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Plant Identification. Why do we identify plants?

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Presentation on theme: "Plant Identification. Why do we identify plants?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant Identification

2 Why do we identify plants?

3 MONOCOT DICOT Leaves with parallel veins Petals in multiples of three Vascular bundles in stems scattered Leaves with net-like veins Petals in multiples of four or five Vascular bundles form rings in stems

4 Plant Parts Important: Shoot Root Node Internode Leaf parts (more on those next)


6 Compound Leaves OR PINNATE

7 Leaf Monster

8 Grass Leaf Part Names


10 HEAD Inflorescence Types CYME CORYMB

11 Taxonomy LevelExample KingdomPlantae PhylumMagnoliaphyta ClassMagnoliopsida OrderSapindales FamilyAnacardiaceae GenusTaxicodendron Speciesradicans Scientific name

12 Scientific Names: Genus species Capitalized lower case Italics or Underlined

13 Plant Families You Need to Know LatinCommon TyphaceaeCattails JuncaceaeRushes CyperaceaeSedges PoaceaeGrasses FabaceaeLegumes AsteraceaeAsters AnacardiaceaeSumac

14 Typhaceae Typha angustifolia Narrow-leafed cattail Typha latifolia Broad-leafed cattail INVASIVE Leaves: - Strap-like - Helical twist Flowers: - Unisexual - Staminate above carpellate

15 Juncaceae Stems: - Round Leaves: - Usually only at the base -Two-ranked - Ligules absent, Auricle present Flowers: - Appear to come from the side of the stem (floral bract sticks up) Juncus effusus Common reed

16 Cyperaceae Stems: - Triangular (trigonous) Leaves: -Three-ranked - No Ligules Cyperus esculentus Yellow nutsedge

17 Poaceae Stems: - Round or oval Leaves: - Alternate - Open tubular sheaths - Usually have ligules Flowers: - Spikelets Leersia oryzoides Rice cutgrass

18 Fabaceae Leaves: -Compound - Stipulate - Margins entire Flowers: - Bilateral symmetry - “Banner” petals & “wing” petals Amorpha fruticosa False indigo Sweet Pea Flower- Example of a typical “fab” flower

19 Asteraceae Leaves: - Highly variable Flowers: - Compound “heads” - Ray flowers & Disc flowers Helianthus angustifolius Swamp sunflower

20 Aster Flowers

21 Anacardiaceae Leaves: - Usually alternate - No stipules - Simple, trifoliate, or oddly pinnate Toxicodendron radicans Poison ivy Toxicodendron vernix Poison sumac

22 Leaf Shapes



25 Margins


27 Grass


29 Life Cycles Annual Biennial Perennial

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