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FVE-EAEVE Working Group on Development of a Model Curriculum for Animal Welfare in Veterinary Undergraduate Education Borut Zemljič FVE General Assembly.

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Presentation on theme: "FVE-EAEVE Working Group on Development of a Model Curriculum for Animal Welfare in Veterinary Undergraduate Education Borut Zemljič FVE General Assembly."— Presentation transcript:

1 FVE-EAEVE Working Group on Development of a Model Curriculum for Animal Welfare in Veterinary Undergraduate Education Borut Zemljič FVE General Assembly Amsterdam,The Netherlands, 2012 1

2 Animal Welfare Curriculum – Working Group David Morton - UK (Chairman) Nancy De Briyne - Belgium (FVE Secretariat) Vlatko Ilieski - Fyrom (AWARE) Linda Keeling - Sweden (AWARE) Dirk Neuhaus - Germany (FVE) Frauke Ohl - Netherlands (FVE) Anna-Caroline Wöhr - Germany (EAEVE) Manuel Sant’Ana - Portugal (EAEVE) Borut Zemljic - Slovenia (FVE /ECOVE) FVE General Assembly Amsterdam,The Netherlands, 2012 2

3 Group A HVMAW AL P HVM + AW + AL AW + AL AW + AL + P AW + PAL + P HVM + AW + AL + P 5534253152183 Conceptual frameworks found in the teaching of ethics at 55 European veterinary faculties. Curricular distribution of 98 compulsory ethics’ related units. Four Conceptual Frameworks: HVM = History of Veterinary Medicine AW = Animal Welfare AL = Animal Law P = Professionalism (Sociology; Philosophy; Management) 3 FVE General Assembly Amsterdam,The Netherlands, 2012

4 What is actually animal welfare Don’t mix animal welfare with animal rights, Don’t mix animal welfare with animal law – e.g. pure regulations Don’t mix animal welfare with animal health Animal welfare is more, much more health+wellbeing+regulations, ethitcs+philosophy+sociology++++ FVE General Assembly Amsterdam,The Netherlands, 2012 4

5 Animal Welfare What is it? AW Science : What is our impact on animals ? - The effects of housing systems on cattle well-being AW Ethics : How should we treat animals ? - What are the acceptable housing systems for a dairy cow? AW Law : How must we treat animals ? - What are the legal requirements for housing cows? 5 FVE General Assembly Amsterdam,The Netherlands, 2012

6 6 TASK 1 - to map animal welfare science, law and ethics teaching and examination in undergraduate education in the EU. (before the end of 2012) TASK 2 - to draft a model animal welfare curriculum for undergraduate veterinary education taking into account the current teaching in European veterinary faculties, considering the core teaching subjects and possible ways of implementing it into the curriculum. (by the end of 2013). Animal Welfare Curriculum – Working Group FVE General Assembly Amsterdam,The Netherlands, 2012

7 7

8 Roles of veterinarians in society; Animal welfare as a dynamic concept; Social debate on the moral status of animals; Professional public accountability. Animal Welfare Curriculum – Why is it relevant ? FVE General Assembly Amsterdam,The Netherlands, 2012 8

9 9 Animal welfare in veterinary education: its an Opportunity in strenghten Animal Welfare teaching in the Vet Curriculum ! It is an Opportunity for the Profession! FVE General Assembly Amsterdam,The Netherlands, 2012

10 Why veterinarians!? The veterinarian is informed about the various animal welfare concepts and the societal debate about animal welfare, and acts in the spirit of the definition of welfare promulgated by the faculty. The veterinarian possesses knowledge regarding the legal and social context of animal welfare. The veterinarian holds a scientifically founded position on the issue of animal welfare. The veterinarian is capable of evaluating the welfare of the animal and to recognise possible abuses. The veterinarian provides advice on how to improve welfare conditions in order to achieve the most beneficial situation for the animal. FVE General Assembly Amsterdam,The Netherlands, 2012 10

11 11 Current developments Fast increase of knowledge and data about animals, their behaviour and senses Multidisciplinary approach Better understanding relation between health and welfare Shift from Resource Based Measures (RBM) to Outcome Based Measures (OBM) Citizens are more engaged and outspoken Concerns about strongly price driven, intensive animal production Many international initiatives: OIE, FAO, WHO,... FVE General Assembly Amsterdam,The Netherlands, 2012

12 / 12 FVE General Assembly Amsterdam,The Netherlands, 2012 Animal Welfare in Europe What has been done ? EU-funded project (2004 – 2009)

13 13 FVE General Assembly Amsterdam,The Netherlands, 2012

14 14 Task 1 FVE General Assembly Amsterdam,The Netherlands, 2012 WP2-Education 1.To map farm animal welfare university education and training in an enlarged Europe with emphasis on existing differences and gaps (Task 2.1) 2.To promote collaboration between university lecturers across Europe through workshops on developing research education in farm animal welfare (Task 2.2) 3.To establish partnerships to facilitate short, medium and long term student and staff exchanges within an enlarged Europe and candidate countries (Task 2.3) 4.To develop strategies to stimulate pan-European integration in education related to animal welfare (Task 2.4)

15 Questionnaire 2 - Mapping of Education Number of courses BSc., MSc., PhD., Professional education and Other level Main focus of the course Number of obligatory courses Credits ECTS of courses Number of enrolled students attending courses Hours of farm animal welfare Percentage of farm animal welfare of the whole course Percentage of the main teaching methods encompassing farm animal welfare Number of accessible teaching materials 15 FVE General Assembly Amsterdam,The Netherlands, 2012

16 Number of courses BSc., MSc., PhD., Professional education and Other level in all countries Questionnaire 2 - Mapping of Education 16 FVE General Assembly Amsterdam,The Netherlands, 2012

17 Questionnaire 2 - Mapping of Education 17FVE General Assembly Amsterdam,The Netherlands, 2012

18 18 a)Final AWARE results by middle 2012 Decide whether additional investigations are necessary to map the state b)FVE-EAEVE Group continues to work on: Aims of teaching Syllabus content Teaching methods Teaching format (ECTS, workload, place in curriculum, integration, resources) Examination c)Elaboration of the report Animal Welfare Curriculum – Future work FVE General Assembly Amsterdam,The Netherlands, 2012

19 19 TASK 1 - to map animal welfare science, law and ethics teaching and examination in undergraduate education in the EU. (before the end of 2012). Till today we made introduction, aims of teaching and syllabus Animal Welfare Curriculum – Working Group FVE General Assembly Amsterdam,The Netherlands, 2012

20 European Directive 2005/ 36/ EC 20 FVE General Assembly Amsterdam,The Netherlands, 2012

21 Guideline Syllabus content General aims of the syllabus Veterinarians are capable of monitoring and improving the health and welfare of animals. FVE General Assembly Amsterdam,The Netherlands, 2012 21

22 What must be contained in AW syllabus? Deal with concepts of welfare, evaluate the animal’s how they functioning in its environment, formulate and justify a standpoint on the issue of animal welfare, place animal welfare in a social context, place animal welfare in a legal context. FVE General Assembly Amsterdam,The Netherlands, 2012 22

23 Animal Welfare Curriculum – Working Group Ideas, comments and suggestions. THANK YOU 23 FVE General Assembly Amsterdam,The Netherlands, 2012

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