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Nikki Schutte Betsy Geiselman Seth McCoy Domonique Jackson.

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Presentation on theme: "Nikki Schutte Betsy Geiselman Seth McCoy Domonique Jackson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nikki Schutte Betsy Geiselman Seth McCoy Domonique Jackson

2  Do students attitudes towards PE change as they get older? Does gender play a role?  What are teacher attitudes towards the necessity of physical education classes based on their gender?  An elementary school, middle school, and high school located in a Midwestern town.

3 Grade 2-5Grade 6-8Grade 9-12Total Female342544103 Male351755107 Total694299210 *Ethnicity, background, and socio economic status were undetermined. Sample of Convenience selected because of location of teachers in research group

4 Student Survey (close-ended) consisted of:  5 Questions 2 Questions regarding grade and gender 3 Questions assessing attitude towards PE Teacher Survey (close-ended) consisted of:  6 Questions 2 Questions regarding grade teaching and gender 4 Questions regarding attitude towards PE classes

5  How constructed? Likert scale Eliminated possibility to “sit on the fence” (aka no opinion) Kept short (5 items)  Concerns: Created own instrument Due to grade levels, some surveys had to be read aloud Didn’t want to be leading in questioning





10  Based on the data that we collected, we have determined that…. High School Male Students are more likely to want to have a PE class everyday. No conclusions can be drawn regarding whether students in different grades/genders like PE more less than their younger/older counterparts.  Overall, across grade level and gender students seemed to have a positive attitude towards PE



13  100 % of both male and female teachers either agree or strongly agree that PE should be required or offered and is not a waste of funding.  Females are more likely to say that PE is not necessary or does not develop in students the idea of life-long wellness.

14  The findings from a sample of convenience cannot be generalized.  Sample size: Unequal numbers from each of the grade levels. Twice as many females as males.  Lack of random sample. Students from same geographic region. Teachers all from the same school.  Different types of PE programs in schools.

15  “Faking” tendency  Subject Characteristics Selection based on teacher’s students  Location Because of differing PE programs  Implementation Different individuals collected data  Attitude?

16  Open-ended questions for more detailed information  Focus on middle school versus high school because of physical and emotional changes that take place during these grades

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