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The Wellness Movement & Juice Plus+

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Presentation on theme: "The Wellness Movement & Juice Plus+"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Wellness Movement & Juice Plus+
Why Juice Plus+ is the right choice for your ‘health’ and your ‘wealth’

2 Health & Wealth “All too often we lose our health chasing wealth, only to lose our wealth trying to regain our health.” “Chasing Wealth” is the Old Normal

3 The New Normal “RECOVERY”?!

4 Direct Sales/Home-Based Businesses
May 15, 2009 Direct sales (like Avon, Mary Kay) offer recession-proof jobs While he searched for another job, Lapp began working alongside his wife in a business based in their Temecula home, selling nutritional supplements made by a direct-sales company. "It's paying our mortgage, our car payments … putting food on the table," says Lapp, 55. "It was our 'Plan B' that turned into our 'Plan A’.“

5 Model for predicting Growth: the S-Curve
Saturation Growth Inflection Point Most products & businesses fail: 96% in the first 10 years Ideal time to get involved

6 The S-Curve in Mobile Phones
Innovation Growth Maturity 100 90% 90 Saturation 80 70 60 50% Percent of Households 50 40 Inflection Point 30 20 10% 10 .1% 2% 1981 1990 1994 2001 2009 Source: Forrester, Census Bureau

7 Product Transition  Period of Discontinuity Where S-Curves Collide
Foster Richard; Innovation 1988 New Product Line: Services Discontinuity 1990’s Growth Chaos Confusion Turmoil Fear Old Product Line: Hardware & Software Time

8 Born out of the failure of the Illness Care Industry
The Growth of the Wellness Movement Born out of the failure of the Illness Care Industry

9 Healthcare Discontinuity  Wellness Movement Peter Drucker: Application of S-Curve To Healthcare
Today Growth Illness X Time

10 U.S. Health Picture - Chronic Disease Projected To Grow
100% By 2030 80% 62% The Milken Institute 60% 54% 53% 41% 39% 40% 31% 29% Mental Disorders 20% Heart Disease Hypertension Pulmonary Cancers Diabetes Stroke 0% “This generation of children has a shorter life expectancy than their parents.” ~ Dr. David Katz, Yale University

11 = $7,000 per person per year Half is avoidable
(market value of all final goods and services produced in a year) $2.5 trillion = $7,000 per person per year Half is avoidable

12 Blame the Baby Boomers! 77 million of us Aged 46-65 Growing Burden:
National Debt ($14.4 trillion >$4b daily) State Debt (under water  bankruptcy?) Social Security System (under water  bankrupt by 2035) Medicare (under water  bankrupt by 2050, 2040, , 2024)

13 Healthcare Discontinuity  Wellness Movement Peter Drucker: Application of S-Curve To Healthcare
Growth Today Chaos Confusion Turmoil Fear X Illness Time

14 Healthcare Discontinuity  Wellness Movement Peter Drucker: Application of S-Curve To Healthcare
Save $100 Trillion over 40 Years Source: The Milken Institute Wellness Destined to be a $1 trillion+ industry Growth Today Illness X Time

15 The Future - For You, For Your Family
Amount % Trend Average Household Income $50,000 100% Average Healthcare Costs < $15,000 > < 30% > Average Household Taxes < $11,000 > < 21% > Balance After Tax & Healthcare $24,000 49% “Healthcare costs now cause a bankruptcy in America every thirty seconds” President Barack Obama (February 2009)

16 How to Survive & Thrive with the “New Normal”
Capitalize on the Growth Stage in the Wellness Movement

17 NSA: the Company behind Juice Plus+
Founded in 1970, Financially Sound Privately held, debt free Multiple success stories over 40 years over $8 billion in sales Proven in all cycles Business Start-Up Failure Rates (Pre-Recession) 1 year – 50% 5 years – 80% 10 years – 96%

18 Product Transition  Period of Discontinuity
Juice Plus+ Discontinuity Chaos Confusion Turmoil Fear Growth Smoke Detectors 1970 Air & Water Filtration 1980 Time

19 NSA: the Company behind Juice Plus+
Founded in 1970, Financially Sound Privately held, debt free Multiple success stories over 40 years over $8 billion in sales Proven in all cycles Leadership: Visionary + Integrity Business Start-Up Failure Rates (Pre-Recession) 1 year – 50% 5 years – 80% 10 years – 96%

20 NSA Mission Statement (1970  Future)
“To build a stable and lasting company that will help as many people as possible to realize their dreams. “ Jay Martin President & Founder Their dreams - emphasis Focus on quality of peoples’ lives, Core Philosophies - and take care of the interests of your customers, distributors, employees and business partners ahead of your own - you’ll be just fine. Wellness Program - culture example

21 NSA: the Company behind Juice Plus+
International (22 markets) Long-term core relationships in place Sales & support systems in place Investing in the Future Most successful product line: Juice Plus+ $4 billion sold in 18 years Primary Clinical Research on Juice Plus+

22 Since March 1993 Vine-ripened Fruits, Vegetables Grains & Berries
In Capsules and Soft Chewables For those who can’t, don’t or won’t eat 9-13 servings a day Most thoroughly researched brand name nutritional product in history #1 selling nutritional product in a capsule in the world

23 Prove Everyone Needs It Entrance Barrier to Competition
Juice Plus+ Primary Clinical Research 18 Published Studies Prove Everyone Needs It increases Anti-oxidants in the blood reduces Oxidation (free radical damage) supports the Immune System protects/repairs DNA improves Cardiovascular Wellness reduces Systemic Inflammation improves Gum Health improves Skin Health reduces symptoms of the Common Cold improves Athletic Recovery/Performance Entrance Barrier to Competition Objective forum - our product packs a nutritional punch. There are 15 published studies where the effectiveness of JP+... Competitive edge - JP+ the most researched product of its kind in the world. Bio -10 to 16 Oxidative stress - 7 to 9 Immune 3 to 4 DNA 3 to 4 Cardiovascular Wellness 5-6 Gum health Inflammatory load Skin health

24 Juice Plus+ Research Affiliations
“The most thoroughly studied and published brand name nutrition in history” Brigham Young University Charité University, Berlin, Germany Georgetown University King’s College, London, England Medical University of Graz, Austria Medical University of Vienna, Austria Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Japan University of Arizona University of Birmingham, England University of California, Los Angeles University of Florida University of Maryland School of Medicine University of Milan, Italy University of Mississippi Medical Center University of North Carolina-Greensboro University of South Carolina University of Sydney, Australia University of Texas Health Science Center University of Texas/MD Anderson University of Würzburg, Germany Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Wake Forest University (funded by the NCI-National Institutes of Health) Yale University-Griffin Hospital Prevention Research Center There are currently 23 past and present research locations for the completed and on-going investigations.

25 Doctors Recommend Juice Plus+
MDs DOs DCs Dentists PhDs Tens of thousands of health-care professionals around the world embrace Juice Plus+ and share it with their patients, friends and families

26 Bear Grylls Has used Juice Plus+ since he was a teenager
World-wide spokesperson for Juice Plus+

27 Juice Plus+ is Foundational
Fruits and vegetables have been around since the dawn of time and will be part of a good diet from now until eternity. Juice Plus+ is like exercise, a good diet and sleep: part of every day life … … and will always be so.


29 The Juice Plus+ Virtual Franchise
Customer Driven (1 million repeat customers in the USA) 90% of all Juice Plus+ ships to Customers (not JP+ Reps.) Product Driven Narrow Product Focus

30 The Juice Plus+ Virtual Franchise
The Business Behind Juice Plus+ A Brand Name Product A Tried and Proven System A Powerful Business Model Embrace the Juice Plus+ Health Habit Share Juice Plus+ with Friends & Family Inspire others to do the Same

31 The Juice Plus+ Virtual Franchise
NSA/Juice Plus+ Corporate: Product Manufacture & Distribution Marketing Support & Training Process the Order Collect the Payments Ship the Product Accounting Send You a Check Manage Your Data

32 Part Time Plan “B” Model
The perfect ‘flex-time’ business for busy people The beauty of this business is that it has been designed to work alongside your busy life. The magical part is that part time effort can eventually become full time income. 32

33 Powerful Business Model
Low Investment Low Fixed & Ongoing Cost Quick Learning Curve & Profits Time Flexibility Relationship Income Model Global Marketplace Positioned ahead of the Wellness Movement

34 The S Curve in Juice Plus+
Innovation Growth Maturity Wellness Destined to be a $1 trillion+ industry Juice Plus+ Growth Can’t measure this part of the timeline Juice Plus+ will track the Growth of the Wellness Movement 1 Million Customers in the USA Ideal time to get involved 10% 90% 1993 2011 Time

35 Traditional Business Franchise Direct Sales Network Marketing
Corporate Benefits Marketing Support Franchise Brand Name Product Tried and Proven System Direct Sales Person to Person by Marketing Word of Mouth Network Marketing Home Based Business Residual Income

36 What can you make? You 3 Club 12 Club 39 Club $500 $1,250 $3,300
Based on actual averages $500 $1,250 $3,300 $10,000 Monthly Average from around 40 Juice Plus+ customers You Make a Car Payment 3 Club Make a House Payment 12 Club Pay for Your Child’s Education 39 Club START A NEW CAREER!

37 From Feb. 2010 – Jan. 2011 … $100  $3,000 (plus $8,300 in bonuses)
A True Story of Residual Income Nicole Fletcher Muleshoe, TX From Feb – Jan … $100  $3,000 (plus $8,300 in bonuses)

38 Virtual Franchise Income/Benefits/Costs
Plan A $10,000/month ++ RESIDUAL Income Benefits Life/Health Insurance Prescription Drug Dental College Tuition Expense Allowance (BIB) * Holiday Bonus $6,000/mo. $3,300/mo. Plan B $1,250/mo. $500/mo. 1995 $500 a month * Costs T I M E Nicole 1 year Us 5 years

39 Juice Plus+ Residual Income
Our sole source of income since 1991 Income $$ Doubled

40 Juice Plus+  Home in Eagle, Colorado

41 Juice Plus+  ‘Home’ in Belize

42 Juice Plus+  Healthy, Happy Family

43 Your Story is Yet to be Told The Business Model is Right
The Timing is Right The Product is Right The Business Model is Right Your Best is Yet to Come

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