to five descriptive, perspective, and/or affirmative sentences for each directive sentence. Written from the perspective of the student Written in present-tense Written in first person Typed on white paper Pictures optional

9 Example for 3 year old. Target: Sit at morning circle
“My name is Thomas. We have circle time at school. The kids sit on the carpet with the teacher. The kids sit and watch the teacher. Sometimes we sing and read at circle. I will sit on the carpet with my friends at circle time. I will look at the teacher in circle. My teacher is happy when I sit at circle!”

10 Example for 5 year old Used from:

11 Helpful Links for Autism and Social Stories For your own use and to share with parents
Child-Autism-Parent Cafe. Practical Ways to help, plan, and manage daily living with autism. Social Stories and Comic Strip Conversations Sam's Autism and Social Stories Page: Created by a mother of two autistic boys Official home of Carol Gray and Social Stories Sample Social Stories by Carol Gray

12 Peer-Reviewed Studies On Social Stories
Effects of Social Stories on Prosocial Behavior of Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Crozier & Tincani 2006 A Social Stories Intervention Package for Students with Autism in Inclusive Classroom Settings. Chan & O’Reilly 2008 Enhancing the Conversational Skills of a Boy with Asperger’s Disorder through Social Stories and Video Modeling. Scattone 2008

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