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Digital Citizenship Star: writing exercise, using grammar, being respectful Star: reading practice Star: Word wall Star: Impact of digital footprint Wish:

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Citizenship Star: writing exercise, using grammar, being respectful Star: reading practice Star: Word wall Star: Impact of digital footprint Wish:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Citizenship Star: writing exercise, using grammar, being respectful Star: reading practice Star: Word wall Star: Impact of digital footprint Wish: profiles are of older students

2 Grade 2 – Stories Set in Africa

3 Literature!!!

4 Essential Question(s ): How do readers apply comprehension strategies to improve understanding of text? How do readers construct meaning from text? How do people of different cultural backgrounds and traditions shape the way we see the world, others, and ourselves?

5 Reading/Language Arts Strategies  Beginning, middle, end  Sequencing  Constructing Meaning  Text Connections  Questioning  Retelling

6 Multicultural Literature/Global Awareness  Stories from different cultures  Geography – use of digital resources  Appeal

7 Learning Styles/Digital Resources  Brain Pop  Tumblebooks  Culture Grams  Alternative texts provided  Working in pairs

8 Grade 2 - Patriotism

9 Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Students will recognize national symbols and icons and learn how they relate to patriotism.

10 Essential Questions How do the symbols representing America contribute to patriotism? Why do Americans need patriotic symbols?

11 Slam Dunk

12 Note-taking skills (very challenging!)

13 Grade 2 Unit 3 Making Real World Connections with Jon Scieszka

14 Learning Target: Students will analyze text from the author Jon Scieszka in order to connect their understanding to the real world. Essential Questions: How can I make meaningful connections with the texts that I am reading? How can studying an author influence our own writing? Lesson 1

15 Culminating Activity: Create a voki that compares and contrasts two characters in a story to express point of view using reading strategies taught during this unit.

16 Reading Strategies making connections predicting inferring comparing and contrasting identifying point of view

17 Lesson 2 make predictions and use context clues in order to make inferences and gather meaning Learning Target

18 Lesson 3 Learning Target: compare and contrast elements of a fractured fairy tale in order to produce and publish their own writing Side note: Assumes students are familiar with traditional fairy tales: Cinderella, The Three Bears, The Three Pigs, and Little Red Riding Hood. Time Limitations: Requires 2 stories be read/listened to in one lesson and write their own fractured tale.

19 Suggest students submit to online publisher and possibly use Wixie.

20 Lesson 4 Learning Target compare and contrast two characters in a story in order to express whose point of view is correct.

21 Side Note: Multi day lesson – heavy on writing/creation of voki

22 Digital Citizenship Star: writing exercise, using grammar, being respectful Star: reading practice Star: Word wall Star: Impact of digital footprint Wish: profiles are of older students

23 Side Note: Multi day lesson – heavy on writing/creation of voki

24 Unit-Award Winning Books Cross Curricular Alignment: Languages Arts Recommended Time: 5, 50 minute classes Overview: Students will read award winning titles from 5 different awards and analyze a different element for each lesson. Coldecott (characters), Theodor Seuss Geisel Award (non-fiction)Coretta Scott King/John Steptoe New Talent Award (setting), Pura Belpré (plot),, Black eyed Susan (student choice) Culminating Activity: Students will apply what they have learned regarding award winning books, authors and illustrators to design criteria for a book award that they name and create.

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