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NOAA’s Navigation Services FY2005 and FY2006 Budgets Roger L. Parsons, Office of Coast Survey Mike Szabados, Center for Operational Oceanographic Products.

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Presentation on theme: "NOAA’s Navigation Services FY2005 and FY2006 Budgets Roger L. Parsons, Office of Coast Survey Mike Szabados, Center for Operational Oceanographic Products."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOAA’s Navigation Services FY2005 and FY2006 Budgets Roger L. Parsons, Office of Coast Survey Mike Szabados, Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services Charlie Challstrom, National Geodetic Survey

2 Workshop held on March 2 for Stakeholder views on C&T activities and future NOAA Strategic Plan Mission Goals: Ecosystems -- Protect, restore and manage the use of coastal and ocean resources through ecosystem-based management. Climate -- Understand climate variability and change to enhance society’s ability to plan and respond. Weather & Water -- Serve society’s needs for weather and water information. Commerce & Transportation -- Support the Nation’s commerce with information for safe, efficient, and environmentally sound transportation. Organizational Excellence

3 NOAA Annual Budget Process Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep FY05 Begins FY06 President’s Budget Announced FY06 Passback from OMB FY05 Ends FY06 Begins with or w/out enacted budget FY07 at OMB FY08 Programming House & Senate mark up FY06 FY05 Appropriations bill enacted FY08 Planning begins At any given time, NOAA is working within 4+ different budget cycles Execution: FY05 Budgeting: FY06 Programming: FY07 Planning: FY08 and out-years DOC/NOAA testify on the FY06 Budget FY07 NOAA Budget to DOC Conference mark FY06 FY07 Passback from DOC, Budget to OMB FY08 Annual Guidance Memorandum

4 Marine Transportation Systems & Geodesy Budget: FY 2005 Requested increases to the FY05 Budget: Electronic Navigational Charts Address Survey Backlog Vessel Time Charter Nat’l Water Level Obs Network upgrades Additional Earmarks: Hydro survey contracts, UNCLOS Shoreline Mapping – Aerial, Ches Bay Height Mod Grant $ (LA,MS,TX, WA, WI, AL,KY, NC,CA) Great Lakes NWLON Alaska Tides/Currents Request $2M $20.5M $8.6M $2.7M Approp’d $0M $18.7M $1.9M $2.7M $6.6M $2M $9.2M $2M $1.5M

5 The purpose of a sustained and Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) is to make more effective use of existing resources, new knowledge, and advances in technology to address seven societal goals: –Improve predictions of climate change and weather and their effects on coastal communities and the nation –Improve the safety and efficiency of marine operations –More effectively mitigate the effects of natural hazards –Improve national and homeland security –Reduce public health risks –More effectively protect and restore healthy coastal marine ecosystems, and –Enable the sustained use of marine resources. Integrated Ocean Observing System NOAA Navigation Services View

6 FY05 Base –Tides and Currents (NWLON/PORTS/NCOP) $27.2M (underkeel clearance, water levels, sea level change, storm surge) –Hydrographic Surveying/Shoreline Mapping $61.7M* (Topography/Bathymetry – MTS, ecosystem research/mgmt) –Oceanographic Nowcast/Forecast Models $2M (integrator for maritime commerce/safety, CZ mgmt) –VDatum Reference Level Transformation Tool $.3M (integrates for seamless CZ DEMs, consistently defined shoreline) –National Spatial Reference System $6.4M (provides common geographic framework for establishing locations of all observed variables) *Includes Contracting $ and NOAA Fleet Services Integrated Ocean Observing System NOAA Navigation Services Components

7 Integrated Coastal and Ocean Observing System (ICOOS): Integrated Coastal Ocean Observing System: NOAA marine weather buoys (National Data Buoy Center): COTS and other Observing system earmarks: Joint NOAA/UNH Observations Technology Center: Coastal Observation Technology System Grants: $24.5M $16.5M $8.0M $30.8M $4.0M $26.8M NOS FY 2005 Integrated Ocean Observing System $55.3M in earmarks

8 FY 2005 NOAA Navigation Services IOOS increases Autonomous Underwater Vehicles$.49M  Procurement funds to upgrade Coast Survey AUV equipment to improve positioning for data collected National Water Level Observation Network $1.94M  Address tsunami and storm surge gaps in NWLON by hardening existing stations and some new, including restoration of several destroyed by recent hurricanes.  Fill NWLON gaps by working with external partners such as USGS, USACE, state agencies, regional associations and others to upgrade their water level stations to NWLON standards so that data can be ingested, quality controlled, and distributed.

9 FY 2005 NOAA IOOS increases that impact Navigation Services NOAA/Navy IOOS Demonstration project $.25M  Demonstrate combining NOAA and Navy data to route ship traffic Ocean and coastal modeling $.97M  Ocean and coastal supercomputers developed jointly by NWS and NOS Coastal winds $1.7M  Transition coastal profilers to operations Densify and enhance National Data Buoy Center $7.8M observations  Add current profiles, directional waves, temperature, and conductivity profiles Data Management and Communication $1.3M  Centralize data access to NDBC buoys data, NWLON and PORTS

10 Marine Transportation Systems & Geodesy Budget: FY 2006 President’s Request Specifics in addition to the FY2005 Request: Data Acquisition/Processing Improvements Vertical Datum Transformation Tool (VDatum) Electronic Navigational Charts Mapping and Charting Base (NRTs and other) Socioeconomic Studies Joint Hydro Center Address Survey Backlog (absorbs Time Charter into 1 line) National Currents Program Amount $1M $2M $1.9M $.7M $.3M $7.5M $31.5M $1.5M FTE 1 2

11 Technology, trend toward higher resolution datasets, and congressional support for increased data acquisition leading NOAA to a new kind of data backlog – on the processing side Effort helps to address the improvements needed on the back end of hydro data collection to speed data to mariners Component of the Ping-to-Chart streamlining effort –GPS-enabled buoys for in-field processing support –Satellite imagery for shoreline change analysis –Support to field units to keep pace with technology developments FY 06 Adjustments Requested: Data Acquisition/Processing Improvements $1M

12 VDatum models resolve the problems that exist between geospatial data sets collected at different reference levels. Tool supports NOAA’s continual improvement in hydro/shoreline mapping and data delivery techniques for navigation safety. –Improves the efficiency and accuracy of hydrographic surveys for nautical charts by eliminating the need for time-consuming water level corrections and post-processing. –Airborne, land, and marine platforms will be able to exploit GPS technology for vertical location, fuse GPS height with other remote sensing technologies, and map the national coastline both above and below water with greater ease and accuracy. VDatum will also enable sharing of geospatial datasets among federal/state/local agencies and academia by translating data between disparate reference datums – multiple uses for data saves money, time. Multiple uses in addition to mapping -- models developed for Puget Sound now being used to improve inundation estimates from tsunamis. FY 06 Adjustments Requested: Vertical Datum Transformation Tool (VDatum) $2M

13 Electronic Navigational Charts -- 1.9M Repeats FY05 request of $2M not funded Continues planned incremental investment to provide full contiguous ENC coverage of U.S. waters. NOAA will add 145 ENCs in FY 2006, for a total of 670 built and maintained. At requested funding level, NOAA should achieve complete ENC coverage for the Nation by the end of FY 2008. Mapping and Charting Base -- $.7M Enables NOAA to rebuild capacity for its Navigation Response Teams (NRTs) to implement NRTs 5 and 6. Restores contract support and FTE for full staffing, equipment buys NRTs support critical ENC field verification, emergency response activities associated with natural and man-made disasters, and National Homeland Security activities. FY 06 Adjustments Requested:

14 Joint Hydro Center – $7.5M Rolls previous earmarks into base funds Center’s activities focus on two major tasks: –education aimed at creating a learning center that will promote and foster the education of a new generation of hydrographers and ocean mapping scientists –research to develop and evaluate a wide range of state-of-the-art hydrographic and ocean mapping technologies and applications. Address Survey Backlog -- $31.5M Consolidates $10.5M from Time Charter line item into this line Allows NOAA to maintain its planned FY 2006 survey schedule to collect and process approximately 3500 square nautical miles of hydrographic data. Increase will fund contracts for data acquisition. FY 06 Adjustments Requested:

15 Geodesy – $.9M Increase requested for the SC Geodetic Survey and the CA Spatial Reference Center. Enables support of SC’s state program to establish horizontal and vertical geodetic control throughout the state. Allows land and structures to be referenced to the national horizontal and vertical coordinate system to improve land records management, engineering, land planning, and economic development. CA Spatial Reference Center has a plan to establish and maintain a network of GPS control stations to meet demands by gov’t and private sector for a reliable spatial reference system in CA. This infrastructure will aid public health and safety, assist in the protection and preservation of natural resources, and improve the productivity of government and private business. FY 06 Adjustments Requested:

16 NOAA needs to study the socioeconomic value of its products and services to: –validate its requirements and responsibilities –better articulate and quantify the benefits of its programs –more effectively prioritize resource investments Industry, public and government entities involved with commerce and transportation utilize a wide range of NOAA information, products and services. NOAA will analyze data to generate information about the social and economic effects, benefits, and costs of NOAA Commerce and Transportation programs, information and services. Data on the economic value and utility of NOAA’s suite of Commerce and Transportation products and services will help set funding priorities and better allocate taxpayer resources. FY 06 Adjustments Requested: Socioeconomic Studies $.3M

17 Accurate knowledge of tidal currents essential for safe and efficient navigation. Tidal currents can help vessels avoid collisions, improve transit efficiency by allowing schedules to be aligned with, instead of against, current flows. Increase supports NOAA’s Annual Tidal Current Table predictions with new observations to update potentially dangerous predictions based on old or insufficient data. Approximately 70% of the over 2,700 stations in the 2002 Tidal Current Tables are based on data that is well over 30 years old. Request would increase the number of current observation stations being checked from 10 per year to 70 per year, making significant progress toward the target recycle rate (130 stations/year total) for the system. Over 90% of the requested funds would be outsourced for data collection contracts after 1 st year capital investments of $250K FY 06 Adjustments Requested: National Currents Program $1.5M

18 ********** * Figures are approximate Office of Coast Survey Mapping and Charting Line Items

19 National Geodetic Survey Geodesy Line Items

20 Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services Tide and Current Line Items

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