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Inventory Control The Logistics of Risk or When a Refrigerator isn’t!

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2 Inventory Control The Logistics of Risk or When a Refrigerator isn’t!

3 What is Porter’s value chain? A representation of a firm’s internal structure made up of primary & support activities. Primary - inbound logistics, operations, outbound, marketing, sales and service. Support – procurement, technology development, HR management, accounting & general management.

4 Inventory Risk Objectives Explain why inventory management is referred to as the logistics of risk. (too much or too little!) Give examples of how logistics provides/creates form, time and place utility. Define economic order quantity (EOQ), cycle, in-transit, safety and dead stocks. Calculate and illustrate average total (with and without safety stocks) and pipeline inventory as well as EOQ. List components of Inventory carrying costs.

5 Good Inventory Management Inventory decisions which incorporate the: The right _______ The right ________ At the right __________ _______________

6 When is a refrigerator not a refrigerator? When it is in Cincinnati but it is wanted in Lexington. When it is in the crate in the backroom as the potential buyer is shopping __________________ When it is white rather than the desired mauve. When it is 10 ft 3 rather than the desired size. _________________ When it is manufactured in December but demanded in July ___________________________________

7 The Nature of Inventory Inventory Shortages (stock outs) cause _________________, Extended shut downs of _________________________ ________________________

8 The Nature of Inventory (cont.) Excess inventory causes ____________________________ Opportunity cost of capital (interest on investment) ____________________________

9 Average Inventory Graphic Algebraic; I = OQ/2 where I = average inventory and OQ is order quantity. _____________________________ ____________________________

10 Determine Order Quantity Two major influences ____________________________ The more product we order each time the ____________________________ -The more we order each time the ____________________________

11 Example Each Item is valued at $600 ICC is 25% of that or $150 Transaction Cost or OC is $100 We move 4 units per week (208/year) We could order from 1 unit ~ every 2 days (4/week)or 208 units for the year.

12 Inventory Carrying Cost - ICC = (OQ x V x R)/2 OQ=Oder Quantity, V=price & R=ICC rate Or (you try) ____________________________ Or ____________________________

13 Order Cost - Total OC = OC x S/OQ Where S = yearly sales At 10 units / order what is OC? ____________________________ Or ____________________________

14 Calculate the Total Cost What is TC = ? ____________________________ TC = ____________________________ TC = total cost OQ=quantity ordered/order V= average unit value of product R=annual inventory carry charge as a % OC=ordering cost or $cost per order S = Annual sales

15 Calculate from the example 2 orders per year ICC = ____________________________ OC = ____________________________ TC = ____________________________ 104 orders per year ICC = ____________________________ OC = ____________________________ TC = ____________________________

16 8/7/2015


18 Economic Order Quantity TC = (OQ x V x R)/2 + (OC x S)/OQ Solve by taking the ____________________________

19 Cycle stocks Are those items ____________________________ They meet the ____________________________ assuming we can predict demand & replenishment times. Now back to reality!

20 In-Transit stocks Items ____________________________ They are not available for sale but are ____________________________ Sometimes called ____________________________ Do I want to receive supplies f.o.b. destination or f.o.b. origin? Can this be substantial? Lets look.

21 Average Pipeline Inventory Shipping time is 30 days, The order cycle is 5 days, A shipment is 100 units What is the average pipeline inventory? A shipment begins on days, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 & 30, ….. They arrive on days 30, 35, 40, … FORMULA TO CALCULATE # SHIPMENTS IS S t /OC 30/5= # shipments in transit 100 units per shipment = 600 units of transit inventory at $3,000 per item = $1,800,000

22 Average Pipeline Inventory Shipping time is 10 days, The order cycle is 2 days, A shipment is 300 units What is the average pipeline inventory? You calculate in transit inventory A shipment begins on days, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ….. They arrive on days 10, 20, 30, … ____________________________

23 Safety Stocks Demand may exceed what we expect so ____________________________ Product may be in transit ____________________________

24 Dead Stocks An SKU that ____________________________

25 Uncertainty Demand varies ____________________________ Order cycle times are ____________________________ Communication time ____________________________ Transportation times are ____________________________ So, we have a new trade-off.

26 ICC versus Stock Out Costs! Safety stock ____________________________ per year (too many OC’s w/ lumpy demand can hurt) Demand probability varies during an order cycle. ____________________________ various order cycle times. Gross savings ____________________________ Back-Order costs ____________________________

27 Components of Inventory Carrying Cost ____________________________

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