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CHILD RIGHTS & RIGHT TO EDUCATION. Here is a story that about a girl who does not get her rights…

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2 Here is a story that about a girl who does not get her rights…

3 Hi! I am Asma from Mumbai, India, and this is my story… I am 8 years old I live with my parents, 2 sisters, 1 brother and my grandma- that’s 7 of us! We live altogether in a small hut next to the railway station My father sweeps the streets and my mother cleans people’s homes. I have never been to school

4 This is my story… There’s a court near my home- and everyday I see the lady lawyers looking all busy and important They must have gone to school for sure! Even to college I think! Sometimes I dream I’ll be a lawyer too and make sure no one comes to destroy my home.

5 This is my story… My parents work hard to earn a living, but they still can’t afford to send us all to school even though they really want to send me to school So I stay home to take care of the house and my baby sisters. My younger brother goes to school…but he might have to stop soon. My uncle has got him a job at a tea stall.. My brother doesn’t want to leave school.

6 This is my story… I have big dreams for myself and my family and i know that many people all over the world want to help us get our rights.

7 Even though Asma’s life is very different, you still have a lot in common with her… YOU are all children YOU were all born equal YOU have rights – as children CAN YOU NOW TELL ME WHAT YOUR RIGHTS ARE? Is Asma’s story similar to yours?

8 Asma is just one example… Half of India’s children do not get sufficient food to eat. Half of India’s children who are old enough to, do not go to school. There are millions of children in India who are forced to go to work instead of school. In India there are many children who do not get their rights

9 Would you like to make a difference to the lives of children who need our support… Then take the CRY pledge- I am a child. I believe all children should be able to enjoy the rights promised to us by our leaders- the rights to survival, protection, development and participation. I pledge to do whatever I can, in my own way, to fight so that all children can have a great childhood. And because many other children like me will also do the same, WE WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

10 Striving together… “What I can do, I must.”

11 Definition of the Child Etymologically, the term “child” comes from the Latin infans which means “the one who does not speak”. Etymologically, the term “child” comes from the Latin infans which means “the one who does not speak”. The Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989 defines more precisely the term “child”. The Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989 defines more precisely the term “child”. “[…] a child is any human being below the age of eighteen years, unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier”. “[…] a child is any human being below the age of eighteen years, unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier”. The idea, through this definition and all the text concerning child welfare, is that the child is a human being with rights and dignity. The idea, through this definition and all the text concerning child welfare, is that the child is a human being with rights and dignity.

12 CHILD DEFINITION According to Child age According to Child age 1. Criminal law 1860 IPC sec82 7-12 years 1. Criminal law 1860 IPC sec82 7-12 years 2. Juvenile justice Act Boy – 16 Girls – 18 2. Juvenile justice Act Boy – 16 Girls – 18 3. Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929Male –21 Female – 18 3. Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929Male –21 Female – 18 4. Labour Laws and Appetent act 1951 >15 years 4. Labour Laws and Appetent act 1951 >15 years 5. The census of India > 14 years 5. The census of India > 14 years 6. Social Scientists include 15 – 19 years 6. Social Scientists include 15 – 19 years Magnitude Magnitude Birth rate41.9% - 1960-1961 29.5% - 1990-1991 29.5% - 1990-1991 The census of India estimated that by 1991 there would be 7.8 million less girls than boys and 78% of children reside in rural areas.


14 YES, CHILDREN HAVE RIGHTS!! Many groups of children and adults from all over the world discussed what children’s concerns are. Then the United Nations came up with a list of rights For all children all over the world in 1989.

15 In each pair choose the one that is a RIGHT- Food OR Ice Creams To be protected from ever getting a cold OR to be protected from ever getting kidnapped Personal computer OR Education Personal computer OR Education To share my opinions OR to do whatever I want

16 How did you know? Because as a child, you instinctively know that RIGHTS are… Universal- everyone has the same rights- all need food, education etc Universal- everyone has the same rights- all need food, education etc Intrinsic- rights belong to you, they are inside of you, no matter what circumstances you are in- whether you live in an apartment or a house or in a hut, you have the same rights. Intrinsic- rights belong to you, they are inside of you, no matter what circumstances you are in- whether you live in an apartment or a house or in a hut, you have the same rights. Essential- no one can/should have to do without rights. Our rights help us live full lives. Essential- no one can/should have to do without rights. Our rights help us live full lives. Interrelated to each other- e.g. right to food is related to education. The more educated you are the better your chances of earning enough to always have plenty of food. Interrelated to each other- e.g. right to food is related to education. The more educated you are the better your chances of earning enough to always have plenty of food. Linked to responsibilities- adults are responsible for giving children our rights- our parents, neighbors, relatives, society, government, etc Linked to responsibilities- adults are responsible for giving children our rights- our parents, neighbors, relatives, society, government, etc


18 All children have the right to SURVIVAL To live To live Get good health care Get good health care Get good food regularly Get good food regularly Have a name- your own identity To have a nationality - belong to a country that will care for you

19 All children have the right to PROTECTION To have a family that will protect you To have a family that will protect you To be safe from every harm- physical or mental To be safe from every harm- physical or mental To have your own privacy

20 All children have the right to DEVELOPMENT to education to education rest and leisure recreation

21 All children have the right to PARTICIPATION To express yourself freely To express yourself freely To choose your own set of beliefs To choose your own set of beliefs To know about things related to your life To know about things related to your life To be a member of associations To enjoy your own culture

22 CHILD RIGHTS 1. Rights to Survival That includes the right to life, the highest attainable standard of health, nutrition and adequate standard of living. It also includes the right to name and nationally. 2. Rights to protection That includes freedom all forms of exploitation, abuses, in human or degrading treatment and negligence including the right to special protection in situation of emergency and armed conflicts.

23 3.Rights to Development That consists of the rights to education, support for early childhood, development and care, social security and right to leisure, recreation and cultural activities. 4.Rights to Participation That includes respect for the views of the child, freedom of expression, access to appropriate information and freedom of thought, consensus and religion.s CHILD RIGHTS [contd…]



26 Child Rights in India: India is a party to the UN declaration on the Rights of the Child 1959. Accordingly, it adopted a National Policy on Children in 1974. The policy reaffirmed the constitutional provisions for adequate services to children, both before and after birth and through the period of growth to ensure their full physical, mental and social development.

27 Child Rights: The Convention on the Rights of the Child defines basic rights of children covering multiple needs and issues. India endorsed it on December 11, 1992. The right to Education The right to Education The right to Expression The right to Expression The right to Information The right to Information The right to Nutrition The right to Nutrition The right to Development The right to Development The right to Recreation The right to Recreation The right to Name & Nationality The right to Name & Nationality The right to Survival: The right to Survival:



30 And so am I…..

31 And so is anyone below the age of 18 You could be… *A girl or a boy * A small baby or a teen * Rich or poor * A Hindu or a Muslim, etc * Born to a businessman or a famous actor * Black skinned, or white or brown all over * Needing special things - like a wheelchair, or hearing aids * In any situation that’s completely different from everyone else IT DOESN’T MATTER! If you are below 18 you are a child, as important as any other child

32 Thank You

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