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What will be the impacts of Climate change? To understand that people everywhere will face climate change in the future To understand some predicted global.

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Presentation on theme: "What will be the impacts of Climate change? To understand that people everywhere will face climate change in the future To understand some predicted global."— Presentation transcript:

1 What will be the impacts of Climate change? To understand that people everywhere will face climate change in the future To understand some predicted global impacts To gain an insight into possible risks for the UK and Africa Specification Statement- Future climates are likely to present major challenges to the UK and especially to people in the developing world

2 For earth day We are going to save paper. All of these resources can be found on the wiki and moodle should you wish to print them out.

3 Explanation of the effects of global warming in both MEDCs and LEDCs

4 The effects of global warming in the UK

5 What impact may climate change have on this pattern? How will this affect us?

6 Watch the videovideo Make notes on the Physical impacts of climate change and the human impacts of climate change

7 Africa Large increases in numbers facing water scarcity. Projected reductions in the areas for growing crops, and in length of the growing season, mean increased risk of hunger. In some areas, yields could be reduced by up to 50% by 2020. Rising sea levels threaten large cities. Degradation of coral reefs and mangroves is likely, with impacts on local fisheries and tourism. Rising temperatures, coupled with over-fishing, will decrease the supply of fish from large lakes, with important impacts on food supplies. Arid or semi-arid areas in northern, western, eastern and parts of southern Africa are becoming drier, while equatorial Africa and other parts of southern Africa are getting wetter, the report says. The continent is, on average, 0.5C warmer than it was 100 years ago, but temperatures have risen much higher in some areas - such as a part of Kenya which has become 3.5C hotter in the past 20 years, the agencies report.

8 Earth Day- Africa focus The climate zones of Africa. Task 1: Describe the areas which are most at risk from climate change (3)


10 Earth Day- Africa focus Watch this video from an NGO called Send a cow. Make notes on how the people shown (In Uganda) have been affected by climate What are the environmental and social impacts? What are the solutions? How can global initiatives like Earth day contribute to this positive change?

11 Example question for June 2013 paper




15 Global solutions to climate change Relationship to syllabus: Explain he responses to climate change at a local and global scale

16 Example of a sustainable solution







23 Homework task: Research earth day 2015. Make notes on what global messages the day is trying to get across. How are they getting these messages across What local initiatives are they promoting?

24 Example of a question Using examples explain how global actions may tackle climate change (4)

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