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The study of shapes and figures

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Presentation on theme: "The study of shapes and figures"— Presentation transcript:

1 The study of shapes and figures
Geometry A The study of shapes and figures

2 Table of Contents Definition of Geometry- 3 Studying Geometry- 4
Branches of Geometry- 5 Geometrical Proofs- 6 Jobs that use Geometry- 7

3 The Definition of Geometry
Questions the shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space. In other words: Study of shapes Study of shapes in relation to eachother

4 People who study geometry
A mathematician who works in the field of geometry is called a geometer. Euclid Pythagorous

5 Branches of Geometry Euclidean geometry Non-Euclidean geometry
Analytic geometry Riemannian geometry Differential geometry Projective geometry Algebraic geometry Euclid

6 Proofs Writings that show that a certain theorem works
Such as the Pythagorean Theorem Proof To learn more, click here.

7 Jobs that use geometry Computer graphic design- designing on a computer Robotics- creating motion for robots Construction- designing and building houses Astronomy- reconstructing bodies in outer space For more, click here.

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