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California Geology Where are the Hazards? Science Std: Geo # 9b.

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Presentation on theme: "California Geology Where are the Hazards? Science Std: Geo # 9b."— Presentation transcript:

1 California Geology Where are the Hazards? Science Std: Geo # 9b

2 California has a variety of hazards  Active Fault Zones  Active and Dormant Volcanoes  Uplifted Areas with Weak Rocks

3 California has a variety of hazards We even have hazards that start outside California  Costal erosion  Tsunamis

4 California has a variety of hazards Where are these hazards? And what causes them?

5 Earthquakes If we take a closer look at our area…. We see faults all around us

6 Earthquakes Planning Structure Survival Engineers would like to make every building earthquake-proof, but can't because it's too expensive.

7 Earthquakes Planning Structure Survival Most buildings should be earthquake resistant to avoid deaths.

8 Earthquakes Planning Structure Survival And not only buildings – but roads and bridges should be made earthquake resistant – not earthquake proof

9 Earthquakes Planning People Survival Earthquake Kit You should have a kit ready should there be an earthquake But what is in an earthquake kit?

10 Earthquakes Planning People Survival Into each kit you should put.. Water and food to last at least three days (your car trunk is a handy place for these bulky items) Water purification tablets Heavy-duty gloves A first-aid kit A minimum of $100 in cash (automated teller machines and banks may be shut down following a quake) Family photos and descriptions (to aid emergency personnel in finding missing people) A flashlight and portable (or solar-powered) radio Extra batteries Goggles and dust mask A personal commode with sanitary bags

11 Earthquakes Planning People Survival The most important item is…. Water…. You should have a minimum of 5 gallons stored somewhere

12 Earthquakes Planning What about when we are planning for new areas? Would it be better to build tall buildings…. …or flat park land….. …in an area that has earthquakes?

13 Volcanoes We know about the volcanoes up north These are part of the Cascade Mountain Range Where do they happen?

14 Volcanoes But did you know about the volcanoes closer to here? Near Los Angeles is Lavic Lake And farther east are the Coso Field Lava Domes

15 Uplifted Areas with Weak Rocks What is the hazard here???Landslides Weak rock under the surface cracks and splits When the rocks split, the surface gives way

16 Coastal Erosion Coastal erosion is just that – erosion that happens on the coast Waves pound against the shore and wash away the rock and sand

17 Tsunamis A tsunami is a huge wave that is caused by an earthquake or other seismic action

18 Tsunamis But how does a tsunami form?

19 Tsunamis It could happen due to an earthquake at the convergent zone near Washington


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