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Career Assessments and Your Future Career “Focus on Personality Assessment” Theta Alpha Kappa, Religious Studies Honor Society Presented by Career Services/Emily.

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Presentation on theme: "Career Assessments and Your Future Career “Focus on Personality Assessment” Theta Alpha Kappa, Religious Studies Honor Society Presented by Career Services/Emily."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Assessments and Your Future Career “Focus on Personality Assessment” Theta Alpha Kappa, Religious Studies Honor Society Presented by Career Services/Emily Salazar Moody Hall 134 – Ph. (512)448-8530

2 Objectives of Presentation Gain understanding of:  Career assessments, in general: skills, values, personality  Myers Briggs Type Indicator (using online as reference)  How this information relates to vocation and career …Vocation: passion …Career: title on business card

3 Career Assessments Skills and Interests Values Informal reflections Personal guidelines, boundaries Personality (today’s focus)

4 vs. Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Note: and MBTI = same results  MBTI longer & quantifies results  If you agree with results, no need for longer version  If you disagree with results, you may need to take full MBTI  This presentation: will refer to “MBTI” for both tests

5 Uses of MBTI Understand individual personality type and preferences Understand others’ personality types Learn to work together with people of other types Learn own areas of strength and weaknesses Appreciate personality diversity Use MBTI for teamwork, leadership, career development, communication assessment, organization assessment

6 Understanding MBTI, 8 Preferences in Terms of: E S T J P F N I

7 Understanding MBTI–8 Preferences E S T J P F N I

8 Understanding MBTI-8 Preferences E S T J P F N I

9 Understanding MBTI

10 Understanding MBTI-8 Preferences

11 MBTI-16 Unique Personality Types

12 Understanding MBTI, 16 Unique Personality Types

13 MBTI-16 Unique Personality Types

14 Understanding MBTI No right or wrong answer Okay to disagree with results The older you are (& more experienced) the better a “fit” Important to confirm your “best fit” type during today’s presentation & through future readings/research

15 Understanding MBTI, Extravert/Introvert How Do You Get Energized? Extravert Introvert Difficulty focusing Works well in quiet, alone Energy from activity Energy from inner ideas Action renews strength Relaxing renews strength Thinks outloud on impulse Reflects internally Doesn’t like alone time Seeks out alone time Works best in a group Works best w/ small group Acts then thinks Thinks then acts Thrives in outer world Thrives in inner world

16 Understanding MBTI, Sensing/INtuition How Do You Gather Information? Sensing INtuition Focus on details Focus on patterns, trends Use 5 senses Use 6th sense, what could be Prefer facts Prefer the “big picture” In “here & now” In future possibilities Linear, step by step Think in leaps Down to earth Imaginative, creative Trust experience Invents new ideas Likes things practical Likes to work with theories

17 Understanding MBTI, Thinking/Feeling How Do You Make Decisions? Thinking Feeling Uses objective principles Considers people, emotion Looks for basic truth Concerned with feelings Logical decisions Decisions from “gut” Does this make sense? What’s impact on others? Ability to “impersonalize” Feelings affect decisions Focus on the task/goal Focus on team & people Points out inconsistencies Creates harmony Truth over tact Tact over “cold” truth

18 Understanding MBTI, Judging/Perceiving What environment/lifestyle do you prefer? Judging Perceiving Live planned & orderly Live spontaneously Like things settled Things open to new ideas Needs a schedule, rules Prefers things unplanned Makes “to-do” list Likes flexibility Work, then play Work in energy bursts Plans to avoid rushing Works best w/ soon deadline Focus on goal so much Stay open so long and & miss new info. delay decisions

19 MBTI Guidelines Guidelines for using MBTI:  Type preferences best used to understand oneself first and then others  Resist stereotyping or judging others based on their MBTI type; within each type is a wide range of human behavior; background experiences, culture and other variables not involved  Avoid using MBTI alone as basis of selection for team membership or assignments; it sorts preferences, not abilities  Use MBTI as a starting point for discussion and understanding, not an end in itself; should prompt valuable discussions within a team or in relationships

20 MBTI-%age of Personality Types Hillary Clinton/ESTJ Barack Obama/ ENFP John McCain/ ESTP

21 Vocation and Career How it all ties together:  If vocation is “passion”, important to self-assess and evaluate purpose  Plenty of resources related to MBTI  Regarding career: - Common interview questions: “Why did you pick your major?” “Why do you want to work in this industry/field?” “Why do you want to work for our company?” - Tough job market; first job won’t always be your dream job – It’s important to find the right fit!

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