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Joint instrumentation tests Jan Grünert (S. Molodtsov) X-ray Beam Diagnostics Group European XFEL, Hamburg, Germany 3-site meeting, SLAC, February 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint instrumentation tests Jan Grünert (S. Molodtsov) X-ray Beam Diagnostics Group European XFEL, Hamburg, Germany 3-site meeting, SLAC, February 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint instrumentation tests Jan Grünert (S. Molodtsov) X-ray Beam Diagnostics Group European XFEL, Hamburg, Germany 3-site meeting, SLAC, February 2013

2 X-ray photon diagnostics Joint instrumentation tests Devices currently under development at European XFEL and interesting for joint instrumentation tests:  Photoelectron spectrometer for spectrum & polarisation monitoring  XGMD/XBPM gas-based intensity and beam position monitoring  MCP-based detector  Diamond detectors for intensity and beam position monitoring  Imagers / scintillators  Backscatter monitors Planned developments, interesting for joint instrumentation tests:  Transmissive high-resolution single shot spectrometer  Temporal Diagnostics (from 10Hz to MHz rates)  THz streaking as pulse duration monitor  Spectral encoding (at MHz rep rates)  Other MHz-capable temporal diagnostics ideas 2 Jan Grünert, WP74, European XFEL 3-site meeting, SLAC, February 2013 discussed elsewhere

3 X-ray photon diagnostics Diamond detectors 3 Jan Grünert, WP74, European XFEL Intensity (I0) and Position (PSD) Best thermal properties Radiation hard  Potential stable semi-transparent monitors, but commercially not available as required for European XFEL front electrodes back electrode diamond slice Non-standard geometry of contacts (to be compatible with XFEL radiation): To study at LCLS: Carrier dynamics Linearity for the high pulse intensities of an XFEL Charge cloud importance Damage mechanisms 3-site meeting, SLAC, February 2013

4 X-ray photon diagnostics Diamond detectors 4 Jan Grünert, WP74, European XFEL 3-site meeting, SLAC, February 2013 Ref: M.Pomorski et al., Phys. Status Solidi A 206, No. 9, 2109–2114 (2009) / DOI 10.1002/pssa.200982229 photon Diamond Detectors for the European XFEL – duolateral geometry  First prototype + electronics tested at synchrotron  Detect hard X-ray intensity + position  Diamond thickness ~50 – 300µm

5 X-ray photon diagnostics 5 Jan Grünert, WP74, European XFEL 3-site meeting, SLAC, February 2013 Mechanical Setup of Prototype Single crystal CVD Diamond DLC layer with Al electrodes Thickness: 300µm Active area: 3.6mm x3.6mm UHV compatible design fits through a 38mm ID tube Bias and readout Diamond Ceramic baseplate X1 Y2 Y1 X2

6 X-ray photon diagnostics Joint instrumentation tests – Imagers 6 Jan Grünert, WP74, European XFEL 3-site meeting, SLAC, February 2013 Imagers  Study saturation effects in diamond vs. YAG  Help to improve LCLS imagers (also in view of LCLS-II) Commercial sCMOS chip camera Requirements: Frame rate > 10fps Dynamic range > 65dB Low noise External trigger h/w and s/w compatibility with DAQ&Control system Lens System Large format lens design with extended depth-of-field & short working distance 2 different field-of-views (SR and FEL) High numerical aperture for SR Linear Manipulator for scintillator retraction Scintillator Holder

7 X-ray photon diagnostics Transmissive Imager 7 Jan Grünert, WP74, European XFEL Transmissive mirror T=50% at >5keV 3-site meeting, SLAC, February 2013

8 X-ray photon diagnostics Joint instrumentation tests – BSM 8 Jan Grünert, WP74, European XFEL 3-site meeting, SLAC, February 2013 Backscatter Monitors (BSM)  Study linearity effects  Evaluate different diamond foils  Improved electronics / readout  Version with 2 sets of photodiodes for low and high intensity (extend dynamic range)  Help to improve LCLS BSMs (also in view of LCLS-II) θ Ω Z

9 X-ray photon diagnostics Joint instrumentation tests – Spectrometer 9 Jan Grünert, WP74, European XFEL 3-site meeting, SLAC, February 2013 Ref: Christian DAVID, Paul Scherrer Institute Transmissive Hard X-ray High-Resolution Single-Shot Spectrometer  Based on LCLS bent-crystal spectrometer, further improved:  MHz rates  Minimally-invasive  Extends LCLS-type spectrometer capability, e.g. energy range  LCLS beamtime proposal is submitted as well

10 X-ray photon diagnostics 10 Jan Grünert, WP74, European XFEL more advanced diagnostics Wavefront analyzer  Grating Interferometer  with C.David group @ PSI: already completed successful first user experiment at XPP@LCLS in 2011, could plan for joint tests of instrumentation for different photon energies  phasing with transmissive screens is an ongoing joint development effort with A.Mancuso (SPB@XFEL.EU) & G.Williams (CXI@LCLS) Temporal properties  Ongoing collaboration in scientific beamtimes with Ryan Coffee  pump-probe delay (= “arrival time”): spectral encoding  pulse duration: THz streaking  Development of XFEL.EU instrumentation is starting, extension to MHz rates will be crucial at least for arrival time monitor, new ideas could be tested as a joint instrumentation effort Source: David / PSI 3-site meeting, SLAC, February 2013

11 X-ray photon diagnostics additional slides 11 Jan Grünert, WP74, European XFEL 3-site meeting, SLAC, February 2013

12 X-ray photon diagnostics 12 Jan Grünert, WP74, European XFEL Undulator commissioning spectrometer Design by Wolfgang Freund, WP74 K-monochromator  in view of the future variable gap undulators, our flexible K-mono could be of interesting for LCLS-II  a test at LCLS-I might be less interesting due to the limited K-tuning possibility and the canting of undulators (need to study) 3-site meeting, SLAC, February 2013

13 X-ray photon diagnostics European XFEL photon diagnostic information 13 Jan Grünert, WP74, European XFEL Baseline absolute calibrated pulse intensity shot-to-shot (relative) pulse intensity and beam centroid position shot-to-shot central wavelength, spectral width, degree and orientation of linear polarization offline images (transverse beam position and 2D profile) of spontaneous and FEL radiation offline spontaneous radiation spectrum and transverse profile for individual or pairs of undulator segments Advanced single-shot full high-res. spectrum pulse arrival time and pulse duration single-shot wavefront coherence... E T 3-site meeting, SLAC, February 2013

14 X-ray photon diagnostics 14 Jan Grünert, WP74, European XFEL online invasive gas-based Symbols & Devices E E T T XBPM XGMD Transmissive Imager Temporal Diagnostics Polarization Monitor PES Diamond I 0 -monitor Diamond PSD Backscattering Monitor PSD E-MCP 2D Imager Temporal Diagnostics Polarization Detector HR Single-Shot Spectrometer Wavefront Sensor K-Monochromator E 3-site meeting, SLAC, February 2013

15 X-ray photon diagnostics 15 Jan Grünert, WP74, European XFEL Shot-to-shot pulse intensity (XGMD) ETP-14880 and ETP-14882 FLASH-GMD in 2009 first section of XGMD for the XFEL.EU provided by K.Tiedtke group / DESY 3-site meeting, SLAC, February 2013

16 X-ray photon diagnostics Photoelectron Spectrometer 16 Jan Grünert, WP74, European XFEL 3-site meeting, SLAC, February 2013 Illustration of a PES equipped with 4 flight tubes, source : M.Planas / J. Buck (WP74)

17 X-ray photon diagnostics 17 Jan Grünert, WP74, European XFEL MCP-based detector Find and tune SASE MCP pulse energy meter  single-pulse detection  1 nJ to 20 mJ  rel. accuracy better than 1% MCP imager  2D photon beam image  spatial resolution 30 µm IKC contract with JINR/Dubna XFEL beam at European XFEL (07/2012) tested at DORIS BW1 (10/2012) For this device it would be most interesting to study for intense short pulses and high intensities (= with LCLS hard X-rays) the MCP efficiency the damage threshold

18 X-ray photon diagnostics 2, 1, or 0 mirror tuning mirror angles for attenuation different mirror types (C, Pd) Jan Grünert, WP74, European XFEL Mirror options 25keV5keV 18

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