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ASTERACEAE (Compositae) Composite Family

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Presentation on theme: "ASTERACEAE (Compositae) Composite Family"— Presentation transcript:

1 ASTERACEAE (Compositae) Composite Family


3 Leaves: alternate or opposite, mostly simple,
usually toothed or lobed, texture coarse, rough

4 Inflorescences: heads (capitula), each of which
is surrounded by an involucre of bracts called phyllaries

5 involucre phyllary

6 Receptacle


8 Florets (flowers) of three general types:
Disc florets – these are actinomorphic, often perfect Ray florets – these are zygomorphic, often pistillate or sterile Ligulate florets – these are zygomorphic, usually perfect

9 Disc florets Corolla of five fused petals
Androecium of five stamens, these fused by their anthers, surrounding the style Disc florets Ovary inferior, gynoecium of two fused carpels

10 Calyx modified as a pappus, of hairs, bristles, etc.


12 Ligulate head and floret
Ray floret Ligulate head and floret

13 Inflorescence structure:
Heads radiate – both ray and disc florets Heads discoid – all disc florets Heads ligulate – all ligulate florets

14 An achene is a dry, indehiscent, one-seeded fruit . Fruit an achene

15 Economic Importance: food (sunflower seeds, artichokes, lettuce),
ornamentals (zinnias, dahlias, cosmos, marigolds, chrysanthemums, sunflowers …), pyrethrum, echinacea

16 R A G W E D

17 Making Sense of Diversity:
New England Tribes of the Aster Family

18 Cichoreae Chickory Tribe
(non-native) Panicled hawkweed Tribe characters: Heads ligulate; sap milky

19 Cynareae Thistle Tribe
Burdock (non-native) Spotted knapweed (non-native) Tribe characters: Heads discoid, involucre spiny

20 Eupatorieae Boneset Tribe
White snakeroot Spotted Joe-pye weed Tribe characters: Heads discoid; leaves opposite or whorled

21 Inuleae, Everlasting Tribe
Pearly everlasting Cudweed Tribe characters: Heads discoid, involucres papery, white

22 Heliantheae, Sunflower Tribe
Cosmos (non-native) Burr marigold Woodland sunflower Tribe characters: Heads radiate, receptacle chaffy; lvs. opposite

23 Anthemideae, Chamomile Tribe
Pineapple weed (non-native) Dog chamomile (non-native) Tansy (non-native) Tribe characters: Leaves finely dissected, aromatic

24 Senecioneae, Ragwort Tribe
Coltsfoot (non-native) New England arnica Tribe characters: Heads radiate, phyllaries uniseriate; leaves alternate

25 Tribe characters: Heads radiate, phyllaries multiseriate;
Astereae, Aster tribe Fleabane Blue-stemmed goldenrod New England aster Tribe characters: Heads radiate, phyllaries multiseriate; leaves alternate

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