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Interstitial Lung Disease Prof. FA Carey. Pulmonary interstitium r Alveolar lining cells (types 1 and 2) r Thin elastin-rich connective component containing.

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Presentation on theme: "Interstitial Lung Disease Prof. FA Carey. Pulmonary interstitium r Alveolar lining cells (types 1 and 2) r Thin elastin-rich connective component containing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interstitial Lung Disease Prof. FA Carey

2 Pulmonary interstitium r Alveolar lining cells (types 1 and 2) r Thin elastin-rich connective component containing capillary blood vessels


4 Interstitial lung disease r Early stage is alveolitis (injury with inflammatory cell infiltration) r Late stage characterised by fibrosis Clinical effects due to hypoxia (respiratory failure) and cardiac failure

5 Causes…. r Environmental (minerals, drugs, radiation. Post-ARDS) l Hypersensitivity (mouldy hay, avian proteins) r Unknown (idiopathic) l Connective tissue diseases l Fibrosing alveolitis Diagnosis based on clinical features often with biopsy

6 Biopsy in interstitial lung disease… r Transbronchial biopsy – special forceps used at bronchoscopy r Thoracoscopic biopsy – more invasive but more reliable and generates far more tissue

7 Chronic Interstitial Disease r Fibrosing alveolitis r Sarcoidosis r Extrinsic allergic alveolitis (hypersensitivity pneumonitis) r Pneumoconiosis r Connective tissue diseases

8 Fibrosing Alveolitis r aka cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis (CFA), usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) r Progressive interstitial fibrosis of unknown cause r Variable associated inflammation r Finger clubbing

9 Pathology r Subpleural and basal fibrosis r Inflammatory component variable r Terminally lung structure replaced by dilated spaces surrounded by fibrous walls

10 Fibrosing alveolitis (early)

11 Fibrosing alveolitis (late – honeycombing)

12 Honeycombing – basal/subpleural (a splint!)

13 Extrinsic allergic alveolitis (hypersensitivity pneumonitis) r Chronic inflammatory disease l Small airways l Interstitium l Occasional granulomas r Allergic origin l Type III hypersensitivity l Type IV hypersensitivity

14 EAA – inflammatory interstitial expansion

15 EAA - granuloma

16 Causes of EAA r Thermophilic bacteria – Farmers lung r Avian proteins – Bird fanciers lung r Fungi – Malt workers lung Precipitins (antibodies) often detectable in serum. Unusual cases come to biopsy.

17 Sarcoidosis r Multisystem granulomatous disorder of unknown cause (defined by histological means) r Pulmonary involvement is common r Most cases mild and self-limiting

18 Other manifestations of sarcoidosis r Uveitis (inflammation of iris) r Erythema nodosum r Lymphadenopathy r Hypercalcaemia


20 Transbronchial biopsy - sarcoidosis

21 Sarcoidosis - granuloma

22 Apical scarring in sarcoidosis

23 Sarcoid – scarring and burnt-out granulomas

24 Sarcoid - granulomas

25 Pulmonary involvement in connective tissue diseases r Interstitial fibrosis (milder than fibrosing alveolitis) r Pleural effusions r Rheumatoid nodules

26 Rheumatoid nodule


28 Pneumoconiosis Lung disease caused by mineral dust exposure Asbestosis Coal workers lung Silicosis

29 Thin whole mount section of a coal-workers lung (unstained)

30 Coal miner with progressive massive fibrosis (unstained)

31 Disease depends on….  Particle size (1-5  m) r Reactivity of particle r Clearance of particle r Host response

32 Asbestos r A silicate r Serpentine (curved) asbestos fibres relatively safe r Straight (amphibole) asbestos highly dangerous

33 Asbestos… r Parietal pleural plaques r Interstitial fibrosis (asbestosis) r Bronchial carcinoma r Mesothelioma

34 Asbestosis bodies (from human lung)

35 Association of asbestos bodies with fibrosis (asbestosis)

36 Pleural plaque on diaphragm

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