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Working for Children´s Rights - the Role of Civil Society in the Czech Republic Anna Hofschneiderová, the League of Human Rights.

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Presentation on theme: "Working for Children´s Rights - the Role of Civil Society in the Czech Republic Anna Hofschneiderová, the League of Human Rights."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working for Children´s Rights - the Role of Civil Society in the Czech Republic Anna Hofschneiderová, the League of Human Rights

2 Structure of the presentation Why do NGOs exist? the main children´s rights violations in the Czech Republic What do NGOs do for children? Direct assistance and support Strategic Litigation Watchdog activities


4 The main children´s rights violations in the Czech Republic Paternalistic approach to children Child participation in court and administrative proceedings Right to be heard in civil and administrative proceedings Right to legal aid High number of institutionalised children Even for social reasons

5 The main children´s rights violations in the Czech Republic Failure to provide children with right education in a manner conducive to the child´s achieving the fullest possible social integration and individual development Failure to provide children offenders up to 15 with appropriate procedural safeguards


7 What do NGOs do for children? Direct assistance and support Strategic litigation Counselling Centre for Citizenship, Civil and Human Rights Wallová and Walla v. the Czech Republic, application no. 23848/04 Havelka and others v. the Czech Republic, application no. 23499/06

8 What do NGOs do for children? Watchdog activities Alternative reports to UN Committees CRC (complex report on the implementation of the Convention) HRC (rights of children offenders up to 15) CESCR (rights of children offenders up to 15, right to access to education and right to the highest attainable level of health) Participating in compiling reports on the State of Human Rights in the Czech Republic

9 Thank you for your attention.

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